Checked out the game.. a bit too early in its dev cycle for a review, so just some thoughts..
The concept is cool and fine - been done, but the art is cool and nothing wrong with another entry..
The art is nice but is not consistent with what happens when you get into scenes with the characters - its clear after a few clicks that its just going to take you to random re-used video (making it so you don't really care to keep trying to unlock other characters)
The game loop is ok (same as usual) but gets very grindy fast - talk, increase relationship until RNG allows sex, earn money by clicking the same stuff over and over.. There are no interesting choices along the way, no fun random encountrs to break up the monotony, nothing special happens when you click the work buttons..
The interface is pretty enough, but with dozens of characters getting replaced by their names you can't tell after 1-2 days who is who, whom you talked to that day, who is 'what' (age, what's under the hood, etc). Its nice that they turn green after you interacted a bit but again.. dozens of character and not much to do except keep clicking the same buttons in each for the same responses...
I could go through other stuff but that's what it comes down to right now. Its a proof of concept of buttons working and art style, but if there is something 'cool' to do its buried past where most people will just close the game and move on. I hope more stuff gets front-loaded soon. Especially more character uniqueness - I'd rather interact with 3 solid characters then 20 characters with different icons and identical videos / behaviors / speech bubbles.