Been meaning to post an update, it's just that whenever I have free time I prefer deving over writing. But this is overdue so here's the latest...
This release has been a real grind. There's a lot of new stuff, and anything new needs to be R&D'd pretty heavily, so that all takes a lot of time. The season also took its toll, and I had a pretty bad bout of seasonal depression/anxiety which killed my motivation. I even stepped away from deving for almost a week because I just didn't want to do it. That's very uncharacteristic of me since deving has been my passion since I started nearly 3 years ago. But I seem to be over the hurdle and have been putting in good sessions for a few weeks now.
The next level will include a number of new things - a new enemy, a new trap, new characters, new puzzles, and a bunch of new anims. I have most of the anims completed and I'm almost done building the level skeleton, after which I need to polish it up and add backgrounds, dialogues, etc to make it presentable. There are also a number of bug fixes I need to address. So with all that, I estimate I'll be ready to release beta in about 4 weeks.
Thanks all and stay tuned for updates.