Meanwhile, most those solutions are stupid, including nuking the food. We ALREADY produce more than enough food to feed everyone. What we DON'T have is the capability to get it to the countries that need it (shite infrastructure) or to STORE it once it's there. Un-refrigerated/frozen food tends to spoil. (see shite infrastructure)"How will you solve world hunger?"
Google: subsidize farmers, curb food waste, targeted pesticide
Bing: lmao let's nuke some cabbages what could go wrong
THAT is the entirety of our food 'shortage' probem. Distribution and storage. As well as the fact that no one is under obligation to do all this farming just to give it away (not being communists under 5 year plans). And it'd be a hell of a lot less expensive if ppl weren't throwing away more then a quarter of the food they buy cause "best before" automatically means it's spoiled on that day, according to morons. Or if the food doesn't look 5star restaurant lvl in presentation. Tell me throwing away more than a 1/4 of the food bought has no impact on food prices and inflation.