Ren'Py - Vae Victis - Khan: Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.12.5] [Doorknob22]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.10.8

    Sometimes you just want to look at a world map and strategically conquer territories, and for that this game is... decent. Fair mention that I didn't play all available content.

    Truthfully I went in expecting not to like this a ton in the first place. It's very much a domination themed game, and as stated the protagonist is a "complete bastard." Just not really my thing at the end of the day, or at least in the way this game handles those themes. Still it should be said there's options to be less of a bastard and seduce instead of dominate, which I did appreciate. Made this playable for me.

    The story is nothing new. Your mother/the queen poisons your father, frames you and throws you in jail to rot. Someone helps you escape, conveniently gives you control of a small fief, and you conquer from there.

    On the strategical/management side of things, the game mechanics are very basic. Once you figure out the system it becomes almost monotonous. You skip a bunch of turns to generate gold and troops and occasionally get raided by people you always outnumber. Combat suffers in a similar way. With army battles, bigger number wins. You just click continue over and over while you watch a number whittle down. In more direct combat, you watch a black screen as you play rock paper scissors. It's dull after a point, especially with nothing interesting to look at.

    My biggest complaint comes from what you gain after conquering territories. Women you recruit/capture become nothing but walking holes and fade into the background. I have absolutely no attachment to any characters because of this. Territories simply become another spot on the map to build the same buildings you have in your other fiefs. It's boring. I would have expected new events related to the places you capture, maybe even be able to visit them and do unique things at unique locations, but no. You'll get maybe one new event from a random woman and that's that.

    The one thing I actually do really like is the infiltration missions. Every country has a mini adventure with the goal of finding an advantage you can use to conquer said country, and it's fun. But because I'm not much into the characters in the first place it becomes hard to truly get into it.

    Graphically sex scenes look a bit dated, but there's also a good amount that were overly fetishized in ways I don't really enjoy. Fucking milfs while their sons watch, or women while their husbands watch, or the very large focus on pregnancy, the list goes on. Listening to and elf girl talk about being gang banged by orcs right before a sex scene with her just doesn't do much for me.

    This game does sort of satisfy a certain niche, but I think that's partly due to a general lack of options with lewd games like this in the first place. I reached a point where I felt I had my fill and closed the game, and then I realized there wasn't really anything that would make me want to go back to play it more in the future.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Fun characters
    + This game has an odd sort of B movie charm to it

    = Decent Renders
    = Decent Animations
    = Decent Setting
    = Decent Plot
    = Grind is horrible but there is an inbuilt skip option to allievate that issue

    - Weak, rushed, and limited character development/content ( once part of your realm the women are just fleshlights most of the time, and in some cases they just disappear into the shadow realm never to be seen again )

    - Gameplay becomes boring rather fast and feels somewhat janky

    - The incest tag has rather limited content but it does include a member from the MC's family near the end of the current content. Said content is rather rushed as well.

    - Bestiality content is rather bad for two reasons. First, there was only two instances of it. A short dog bj scene, and a very short horse scene. The dog looked super janky whether in body or animation, plus there was no knotting involved.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's reaaaaaaaaaaaal good. The models are good looking and there are Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick Women. And it has short stack races such as goblins and halflings.. Looking forward to the new updates.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is enjoyable so far some parts better than others. But there is alot of content and descent amount of choices which lead to different outcomes/scenes. Performance was fine and the renders are pretty good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing VN that boasts amazing model/characters. I was a little hesitant at first because of the management system but it isn't that bad once you get the hang of things.
    The writing is great, superb. It explores all the best sizes.

    Highly recommend this game, BIG TRUTH
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is kind of what I hoped Ataegina would be. It has better writing, interesting plot, renders are pretty nice.

    I thought the combat system was unique at first but it just got tedious after awhile and I started using the chicken option (which was a nice touch).

    I think the dev has done a really good job with the game, and I enjoyed it very much.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great domination game. There's some variety in the quests and conquest, but every single territory comes with the option to subdue some women. Highly recommend if that's your thing!
    Conquer and ravish, the breeding is optional!
  8. 5.00 star(s)




    - The story and writing is VERY good. The MC is reaonably believable.

    - There is tons of content in VN (infiltrate missions) and there is continuation of some stories afterwards. The stories are also reasonably believable (taking into account fantasy world). There are follow-ups to different choices leading to different stories later on. Very well thought out.

    - There is a LARGE variety of tags -- cons/nc, dom, romance, ir, gay, etc. The MC can practically always take dom path, as far as I noticed, which is a plus in my book, but he can be more or less asshole about it, which is again a plus. Beastiality and gay are optional and can be turned on/off in prefs at any time.

    - The dev has taken pains to give content for all types of path. For example, even if you put a wench in dungeon (as dev warns: irreversible), there pop up random events later on, where there is (once again) pretty decent storyline, where you have the opportunity to return her to elevated status. If you want to.


    - The province management/combat/fighting/quest mode is kinda OK. It can get annoying, but it is workable. If you disable VN mode, it is sorta interesting at first, but later on it becomes just a chore.

    It is partly because you can not attack any single kingdom without first maxing out your army and transferring it to standing army (which hurts your provinces obiedience/defense). And even then you might have to scum-save. I understand it is sorta historical (no permanent standing armies), but it does feel like a chore. As a cautious person, I would like to amass a decent enough army to attack, without leaving my lands bare. :D

    Also, it would be interesting, if there was later on additional content for visiting the provinces and engaging the people you interacted with during infiltration. Sometimes it happens as continuation of VN, but it feels after conquering the kingdom it loses all the chars, with some being transferred to your throne room. Even though you set up the governor in at least one province, whom you fucked, you can't JUST visit her whenever you want. You must wait for a special single time event.


    - Not much, except the graphics. They feel rather dated, the models are... a bit uninspiring/too smooth. Despite many different body types (a huge plus), they still seem to be somewhat much too similar. There are decent animations, but the H scenes are pretty short generally. It's a thing in many games though, and Khan is not the worst of it. The VN events generally have good writing within H scenes, which makes it quite OK.

    One of the best and unorthodox games on site, I think. One which leaves me hoping for moaaar content!! A solid 4.75 , which easily translates into 5/5 in this case.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a game with fantastic animations and art, not for you. If you are looking for a game with an entertaining plot, a lot of content, and a bit of variety in the characters, this is for you.

    This game isn't seeking to be a AAA production, and it would be unfair to judge it as such. The updates are frequent, its well edited (no spelling/grammar issues), and the art is passable. Lots of player choices as well. The fiefdom management leaves a bit to be desired, but it would be unfair to knock the game on that alone. I would suggest auto winning the fights as they are tedious.

    Game is currently on track to be completed within next ~2-3 years, the plot is advancing despite having multiple sub stories (that are well done).
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Played v0.9.9
    Good art
    Animation gets acceptable later
    Good male dominant scenarios
    Lots of variety in women, including orc and goblin girls!

    Combat and strategy elements of the game are kind of take it or leave it but at least you can skip it if it's not your thing

    A lot of cg's were super dark on mobile and I had to crank the brightness to blindingly high for certain scenes
    The first few iterations of animation early game are so bad they are more funny than sexy
    Sometimes the dialogue drug on for too long in certain parts. The dialogue is good and funny, but there can be too much of a good thing

    Overall I played this game to the end getting most cgs and enjoying my time with it, but there were times where I felt myself getting impatient with combat and fiefdom battles and had to turn it off, which left me stuck with a game with nothing but dialogue and pictures. If the gameplay elements were more polished and the cg's got some more attention with their brightness and detail in early scenes in the game like in later ones, this would be a 5. I look forward to visiting this for future releases.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Great concept and big props to the developer for not shying away from risky content. Unfortunately the execution suffers from too many issues for it to really be enjoyable. I can't list them all so here's the biggest ones:

    - The art is already very dated despite development appearing not even half done. A lot of scenes/characters that should interest already don't.

    - The overworld gameplay consists largely of spamming next turn and hoping for favorable rng. As tedious as this is, the more significant issue is how lifeless and divorced it feels from the actual VN elements. The fiefdoms don't interact with each other nor can you dynamically interact with fiefdoms beyond initial infiltrations. You mainly only get basic bad rng events (attacks, rumors) in between turns. And in very rare instances, one off visit events.

    - The character interactions in the citadel are far too boilerplate and sometimes undermine the life breathed into them through the infiltration scenes. On the same note, characters that are largely absent from infiltrations often come off rather robotic as a result.

    That's not to say it's all bad. There are areas where the game excels at.

    + Dialogue writing and world building is excellent when the game enters VN sections. And whereas a few scenes could theoretically be shortened, it never feels like the game is wasting your time with exposition.

    + Infiltration sections while varying in quality are largely very well executed. Marbia in particular felt very dynamic. And rewarding, since you can take some of the characters with you.

    [Review for Version 0.9.7]
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, quite enjoyable even when in VN mode. By the end of the current content, it's clear that the quality of the game is overall very good with few flaws, though certain events in the early game suffer in terms of polish. The turn-based strategy mechanic is also quite interesting though regrettably I haven't had the opportunity to explore it in full.

    One thing I would appreciate, however, is more differentiation between Khan's seduction/palace path dialogues and his dominance/dungeon path dialogues. Other than that, this is a very solid game with few flaws, though some of the character models were off-putting. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Im not gona write an essay although I could.
    Just gonna point a few things out..

    First of all :) a rare gem when it comes to NATRUAL BOOBs,
    2nd great milf/gilf models.(too bad most gilfs get neglected:)

    Solid story, A khan rising breeding everone he can :)

    Now to the problems.. at a current version 0.9.6 85% of the scenes are NOT animated. and those that are, are mostly very vanilla...
    ..which would maybe be ok if it was a Dating sim but no.. its a Breeding sim ..

    Combt also sux but that could be overlooked..

    Considering how many "scenes" are in this game it would probably be a 20-30 gb game to have them all "properly" animated .
    Since breeding is a major part of the game, rich and extended creampie animations would fit here better than in almost any other game.

    At the current state this game is probably 3.5/5 (considering the crap out there im giving it a 4) but if the dev desides to invest in the animations, that a game like this deservs, this could surely be one of the very top AVN games ever made.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    [Version Reviewed: 0.9.6]

    What I liked about the game:

    + Story. I loved the idea of playing a conqueror. It fulfills my fantasy desires. The mechanics in the sandbox only adds value to our overall experience. The story of betrayal and revenge would be appealing to many players and the flexibility to allow us to play either as a 'good person' or a 'bad person' was a good choice.

    + Music. The music largely fits the scenario of the game.

    + Re-playability. The ability to choose options that appeal to characters of different morals, you can atleast play the game twice. There is a lot of content to explore in each run too.

    +Game Mechanics. I don't think the game's mechanics is as bad as the other reviewers claim it to be. It has improved since I first played the game and it is now a very solid means to immerse oneself in the VN world. It also has a VN mode, so the people who dislike sandbox can always choose that option. (I have never played it in VN mode, so I cannot comment on it's reliability.)


    = Character Development. The LIs in the story have a small amount of character growth when they are removed from their comfort zones. The MC does not change much during the course of our story. The idea to develop more on his relationship with his father in the latest update was a step in the right direction.

    = Romance. There is very little romantic development between our MC and any of the LIs. He is mostly out their conquering the lands and the ladies. There's very little subtlety to it. I suppose one would say that it's a power fantasy that suits the domination style, so I don't consider this as a negative.

    What could be improved:

    - Art. The renders feel outdated. I would say I'm attracted to one or two characters in the story. It's something that the dev should try to improve on in the future.

    - Animations. No animations in the early stages of the games. The animations does start somewhere at the middle of the game, but it again feels a little dated when it was introduced. The dev has improved in the latest update in the game on this matter as I felt that the animations were somewhat closer to the standards prevalent in this year.

    - Character Interactions. The dialogues between the characters are very inconsistent. Despite playing a nice guy in my playthrough, my MC is happy to be a nasty fucker. I wish the past decisions of the MC helped to shape the character instead of allowing us to make the choice each time.

    Overall I feel rating it at 6.5/10 is a fair rating. I think the game is above average, but it is difficult to consider it in the good category.

    I do think this game offers a very unique product. There aren't many games out there which has a good 'conqueror in fantasy lands' plotline. I would rate it a star higher if it had better art work.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential but has too many problems sadly.

    The music is okay and is fiiting.

    The sex scenes are mostly awful because they don´t have animations later in the game sex scenes have animation but it is too late the scenes in the begging need animations too I hope they will be reworked in the future. Otherwise they are mostly standard some are with boys and there are a few bestiality moments both are always apreciated.

    The character models look very autdated the main character is especially ugly , but atleast there are a lot of different races and species. The personality of the characters is not really good either.

    The main story is pretty good I always like the concept of conquering a big land. The stories and quest in each land is often bad or just boring and I hate the quest you have to do there, especially the caves and look for something moment they always take too long.

    The interface is just terrible nothing else to say here.

    The gameplay is not good either the combat is afwul and the strategy managment is just okay, but the good thing is there are enough ways to skip these if you don´t want do play them.

    I would still say it´s worth atleast checking out especially if you like fantasy/mediaval games, and I will definatly come back when the game is finished to see if it improved.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Lovely adaptation of the whole theme - especially the fact that you can go as dark as you can while fitting the narrative and keeping it natural with the flow of the game.

    While it may be a little too sandboxy for my taste, it is very easy to get used to and allows for options to skip.

    Frankly, anyone who enjoys medieval/fantasy settings and enjoys MCs that can be mean as hell will struggle to find a better game to suit that.

    Great job
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    All in all its not a bad 'game' (lets be honest, it is a VN) but it very quickly becomes repetitive and unnecessarily wordy. While the content is lacking the renders are above average although the models are a bit ridiculous.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Massive replayable value. Great graphics and music. Nice storytelling. Blending in multiple styles of medieval fantasy. Most importantly, you had me at Wonder Woman sir!

    My one suggestion is perhaps adapting the combat system for large battle events when you attack a fiefdom.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Awsome game with good characters , mechanics , map and events are all well implemented , battale mechanics are also good specially with the upcoming army battels , good implementaion of the the royal room as per say, and ablity to decide the fate of the queens
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    vae victis is basically a visual novel with a very shallow sandbox system. If we hit the number, we can say 15% sandbox 85% visual novel. As we play the game in which the characteristics of the characters are well reflected in the scenario, we feel very well what an asshole our khan candidate is.
    But if we talk about mechanics and animations, I can say that it is mediocre. I don't know exactly why but the animations and art just don't hit the spot. And yes, although it cannot be denied that there is a management system and sandbox mechanics, it becomes pointless and simple after you get into it. Maybe it would be a bit more exciting if there were more options in the conquered places. Actually i expected some free roam to find resources, slaves or companions.. Lastly, i belive that some stats for main char and more available actions to do with main army (raids etc..?) could spice the game up..