1. I might be a little lost, I can't seem to find Circe the Witch in the western forest, I did the drugged knight quest and talked to the nurse but I cannot for the life of me find Circe in the western forest.
2. (edit): also is the dog unfuckable? I have lube but I don't have the option to do anything with the female dog. and I do have bestiality on.
1. Circe is in the southern woods now at marker 10. The quest for the drugged knight isn't quite up to date. The dev can correct me on this but anything past fort reach isn't updated.
2. Dogs are just bugged at the moment. They can't be fucked due to a bug. There's also a different bug that forces you to fuck them an are unable to interact with them.
1a. So you finished the quest, became a paladin and came back to the prison and it reset somehow? I'll look through the triggers as that is a pretty significant bug.
1b. The prison is supposed to be a loop so the guy dying every cycle should be right. Him still having the same name is wrong though.
2. I forgot to add the unequip code for pickaxes. Fixed.
1a. I'm not sure it's related to the armour anymore. I think it might be related to not having a cell mate when you first enter the cell. I'll attempt to get a save with it happening.
1b. Maybe I was just lucky and got the same name three times in a row? It gets hard to tell what's my rng/luck and what's a bug sometimes.
2. Saw that. It's a shame that it still deletes the axe because it's labeled as an axe.
3. No surprise here but magic is busted in a negative way. Spells being deleted after equiping them. Like firebolt (the wizard hate one) or any of the black book spells.
3a. Talking about the black books spells Drain just doesn't work. Can equip it but can't cast it. It it's unequiped then well it's gone like a few of the rest.
3b. Is the black book meant to repeat find the phylactery quest each time you read it?
4. Followers are busted also. Especially gobbo wife, this need fixing now. You can't have second best girl/boy doing this (This a joke. Obviously do what you want but just saying she's quite obviously broken). To explain, if you talk to her and accept her ring/band/whatever but don't get her to follow you she's gone. If you tell her to meet you somewhere she's gone (same for Percy and I'd assume anyone else). If you tell her to follow you and you focefully lose her eg jump off a cliff and die she's gone.
5. Basilisk venom in the market in junker town is counted as a link. Like the whole thing.... fuck I forgot the picture. it's just more of a visual thing though (also it's been in since junker towns market creation.).
6. Wolf rape bug. Not sure how or why but