most use the main xp system and yeah it is slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwAll new skills !
All new stats !
Okay, how do you use them? Train them? Acquire them?
As normal as hourglass figure guys....Just started a new game and almost all the guys/girls are fat/chubby. Is this normal?
That what you get when some one try to create a simulator without actual content as a blueprint... full of B.S that comes immersion!
That what you get when some one try to create a simulator without actual content as a blueprint... full of B.S that comes out...
What you describe is the writers block/design failure.A lot of content created and shared online seems to swing one of two ways, either the creator tries to do everything under the sun, and thus you get a huge swath of potential content, with nothing to do; or you get the bare minimum amount of content that has a decent amount of depth but never gets truly finished, maybe 1 or 2 specific things gets done or close to being done, but not everything.
Some might say I am being overly critical and pessimistic but I have been burned way too much over my long time on the Internet to think any differently. Hence why I tend to not try content until it has been out for quite awhile at this point.
Thanks for the feedback!I had hoped after the latest update the game would get better its gotten worse.
1.Loading times are worse
2. No progression with the transformation unlike before.
3. The female you turn into is nothing like the male you chose I chose a blonde male and ended up with a brunette with a different eye color.
4. The grind is longer than before.
5. Trainers didn't spawn at all so I had no trainers.
6. No back button
7. The 0.4 version was more fun less grind, less loading and progression of transformation even if the old character portraits were less attractive than the current ones. Also the fights were faster since it just ended instantly based on your stats.
Conclusion: I loved the premise of the game and still do I think it has a lot of potential. Unfortunately the game is adding in bad features that just feel like a waste of time. It is more focused on slow grind RPG mechanics than the transformation theme and hasn't had any major new sexual content in months. I appreciate the devs efforts to make the game appealing but every major change after Version 0.4 is just bad.
Hate to write this and want this game to succeed and hope the dev can turn it around.
No problem sorry to be brutal and I can tell you put a lot of work into it but unless your patreons/supporters are telling you to do this I might reconsider the order you are developing the game. You have done really well to set up a great framework with your coding and I do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Right now the game feels bloated and grindy I can see your vision but unlike previous versions its just not fun to play.Thanks for the feedback!
Many of the game's features have been completely reworked, so they might feel unpolished right now. However, after balance adjustments, they’ll become much more engaging. Over time, grinding will also become optional. Additionally, future updates will introduce an auto-battle feature.
Feminization stages will return in version 0.0.8 or 0.0.9, with four stages available for each character.
Transformation will remain one of the game's key focus areas.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming updates!
You gain exp also when working, fighting and cumming..Is the only way to gain xp by going to classes?
If so, why? The grind was already enough, why did you make it longer? There's not even trainers.