3. Increase your defence by a static amount until you cum or sleep. You can use it with armor and effectively make yourself untouchable. It can also lock encounters if you're too slow to hit enemies and too hard to be hit by said enemies, so simply get wailed on until the enemies collapses from exhaustion.
3a. Seducing human enemies is going to be a possibility in the future, as in the next update as Tania's quest gives you succubus powers.
3b. Ki strike slows enemies and makes follow up attacks easier to hit, as it should always hit. If you keep missing your regular attacks, Ki strike to lower their speed and then flurry.
3c. I can give unique kung fu moves to flurry. I'll be in the next update.
5. I made a note that you wake up for real that way I don't have to mention every iteration of lover combo that could ever exist in your bed.
3. Funky. Honestly from a balance/defence and style concept I would have figured you
could not use martial styles and techniques without being in clothing/unique clothing/nude for the mobility and vibe check alone. Cause', you know.
Monks. (Monk flag on clothing?)
Sure, it may be a bit unrealistic with female PC's with ample proportions jiggling and bounding about without a bra, but fuck it, the PC is pretty much a being of magic at this point anyway.
...Kind of dissapointing that it's only marginally useful if you are enguaging in 80% of the game (cum one, cum all) or sleeping at home with the loved ones. But every bit counts, and I'm sure that won't be the only technique or style to discover.
3a. Neat.
3b. Ah, cool. That's actually increadibly useful.
3c. Awesome. Variety is the spice of life, and monk kicks high.
5. Definately the better way to go about it!
5a. It's a bit late, probably, since I've already seen the intro, but the current Amazon queen has a blurb where it's mentioned she took over from the last queen being ousted due to being a tyrant. If you've had the dream with the freed cat, it would be neat to put two and two together and get more information.
And if it's required to quell the former queens anger by the power of sexy, you know. Do that.
6. Vaguely related, but you wrote the former guard can sort of be cured, or turn catgirl. Followed the path to her being cured and being with the Blue Witch, but didn't see an option for her to go feline or get her away from the clearly horrible and power hungry witch that would like nothing more than to rip you apart.
Went to an earlier save, thinking that maybe the cat fruit could be used to "cure" her, but that wasn't an option either. What am I missing?
7. Not sure what to do with the huntress quest after seeing the vision in the past, with the description of the demon messing with things. Did a quick tour of talking with important NPC's and various libraries, but no dice.
8. There's a Loksi event where you describe it with her wearing your crest (Silas Law) on her armor. What does the crest look like?
I got inspired by the silly martial artist stuff, so I'm shamelessly playing around with drawing slooty kung fu designs for the gob. Chun's revealing black china dress kind of has symbols worked into it, so I'm pondering attempting something similar with Silas's theme, possibly.
9. Not sure if it's in the game yet, or I haven't progressed far enough, but there's a woeful lack of the female students pawing up their Sex Ed instructor. Could also be fun if in the 'practical' Sex Ed a seasoned harlot could demonstrate how to safely and deeply throat a dildo, or the fine art of cunnilingus (on a volunteer, of course). The exam would no doubt involve the students showing what the have learned by practicing on the teacher.
10. When Basket shows up where you can learn Aspen's plans, there is an error with the message
Location: templecrypt
Area: on visit
Line: 68
Code: 107
Desc: Sign [:] not found!
11. Stamina potions do not replenish vigour anymore. Intentional?
12. Been thinking a bit when using the horse to fast travel. It's raunchy, but I really do enjoy the general mechanics of the steed regarding the lust potions and them needing to be satisfied to travel. (And now you have 'tame' versions for folks that aren't into it as an alternative.)
Unsure if it's supposed to be child from the crazy horse, or (probably) somebody from Centaur Aisle, but I absolutely think the Centaur Waifu/Child/Mount should be of the futa variant, and just as randy as the protagonist is. This way they require a bit of maintanance, as it were.
With the clearly male centaur lower bits, it can be terribly obvious when she's not fit for travel -as she would be red faced, gritting her teeth as the lower bits tower in swollen need. Of course, the PC could also make her climax from the back as an option, or face the problem from the front, so now it's covered either way. Additionally, maybe there could be an option to allow her to speak up when she's getting too pent up.
You could even have a questline to 'cure' her of her rampant sex drive, which could fork into two different directions at the conclusion of the quest chain. Option One, she ends up in control of her libido and her mind, so the player no longer has to deal with her lust mechanics. (Maybe a further drawback, maybe not.)
Option Two, the speed of the lust gain is slightly reduced, but the PC assures they love every part of them, and they bond (messily) over this. While the lust/heat mechanic is still present, she's that much more devoted to her father/mother. Maybe gains the ability to level up, or some silly extra boon, or something.