"On July 2nd the next chapter of Treasure of Nadia will release, with 3 new sexy story scenes! Someone is coming to visit Squallmart for one hell of a confrontation. What will this mean for Emily's future? In addition to the story scenes, there will also be a new KS page, a new Treasure Hunting item, and an all new "Snake Idol"...
Once the sufficient conditions are met, you will be able to purchase Snake Idols from Sqaullmart that will temporarily remove the snakes from an ancient temple puzzle. These expensive golden snakes may assist in getting that precious Evie content.
In other news,
The Genesis Order is all about Audio right now. We're currently working on getting a soundtrack and finalizing the initial voice scripts for our actors. ToN was a lot of work to get all the voice lines edited and inserted into the game, but TGO is a new level of complicated. There will be a lot more voice options throughout the game compared to LE or ToN.
Thanks for supporting Treasure of Nadia and the upcoming game The Genesis Order! Have a great week!"