
Dec 3, 2022
I feel people go a little too far with the whole 'ahhh ntr' thing. To an extent, I get it. Like, I agree, I find the fetish gross. I think it's unpleasant and icky. I'd rather not consume content featuring it.

... but like that isn't really what's going on here imo. It just doesn't have that vibe. There's this certain greasy patina to actually catering to the fetish. I especially consider complaints of NTR goofy in worlds where you can fuck most things that move. Like, ya'll aren't a chaste couple saving yourselves for your wedding night here. YOU'RE cheating, if anything. And likely cheated first, if that's the metric we're going by. Probably, you fucked your goblin wife in front of them. And a cow girl. Maybe a horse. And a dog. This world, like many porn worlds, is more sexually open than reality. Even with the hyper-puritanical cult of a weirdo goddess running around.

And if you care THAT MUCH, you can remove the minotaurs cock and fuck her. If that doesn't get you re-secure about the situation idk what you can do.

As far as difficult combats go, I've found the best way to get a win without working too hard, is to put all your points into str, the class doesn't really matter. I enjoy warrior to use the str, but sometimes that's a negative. Get Bede and the kitsune spirit as companions. Equip the most defensive armor you've got. Pirate armor, quite often. And just keep waiting. You attack when you wait with your extra attacks. This probably isn't intended, but it is fun. That's not necessary to win regardless, and often you won't win from attacks anyway, because you just won't be hitting, but It's fun. It can actually cause a loss, as your attacks can outpace your stamina regen from waiting. Keep stamina potions around. Lots of things can't hit you with just the pirate armor. And it doesn't matter if you can't hit them. You just keep waiting. Usually they'll tap out from stamina loss first. If you're spending too much stamina, you can just swich to a different class or chug stam potions. If they're damaging you, bede and the kitsune spirit both can heal. So you just face tank. If your total HP isn't high enough, sometimes you die anyway cause your incoming takes more than can be healed in time. If you're going slow, you can chug a healing potion in time to save you, healer is useful for this. But I usually just hold the wait key down. Necessary for the harder fights like that puppet guy or the Charmane duel, as they have a lot of stamina.

Is this fun in practice? No. Am I a little proud of myself for gaming the system? Yeah. That part was fun.


Jun 4, 2019
I feel people go a little too far with the whole 'ahhh ntr' thing. To an extent, I get it. Like, I agree, I find the fetish gross. I think it's unpleasant and icky. I'd rather not consume content featuring it.

... but like that isn't really what's going on here imo. It just doesn't have that vibe. There's this certain greasy patina to actually catering to the fetish. I especially consider complaints of NTR goofy in worlds where you can fuck most things that move. Like, ya'll aren't a chaste couple saving yourselves for your wedding night here. YOU'RE cheating, if anything. And likely cheated first, if that's the metric we're going by. Probably, you fucked your goblin wife in front of them. And a cow girl. Maybe a horse. And a dog. This world, like many porn worlds, is more sexually open than reality. Even with the hyper-puritanical cult of a weirdo goddess running around.

And if you care THAT MUCH, you can remove the minotaurs cock and fuck her. If that doesn't get you re-secure about the situation idk what you can do.

As far as difficult combats go, I've found the best way to get a win without working too hard, is to put all your points into str, the class doesn't really matter. I enjoy warrior to use the str, but sometimes that's a negative. Get Bede and the kitsune spirit as companions. Equip the most defensive armor you've got. Pirate armor, quite often. And just keep waiting. You attack when you wait with your extra attacks. This probably isn't intended, but it is fun. That's not necessary to win regardless, and often you won't win from attacks anyway, because you just won't be hitting, but It's fun. It can actually cause a loss, as your attacks can outpace your stamina regen from waiting. Keep stamina potions around. Lots of things can't hit you with just the pirate armor. And it doesn't matter if you can't hit them. You just keep waiting. Usually they'll tap out from stamina loss first. If you're spending too much stamina, you can just swich to a different class or chug stam potions. If they're damaging you, bede and the kitsune spirit both can heal. So you just face tank. If your total HP isn't high enough, sometimes you die anyway cause your incoming takes more than can be healed in time. If you're going slow, you can chug a healing potion in time to save you, healer is useful for this. But I usually just hold the wait key down. Necessary for the harder fights like that puppet guy or the Charmane duel, as they have a lot of stamina.

Is this fun in practice? No. Am I a little proud of myself for gaming the system? Yeah. That part was fun.
you can actually use magic to cheese it too. provided your intellegence is high enough as well as mana reserve. upon acquiring the spellsword book you can learn thunderstep, which when used in combat creates distance while causing damage. forcing particularly nasty enemies to close the gap and waste their turn. mage class is particularly potent in this regard as they have no cap on mana, combine this with a couple casts of heal and you're basically immortal.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
3a. Gotcha. What determines nimbly bimbly dodge? You did say you were done with 'upgrades' for now, but maybe cloth casters/ monks should have a magic seamstress alternative to gain/layer/weave some defensive mojo in the clothing?

Or add/remove flags.

Haha. Here's a pointless bit of clothing that I'm sure would give you endless headaches:

Fan Service. This article of clothing was inspired by a great archmage too lazy to bother with changing up their robes, and is woven by pure magic, finger waving and illusions, and almost certainly has some divine or demonic fluids involved in the construction process. Possibly both. It will shift and alter to emulate any article of clothing you currently posses (in)appropriate for the situation in the lewdest way possible. Feels like wearing nothing at all. (Nothing at all.)

7. I realize this is far easier for me to say as a random internet totally not a chat AI program bent on world domination, but fuck 'em.

7b. While I'm totally on the side of making things better, I'm no stranger to the situations of suck. Can always float some horribleness your way for ideas if you want.

8. Ah. No, I was referring to scenes in the arena, such as when you defeat a minotaur (which is totally not your kid, at all) and the text saying things like the crowd has no desire to you have sex if you win, only if you lose.

Meanwhile, if you watch a battle, there's a scene where the amazon enjoys her victory cowgirl style. what.
(Obviously that's to limit the need for a scene writing, though, haha.)


2. Makes sense. You want it to be something all the paths can access, give or take, otherwise that's a ton of work for 1/16th or whatever of the protagonist paths. Plus it's a huge deal for repopulating a nearly extinct line of elves.

3. I'll have to check it out. The 'over the others' already has me dreading it, though.

5b. I'm on Death's side on this one, initially. There's no way that isn't going to fuck with things. Then again, maybe it's deserved, given how much those with powers are dicking over mortals and souls whenever it's convenient. Avee has waifu power, so that probably trumps any decision I'd normally be inclined to use anyway.

Madison was the secretary you befriended, and the bound nun to David, at least in my run.
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6. Question: By the logic of being able to summon up weapons, shouldn't we be able to conjure up an axe to chop wood in the forest if we own one? (If you don't have it equipped currently)

7. Bug Stuff: Going to the underground apothecary after Satty results in:
3a. Enemy attacks work similarly to yours. You have an armor class + bonus armor from a shield/defense. Regular clothes are loose and give you a -10 to your armor class. Being a monk removes this penalty, I believe.

As for clothes, there's a kobold sweatshop polishing and maintaining your weapons. I added a little bit of it, but there's a blurb that says:

"There are various presses lined up to assist in the maintenance of your things, weapon presses, armor presses and various kobolds in mating press"

It's my excuse for the PC having infinite ammo but having to reload.

5b. Uh. Yeah, sad backstories are:

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6. Yes. Super early versions of the game had the equipment menu where you could change on a whim but it caused too many bugs.

7. Fixed. Accidentally left an extra tag.

I feel people go a little too far with the whole 'ahhh ntr' thing. To an extent, I get it. Like, I agree, I find the fetish gross. I think it's unpleasant and icky. I'd rather not consume content featuring it.

... but like that isn't really what's going on here imo. It just doesn't have that vibe. There's this certain greasy patina to actually catering to the fetish. I especially consider complaints of NTR goofy in worlds where you can fuck most things that move. Like, ya'll aren't a chaste couple saving yourselves for your wedding night here. YOU'RE cheating, if anything. And likely cheated first, if that's the metric we're going by. Probably, you fucked your goblin wife in front of them. And a cow girl. Maybe a horse. And a dog. This world, like many porn worlds, is more sexually open than reality. Even with the hyper-puritanical cult of a weirdo goddess running around.

And if you care THAT MUCH, you can remove the minotaurs cock and fuck her. If that doesn't get you re-secure about the situation idk what you can do.

As far as difficult combats go, I've found the best way to get a win without working too hard, is to put all your points into str, the class doesn't really matter. I enjoy warrior to use the str, but sometimes that's a negative. Get Bede and the kitsune spirit as companions. Equip the most defensive armor you've got. Pirate armor, quite often. And just keep waiting. You attack when you wait with your extra attacks. This probably isn't intended, but it is fun. That's not necessary to win regardless, and often you won't win from attacks anyway, because you just won't be hitting, but It's fun. It can actually cause a loss, as your attacks can outpace your stamina regen from waiting. Keep stamina potions around. Lots of things can't hit you with just the pirate armor. And it doesn't matter if you can't hit them. You just keep waiting. Usually they'll tap out from stamina loss first. If you're spending too much stamina, you can just swich to a different class or chug stam potions. If they're damaging you, bede and the kitsune spirit both can heal. So you just face tank. If your total HP isn't high enough, sometimes you die anyway cause your incoming takes more than can be healed in time. If you're going slow, you can chug a healing potion in time to save you, healer is useful for this. But I usually just hold the wait key down. Necessary for the harder fights like that puppet guy or the Charmane duel, as they have a lot of stamina.

Is this fun in practice? No. Am I a little proud of myself for gaming the system? Yeah. That part was fun.
There is one legitimate event chain I have in mind that is straight NTR. The bartender of the market inn and her daughter look exactly alike and you begin dating the daughter until the mom turns it into a sexual relationship, with the PC being unable to tell which is which. You are eventually caught fucking the mom by the daughter, with you having to make a choice on which one you want to keep.

One of your lovers being kidnapped, drugged and raped is not NTR. It is kidnapping, drugging and rape. As soon as their head clears of the drugs Percy is immediately apologetic and offers to leave forever and never return. You can also just killed Meat as well.

As for combat, that is intended. There's a snake helm that drains speed and stamina from the enemy, turning them to stone more or less, as draining their stamina is entirely a possible way to beat them. I'm currently working on an alternative combat system centered around sex where you can gangbang your way to victory or use your monk powers to jack someone off so good they pass out.
Mar 23, 2022
2a. Goblin Wife has a unique power where she can make copies of things she sees. It is mentioned in the farm Torii gate and in the conversation when you try to give her the silver dagger. Cost is no object as she can simply make a pass through the noble district and have everything she wants. She gets a personal quest in the Fox city that I'm working on, maybe not going to be released for a few updates.
I'm aware she can copy things but one I though she states that after a while her copies disappear whether it be due to her not focusing on it or it getting too far I don't remember. But if that's the case I'd give it a pass simply due to special circumstances that are better to leave unsaid for major spoiler reasons. Second that's why I specifically said rare ores that don't exist or are so rare that they basically don't exist. You can't make copy of nothing after all. For example if back in age two when mana was plentiful in I'm sure there were places where mana was extra dense, like pools of mana sort of stuff. It would make sense that in a world full of mana, in a place where mana is so dense that can happen, then stones of it forming would also make sense. Now in age three as mana is so rare those places don't exist or if they do they aren't anywhere near as abundent as they once were. It would make sense that stone that are mana would not exist. Also my thought on these stones is they'd act similar to salt. Like how if you pour salt into water it'd desolve but if you put enough in it won't any more. Going by that thesis then if gobwife can summon stuff from thin air without a frame of reference then sure she could maybe do it. But if she requires having something to copy then no she'd not be able to make an original bangle. Also due to the three main (and possibly other) gems of an og bangle being mana based they'd darken as the mana is warped, lost or broken from it's source. Like when the holder dies and you place it into a fire. This is just me over thinking things though, it's just a bangle after all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Regarding defensive bits, nun clothing claims to give bonus defense. Does that stack with Monk stuff, or is it another deal altogether? Maybe one of their class features could improve the unarmored defense based off a stat as they grow, perhaps.

Haha. Lore stuff:

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1. Do you have to complete all of the quests to compromise Avalon? Or can you tweak some of the requirements? The last one for all the undead control is letting them loose in the church, but the PC mentions it's more than likely it'll bleed out into the citizenry. As a resident goodie goodie and shameless supporter of Shortstack supremacy Unlucky, it's super unlikely they'd allow that to happen to the few innocents that remain. ...Probably. The town is kind of the worst. But if you have the Book and you've mastered control, couldn't you just say 'don't fuck with the good people, ghosties?'

2. I'm unsure how to progress or complete Thef's quest to help Kaiden out. It's an empty warehouse, with Thef making clothes below the basement. I tossed some food in the storage and fixed the bars, but I'm unsure if that's the trick. Also the murder rodents are on the list to be purged in righteous fire.

3. Out of curiosity, *is* there any way to save Silas Law's sister, or reincarnate, or whatever?

4. The last bit of the maid sisters (that swiftly became not maids at all) has the MC muse that they want to check out the plant and make sure everything is above board. WIP?

Also, Tanya is a sister, but Tania is the tour guide. Not confusing at all.

5. I'm sketching some lewdness for general martial training, because why not. Needs a couple Gob barely fitting in a training gi pictures anyway, I feel. May do a few of 'em doing the sexy times too, lord knows I have enough KOF and street fighter doujin gathering dust on my hard drive somewhere for reference.

...Come to think of it, maybe I should do a bit with the (im)practical use of prayer beads to enhance the training.

Oh! Right, forgot about this one: Eating in the monastery kitchen results in the game saying you have temp hp, which stacks indefinitely and also doesn't do anything, near as I can tell. Probably not working as intended.

Regarding using the bed and masturbation, self suck is completely borked. Text doesn't exist, art doesn't art.

Also, one of the pictures for masturbating for Unlucky (futa) is a hairy ugly goblin of the grizzled manly archtype. At *least* give us something pretty to look at
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2022
Got this error code when talking to satty in the lake cave sixth room.

Area: on visit
Line: 58
Code: 112
Desc: [end] not found!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Plus side, at least that's workable. Mostly. Kinda. Put in the effort and at least several of that tribe not only gets to thrive, but get answers they've been seeking, and you get to adventure with a few of 'em, and reunite the fractured family a bit.

Not that it isn't true of the other backgrounds, but some of 'em... eesh. I don't think Shipwrecked, Team Boys, and such are comparable yet due to being wip's and such.

Oh right, Cursed Maid exists too. Though now that Chosen can be human, elf, catkin with a choice of bits it even less likely a pick, haha.


Apr 29, 2019
I got bugs after building the church in the community center.

The school policy does not work.
You get an error and can't build anything.
And if you enter the church you can't leave because the "Leave the church" button does not work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
From what I understand the community center is currently borked pending changes and reconstruction. I could totally be wrong, though. I do know that walls and the gate within can be reached, so that's pretty much the only things I've touched.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
I'm aware she can copy things but one I though she states that after a while her copies disappear whether it be due to her not focusing on it or it getting too far I don't remember. But if that's the case I'd give it a pass simply due to special circumstances that are better to leave unsaid for major spoiler reasons. Second that's why I specifically said rare ores that don't exist or are so rare that they basically don't exist. You can't make copy of nothing after all. For example if back in age two when mana was plentiful in I'm sure there were places where mana was extra dense, like pools of mana sort of stuff. It would make sense that in a world full of mana, in a place where mana is so dense that can happen, then stones of it forming would also make sense. Now in age three as mana is so rare those places don't exist or if they do they aren't anywhere near as abundent as they once were. It would make sense that stone that are mana would not exist. Also my thought on these stones is they'd act similar to salt. Like how if you pour salt into water it'd desolve but if you put enough in it won't any more. Going by that thesis then if gobwife can summon stuff from thin air without a frame of reference then sure she could maybe do it. But if she requires having something to copy then no she'd not be able to make an original bangle. Also due to the three main (and possibly other) gems of an og bangle being mana based they'd darken as the mana is warped, lost or broken from it's source. Like when the holder dies and you place it into a fire. This is just me over thinking things though, it's just a bangle after all.
I was going to say that she could sell them gems she fabricates, doing so slowly over time as to earn a few gems and then buy the correct beads she wants/needs.

Also gems are fragments of souls harvested by demons. The soul will eventually recover if left alone, but too much sex with a demon has you cum your whole soul out which is why the Succubus Class can earn gems through sex. When I add in combat sex there will be a massive payout if you kill someone via sex.

It's not all sunshine and roses for Steelwinds either.

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So I guess it's less seeing your friends and family die and more family in fighting.
Small spoilers to correct some of that story:
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
0. Regarding defensive bits, nun clothing claims to give bonus defense. Does that stack with Monk stuff, or is it another deal altogether? Maybe one of their class features could improve the unarmored defense based off a stat as they grow, perhaps.

Haha. Lore stuff:

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1. Do you have to complete all of the quests to compromise Avalon? Or can you tweak some of the requirements? The last one for all the undead control is letting them loose in the church, but the PC mentions it's more than likely it'll bleed out into the citizenry. As a resident goodie goodie and shameless supporter of Shortstack supremacy Unlucky, it's super unlikely they'd allow that to happen to the few innocents that remain. ...Probably. The town is kind of the worst. But if you have the Book and you've mastered control, couldn't you just say 'don't fuck with the good people, ghosties?'

2. I'm unsure how to progress or complete Thef's quest to help Kaiden out. It's an empty warehouse, with Thef making clothes below the basement. I tossed some food in the storage and fixed the bars, but I'm unsure if that's the trick. Also the murder rodents are on the list to be purged in righteous fire.

3. Out of curiosity, *is* there any way to save Silas Law's sister, or reincarnate, or whatever?

4. The last bit of the maid sisters (that swiftly became not maids at all) has the MC muse that they want to check out the plant and make sure everything is above board. WIP?

Also, Tanya is a sister, but Tania is the tour guide. Not confusing at all.

5. I'm sketching some lewdness for general martial training, because why not. Needs a couple Gob barely fitting in a training gi pictures anyway, I feel. May do a few of 'em doing the sexy times too, lord knows I have enough KOF and street fighter doujin gathering dust on my hard drive somewhere for reference.

...Come to think of it, maybe I should do a bit with the (im)practical use of prayer beads to enhance the training.

Oh! Right, forgot about this one: Eating in the monastery kitchen results in the game saying you have temp hp, which stacks indefinitely and also doesn't do anything, near as I can tell. Probably not working as intended.

Regarding using the bed and masturbation, self suck is completely borked. Text doesn't exist, art doesn't art.

Also, one of the pictures for masturbating for Unlucky (futa) is a hairy ugly goblin of the grizzled manly archtype. At *least* give us something pretty to look at
0. It simply removes the penalties from wearing clothes, I believe. What I intend and what it does are two different things so I need to double check.
0a. Yes, that is exactly what Loksi and you do.
0b. Not everyone has an easy and pleasant pregnancy as the PC does. A single "That was fun but no more" from Percy. Once I add in the apothecary you can change that for Percy.

1. There are many armies that you can charge into Avedon with, each having different reactions. An army of the undead will not go over well for anyone, many citizens suffer daily from undead rising up in the city. None of your armies will actively harm the citizens, but they won't be received well.

2. I plan to add poison to clear them out if you simply want them gone. You can, I think, take them to your farm and then all the man eating rodents are simply destroyed, leaving only Thef and the normal rats.

3. Is there anything left to save? Also, possibly. I got far less done in the Kitsune village than I wanted this week but the underground city that they're in are ancient kitsune weapons, there's something you can talk to Mariko and Avee about due to them wanting to fix the mistakes of the past.

4. It is one of the ways to trigger Doktor and may result in the destruction of Monduval if you allow/fail to stop the Plague Doctor from triggering a meltdown in the city's nuclear reactor. I will get there eventually.

The food is meant to stop you from eating after a certain point. I'll check that out.
I can't get self suck to not work.
I changed out the goblin image as well.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Hey, progress is progress! I have the advantage of being drugged to the gills with medication and being sleeping the days away as I heal. A hell of a lot easier to toss out ideas from afar than actually do the work, haha.

This is more of a qsp question, but is there any way to get the images to fit comfortably in the widows/zoomed out, or is that just how the engine rolls?

This is more of a general 'huh' question, but with the lore rewrites and storyline stuff, it's pretty well established that the MC has no reflection. However, comma, when messing around in Avery's ghostie mansion one of the story elements is getting freaked out when your reflection changes and such in the big mirror below. Granted it's all magic and weirdness and such, but it is a little odd.

Something I've been meaning to mention is Satti's writing/character is really enjoyable. Her tone and style is full of flavor, and her interactions with Bess are heartwarming.
Mar 23, 2022
1. I was going to say that she could sell them gems she fabricates, doing so slowly over time as to earn a few gems and then buy the correct beads she wants/needs.

Also gems are fragments of souls harvested by demons. The soul will eventually recover if left alone, but too much sex with a demon has you cum your whole soul out which is why the Succubus Class can earn gems through sex. When I add in combat sex there will be a massive payout if you kill someone via sex.

Small spoilers to correct some of that story:
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1. I guess she could buy gems and make one that looks similar using regular gems. Her (and possible First's) bands probably would be expensive if she actually did that, which she totally could.

2. I will admit I had only seen her part once. So my knowledge on that wasn't complete.

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3. Remind is Seraph's lips where you can't live without ingesting (eating) cum?

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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Hey, progress is progress! I have the advantage of being drugged to the gills with medication and being sleeping the days away as I heal. A hell of a lot easier to toss out ideas from afar than actually do the work, haha.

This is more of a qsp question, but is there any way to get the images to fit comfortably in the widows/zoomed out, or is that just how the engine rolls?

This is more of a general 'huh' question, but with the lore rewrites and storyline stuff, it's pretty well established that the MC has no reflection. However, comma, when messing around in Avery's ghostie mansion one of the story elements is getting freaked out when your reflection changes and such in the big mirror below. Granted it's all magic and weirdness and such, but it is a little odd.

Something I've been meaning to mention is Satti's writing/character is really enjoyable. Her tone and style is full of flavor, and her interactions with Bess are heartwarming.
Everything in that house is meant to be unusual, there's ghost fuckery about. It also takes a ghost grabbing you through the mirror to find it.

I like Satty as well, she's one of my favorite characters in the game despite the general small scale of her involvement.

1. I guess she could buy gems and make one that looks similar using regular gems. Her (and possible First's) bands probably would be expensive if she actually did that, which she totally could.

2. I will admit I had only seen her part once. So my knowledge on that wasn't complete.

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3. Remind is Seraph's lips where you can't live without ingesting (eating) cum?

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2a. Not so much rightfully pissed, but she was trying to groom Annette into a witch. As for Death:
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3. Yes. For the PC it does very little as you don't need to eat but it is usually a fatal disease for others.

3a. Her refusal to cheat caused her death. The only time she ever cheated was to teach Annette how to drain people without killing them when her ex attack the house (the one nightmare where you're locked in a closet).

4. There's a couple steps and they happen mostly in reverse order.
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As for curing her:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
You had me at ghost fuckery. Come to think of it, I recall a long time ago you said Avery would also get groped and banged by the ghosts too, but I imagine that's no longer a thing since the narrative changed up, haha. Happy to know I don't have to unleash the ghosts inside the town, though. (Although the Manor ghosts are mostly just lewd rather than harmful.)

Come to think of it, are any companions full on caster types? Satty and Avee do thunder and lighting in cut scenes, but aren't travelers, near as I can tell. I imagine it would be hell to balance, but it could be fun to have whomever randomly alternate spells. Portal sex is always fun too.

Does First have any interactions aside from fooling around and what was once the elf town rebuilding bit?

Not that it matters all that much, but I can't find the explosives Dana gives you anywhere.

I'm not entirely sure I followed the dynamic/lore after renewing the king and whole deal behind the mage trapped in the tower. Things happened, clearly, and I have the kings approval as an 'agent', and I *think* it's a good step in the right direction?

I have begun sorting my backlog of reference images into something more manageable.

I have several, several years of images.

I have regrets.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2017
It has a few alternate scenes, but yes you should be able to bang her with other starts.

She slowly has you do more and more good around Avedon. Find the Killer and Secure her Warehouse are the two quests in right now, but she eventually has you go rescue people from a village north of Fort Reach and then is part of two ways to exterminate the Avedonian Orc tribe.

That's just what I have planned for her.
Snekk, your are officially my favorite dev on this site, I absolutely love both the game and how active and helpful you are here

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
1. You had me at ghost fuckery. Come to think of it, I recall a long time ago you said Avery would also get groped and banged by the ghosts too, but I imagine that's no longer a thing since the narrative changed up, haha. Happy to know I don't have to unleash the ghosts inside the town, though. (Although the Manor ghosts are mostly just lewd rather than harmful.)

2. Come to think of it, are any companions full on caster types? Satty and Avee do thunder and lighting in cut scenes, but aren't travelers, near as I can tell. I imagine it would be hell to balance, but it could be fun to have whomever randomly alternate spells. Portal sex is always fun too.

3. Does First have any interactions aside from fooling around and what was once the elf town rebuilding bit?

4. Not that it matters all that much, but I can't find the explosives Dana gives you anywhere.

4. I'm not entirely sure I followed the dynamic/lore after renewing the king and whole deal behind the mage trapped in the tower. Things happened, clearly, and I have the kings approval as an 'agent', and I *think* it's a good step in the right direction?

5. I have begun sorting my backlog of reference images into something more manageable.

I have several, several years of images.

I have regrets.
1. I need to get to the noble district to add stuff as there's an entire brothel and possible way to meet the king that I haven't added. There's a full NPC I haven't added yet, Princess/Prince Bornhorst.

2. Technically Lisa as well, but she just casts random magic through your accessory. Annette used to have custom capture spells but her attacks are now generic until I add combat sex into the game.

3. She has planned content but I am unsure how to approach it. You can make her early on but goblin wife's questline comes after you recover the kitsune city which is quite far into the game.

4. The king is one of those "eh" scenes I'm not overly fond of. I probably could have done it better but I can't really think of how. I don't like locking Cas out behind a scene where some would willingly let the King die as they thing it would be better without him.

5. Lol, lmao even.

Snekk, your are officially my favorite dev on this site, I absolutely love both the game and how active and helpful you are here
I try, which the all I can offer.

How do I put Bede into a tentacle nun?
You have to be friendly enough with the tentacle monster Thesaur and capture one for him, and then put her into it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Hm. Who or what is a Lisa? ...And have I asked this before? Probably have.

I guess I'll play the king deal again and try and pay a bit more attention to the plot. I mean, there was some good nuggets in there, such as finding out more about your ability, and the king attempting to clean house a bit. Probably too little too late, but it's at least something. Totes shoulda turned the king into a queen and banged, obviously. That seems to be how most things get fixed.

Out of curiosity, who is the martial artist Mitsu Missu in the monastery based off of? Character/ art wise.

My memory is spotty, but I recall she was suppose to be a gateway to a lewd martial style or something. As I was wading through entirely too many images, I had an amusing idea:
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Are there any particular quests that absolutely should be done before the Nafsu's End of Days deal? It seems relatively stand alone, but there's always the nagging 'what if' at the back of the mind.

I had thought that they would purchase Red so you could reopen the Frog, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Whoops again!

Regarding Bede... who is rather awful. To help her, we need to befriend Thesaurus, who murder death killed all the elves and we were more or less sworn to defeat? Full of slurmy rapey tentacles? That Thesaurus?
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