Okay, I've got a question:
Why are people surprised that what is quite clearly an alpha build (it even says so on the patreon page) has bugs?
I mean, doesn't alpha build imply, that it is not feature complete and will be full of minor, major and critical bugs? I'd actually say that the game is quite stable for an alpha build.
If you want something mostly bug-free and playable from start to finish, you should at least wait for a release candidate or better yet a gold version...
Nobody it's surprised.
Everyone knows it's a game that is being developed.
But, when a game is released, it should be stable, even if it's just bare bones.
The idea is to show -more or less- what the game it's gonna be, and what players can
Key word again:
Now, if the game crashes at the most menial, simple, or common things, if it's advertised as an erotic/sex/adults game but there's barely or little of it, if it's focused on character development/RPG but "it's still not implemented"... then players expect to be a game that has nothing of what it has been advertised and said player expect.
No, the game is not stable.
Talking to the first NPC you "rescue" (the futa girl) crashes the game. Going dungeoning can be a nightmare, since it might crash for seemingly any reason. Equipping is wonky too, with items that can't be stashed in quantity, or they move around the bag. Loot might dissapear, get equipped on another character you didn't intend, change to a different item, or crash the game. Transforming a NPC is a roulette, requiring save scumming, and that might crash the game. And NPCs also change/switch between them. And much much more.
Not to mention that each update REQUIRES to delete old saves (as they build up bugs)... but unless you didn't happened to see that the dev mentioned once were they are, you're lost, there's no option whatsoevere to do it with the game itself or has a clear explanation.
And all this from someone who actually likes the game (I even took the troubles of chatting with the dev), so imagine what someone who wants to try the game can...