yepSo just to clarify, the reason for rpyc files not decompiling is the "multiprocessing" folder in lib/python 3.9 and it should just be deleted?
Just want to be certain I'm understanding it correctly and that its 100% made clear.
View attachment 2822695
i cant get a million euros....i cant decompile rpyc of the game insight of you
everybody can help me?
I found a solution. Find in the lib directory the windows directory that contains the phython.exe file and modify this line in the UnRen.bat file.Can't get it to work. I did that, along the folder that says "game", inside the Au-Pair (which is the game I'm doing this for), folder. When I run Unren, I keep getting the error that says, "Cannot locate python.exe, unable to continure. Are you sure we're in the game's root directory?"
I've been trying in all the folders and still can't get it to work.
Unren-1.0.11dcan someone please tell me which version of unren is most updated/complete?
Archives need to be unpacked, it doesn't work inside archives.Help! for some reason it says that it couldn't locate the ren'py file. i put the batch file in the archive with the exe and it doesn't work.
UNREN-FINAL.zipWould it be possible to get an option to select which rpa file to unpack? Many games have a huge images.rpa and a tiny scripts.rpa, and I'm mostly just interested in the scripts. I can always rename/move them first of course, but this tool is all about convenience after all
Also, the current version fails to clean up after itself when decompiling the rpyc files
I usually move the files I don't want to unpack into another directory and move them back afterwards.Would it be possible to get an option to select which rpa file to unpack?
This is an English language board - do not post in other lỗi đã làm phiền nhưng tôi gặp vấn đề như trong hình sau khi nhấn phím 1. Tôi đã thử cả 3 trò chơi ren'py và cùng một vấn đề. Tôi nên làm gì để khắc phục nó. Tôi sử dụng unren 1.0.11d. cảm ơn mọi người View attachment 2877677
Thanks for your very clear and concise report.Its not working. Why?
In the same error, have you discovered any solution?I got the following error when I tried running unren v1.0.11d to decompile .rpyc files. Extracting the .rpa files worked fine.
Code:Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\{user}\Downloads\mydemonicromance-0.5.0-pc\", line 121, in <module> printlock = Lock() File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/", line 67, in Lock File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/", line 17, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_multiprocessing'
runs and the summary gets printed, it immediately runs goto finish
, completely skipping over the REM echo Cleaning up temporary files...
if NOT %countnodecomp% == 0 (
if %countnodecomp% == 1 (
set "filestr=file"
set "existstr=exists"
) else (
set "filestr=files"
set "existstr=exist"
"%powershellpath%" write-host ^(!countprefix!!countnodecomp!^) -fore White -NoNewline
"%powershellpath%" write-host ' decompiled !filestr! already !existstr!' -fore DarkYellow -NoNewline
"%powershellpath%" write-host ' '
--> goto finish <--
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Clean up and return to our original working directory
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM echo Cleaning up temporary files...
if exist "%unrpycpy%" (
del "%unrpycpy%"
if exist "%unrpycpy%o" (
del "%unrpycpy%o"
if exist "%decompcab%.tmp" (
del "%decompcab%.tmp"
if exist "%decompcab%" (
del "%decompcab%"
if exist "%deobfuscate%" (
del "%deobfuscate%"
if exist "%deobfuscate%o" (
del "%deobfuscate%o"
if exist "%decompilerdir%" (
rmdir /Q /S "%decompilerdir%"
if exist "%maindir%__pycache__" (
rmdir /Q /S "%maindir%__pycache__"
if not "%option%" == "8" (
goto finish