I am currently more of an Angel fan myself (minus 'daddy issues')

, but i really like Shannon too. It's also great that the girls have rather strong personalities; for example I really liked when Shannon and Angel barged into MC's room, sat on his bed and then Shannon weaved her story, it was simultaneously a fun scene, reflecting their slightly over-the-top and (more or less) assertive characters, and still making it clear that they're (mostly Shannon in this scene) are interested in MC; really nice piece of writing imo. I really dislike when (as it happens in a quite few games here) the girl the MC meet is sucking him off after short time because he was nice to her or helped her with some (sometimes) minor stuff. I don't know how the story will progress in Unleashed, but I hope that there will be a route where MC won't be a (manipulative) jerk and will appreciate stronger (than usual in such games) character of the given girl.