Seems like the pregnancy system could be really nice, I like that it seems that you'll actually be able to interact with your children after giving birth. Something that you rarely get to see, especially in a meaningful way (and while it's fucked up, I legit laughed at the option to chuck your kid off of a cliff. "Bye bye, baby!").
Though it seems this is a *very* early build, so I'll reserve judgement on it until it's in a further developed state. Keep at it, and you could have something great.
But ya gotta keep at it!
Also, remember that oh-so-important rule of game development: ease of use! Navigation can be a pain in this present build, especially getting home. If your players are getting frustrated with the way the game plays, interest in it is gonna spiral downward quickly. Quick travel buttons, like a 'go home' button that's available at any time (unless there are in-game reasons to disable it temporarily, like ending up in a dungeon or something), are a godsend in these types of games. Ones that auto-calculates the time/events that you might run into on the way back and then has you end up there without any manual navigation; those would go really far in improving playability.
Complex games *can* be good, but convoluted games rarely (if ever) are. Though also beware of getting too complex in areas that aren't important; in the case of an adult game, it's my experience that any complexity should enhance the adult nature of it (so for sex scenes, pregnancy systems, seduction/corruption, etc.) and not in areas like survival mechanics (please don't make us have to maintain hygiene and be constantly starving to death at all times) and navigation. You can have things like survival mechanics and navigation, but simple is generally better received, because otherwise they're a stressful obstacle to the meat of an adult game: material we can beat our meat to.
Anyways, good luck with your game! I really hope you're able to crank out something amazing, and I look forward to seeing what it