Hm... I can see what you mean with WM Anora, especially if the dodge from TP can't be reduced by Flank Attack. That said, her gearing options aren't particularly great and her title doesn't help with her major issues either, even if Action Boost IS nice for slower divisions... Her tactical skills look pretty good too. 50% stat boost is pretty insane, and she also has a 35% stat reduction for the enemy too on another skill. Plus Action boost.... Might actually be worth running her in a high strat support division. Though I'm not entirely sure what options would be good for that because Yuni and/or Vestalis are better used with Iris who might not have stat boosts that are as good, but has stronger skills overall. Not to mention that she just plain murders anything that doesn't have ungodly high Evade...
As for the Seal thing. Hm. Dauntless is the only way to prevent that from happening, by the looks of things, but I don't think ANY gear has it as a skill and wasting a title for something that should only ever hit your tank anyway seems like a waste. The only tank unit I know for sure that has amazing tactical skills in every way is WM Anora anyway....
For the Lightning thing, I have two of those units, and I'd have to check the conditions for Corrupted Fana, but overall, still doesn't look like there'd be particularly good synergy. Oh well, it would have been absurd to expect all types to have some kind of team. Plus, some types have teams but are too weak anyway, like the Human type which just doesn't have really strong units. Which fits with the lore I guess, and who wants to play humans in a tentacle focused game anyway? XD
When it comes to Hard B5, that's interesting. I was able to beat it, though not mastering, with a number of divisions that I wouldn't consider perfect by any means, and it didn't seem that bad. Admittedly, that might have been partly because I performed liberal Gula abuse to lower the rift between divisions stats. Yuni ftw. Also had Naryu in the lead division with that one R12 item that basically grants you Fool's Lie 4 when mixed with her innate 2. Of course, sniping the FUCK out of anything with Terrain Null or Fool's lie was a priority.... but that's what Elza's for in another dragon focused Division. Max Spell, Self-D and Strat Barriers on the main two as well. Shelling was tad of a problem... but not a huge one with all the healing.
That said, I genuinely don't know what it'd take to S++ Hard B5... I also did it in the Normal Law Route, which is admittedly easier, even if friggin' Dragon butt and his Double Slay all could counter Elza for 300-400 damage, per attack, it wasn't anything the division couldn't heal at the end of round.
Still, this does mean I should be able to work something out to work my way through Thanatos with my bum-rush strategy meant just to help me unlock titles and characters. Not trying to high-score anything after all. The trick I found is having a defensive battalion for that one objective that you can't lose which absolutely refuses to die and which preferably doesn't take too much damage so you don't waste resources healing them. Ideally, you don't want them killing off enemy battalions completely either, because the AI doesn't seem to heal them in between turns and doesn't replace them unless they're wiped. That makes follow-up attacks easier and buys you time until your attacking Battalion can smash the objective point.
That's honestly really interesting, and very annoying. Especially when there's crap like that one Seraph that has 100 Evade innately, which means you absolutely need an attacker that can smash it, because DS won't. Or I guess poison field. Hm... I guess a poison division could also serve as an anti-Evade measure as long as said Evade is not on a Poison/Undead unit... Like say the Evergreen Princess which is also a good tank in general. I suppose I won't have to worry about anything like that unless I do Deus, which I'm not sure I will. Dunno if any of the unlocks there interest me.
For now I'll rely on Elza for my main battalion. She's in a division that's basically an entire cheerleading squad of dragon girls that are either boosting her up or making sure that other things can't kill her, and that she gets healed up from what things there are that can actually damage her on counters. Which is usually only bosses. Probably a tad overkill to have all the Liese's and her Awakened mom in the same division... but it gets results and helps the other division with DG Leon sweep more easily... so I guess that's fine.
Now I just have to figure out a good 3rd Division that can properly keep up with the first two and improve the other three Defense divisions and I'll be golden... at least as far unlocking all the stuff I want to make my own version of the Divine murder everything Division with Iris as the core murder-machine.
The thing that bothers me the most is honestly the fact that the AI of your units is just as stupid as the AI of the enemy units. So after the initial target of whatever attack you start is murdered, you only have very minimal control over what a division hits next. The fact that Initiative isn't fixed further complicates things, because there's no way for me to guarantee that, for example, in a Division with Elza and Eden, Elza will always go first to kill an Evade unit and soften things up and then Eden can sweep.
Also... is it me, or does Elza just hit harder than Eden when both have similar amounts of boosts? Though Granted Eden can stack up more attacks and/or AoE more easily, but I feel like that doesn't matter as much when Elza's hits just seem much stronger in general. Not to mention that Elza can get away with lower tier gear. I dunno... maybe Eden works better on things much harder than Hard B5 where her stacking of DS and HS matters more. Or maybe Max Power attack and Wild Fang simply have a bigger impact than it seems. Or maybe it's that one title I messed up on Eden... but not having 40 Lethal Crit doesn't feel like it should have that much of an impact..