Hey, pat yourself on the back. Progress is progress is progress. Better yet, you unleashed this one before my flight, so kudos!
I was going to make a joke about shagging the horse or Not A Dragon was just a bit too ambitous for a walking gobo shortstack, earning them a speedy tour to the afterlife, but that doesn't account for the male gobbo. (Worth a chuckle, though. Gal literally fucked around and found out.)
And the Steelwind kind of does that if they get too friendly with you know who, haha.
Edit: Whoever keeps asking about the minotaur, I answer this one earlier. You'll need a mix of things: The resolution of the sawmill quest (and not getting rid of somebody), purchasing a farm from Avedon, purchasing a cow from the neihbors, then moving to that location and it's a rng (random number generator, aka random chance of happening) chance of popping at the surface level of the site (the first screen). The game will direct you where to go next from there.
I'm unaware of it being triggered by other means, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Hoi Snekk. Last parting shot - do you think the Steelwind MC has purple/bluish hair, similar to Annette/the human futa pc nude pic? Trying a few different things in the sketches, including some play time with Percy (who I'm basing after her trap picture). Probably not a huge deal given the variety of shots used, but I am curious all the same.
Just caught the note that fem gobos can go futa with the potions but not male, which makes it even easier for me. One less alternate, huzzah.
An amusing thought: Annette, in her introduction, pulls the player into her expansive chest. But with the chosen art and situations, she's a wee thing, and the player is written as roughly six feet tall. So she must have a hell of a grip, or the player is accustomed to letting the spellcaster have her way, possibly.