
Mar 29, 2018
All sex scenes are mostly avoidable , if u dont play a man , u will not have gay content exept if u loose a battle vs another one, same if u dont play a trans , but even if u play a female , take care ton not engage sex with trans character , they mostly say they are trans , and if u play a man , dont engage in sex with another man and dont loose to one


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
Far too furry.

Also, anything besides the forest and city? And there should be some safer area, I'm attacked right next to the tavers and in hte city over and over and over. The frequency is bs.


Jan 3, 2020
While I dont have the knight version since thats ten bucks vs one dollar I do have version v 0.1.11

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I'd like to remind everyone of the previous discovery that gifs are in the files of even the lowest rank (they're merely coded to not appear). So, Knight or not, if you crack open the .ASSET files, you might be able to find the new animated scenes hidden inside. Might. I'm not saying they'll be there, the guy could've gotten wise to it, but it's worth a shot, eh?

So go data mine to your filthy heart's content!
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Jun 17, 2019
there is a problem with this version i can't seem to get pas the twins in the catacombs even thou i have defeated them. After i killed them a blank page pop with the continue bottom but it just put me in a loop on the battle and the blank screen


Mar 31, 2020
there is a problem with this version i can't seem to get pas the twins in the catacombs even thou i have defeated them. After i killed them a blank page pop with the continue bottom but it just put me in a loop on the battle and the blank screen
got you fam play with animations on. I noticed that the issue happened only when I myself turned them off once I turned them back on and went through the long battle it worked like a charm
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New Member
Sep 20, 2017
So currently I cant save my game I just got to wetlock and managed to get a game over at the smith do you have to unlock the ability to save? or is my game not working? using 1.11 Citizen version *Edit Fixed* had to run the .exe as administrator at least it was only an hour of play down the drain

really enjoying the game otherwise!
Jan 5, 2019
So I did the sewers and the dragon thrones stuff, is there anything else to do? I never found the dudes who rob you at the start of the game, is there anything there?
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