Views on Netorare

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Oct 17, 2018
I dont care for ntr. I dont avoid it in porn and hentai. But games are a totally different subject. Because the definition of NTR gets blurry with the different settings and stories.

Lets get the games that are NTR by design out of the way. These games are specifically made to be NTR and its unfair to just bash on someones fetish. If you play them thats fine. If you dont like it thats also fine.

Then come the "unavoidable" and "avoidable" NTR games. And here the problems begin. The definition.
What i mean is that Devs often hide behind the "true" definition of netorare to avoid tagging their games with the hated "netorare" tag. I call those Devs "sneaky fucks".

Basically the female interest of the mc can get railed by any guy that comes her way as long as shes not officially in a relationship with the mc. And thats fucking bullshit.

This "true" definition works in 20 min hentais and 30 page comics but not in 8+ hour games.
The moment the mc starts persuing the female interest her having sexual relationships with others should be either not an opinion or avoidable. You spend 3 hours carefully choosing your lines persuing her and suddely a "chad" says a word and she gets weak kneed for dramatic story development? And its ok because ms hasnt said "marry me and have my children" yet?
Again depending on the story. Maybe shes a prostitute or in a relationship. That is again a different conversation. If it works with the character its fine but it still needs to be taged accordingly.

Now another problem i have on this site. Its about the "avoidable" NTR. There are devs that do it right with it being a challenge. Do the right things at the right time, dont lose in a fight, make the right decisions blabla. That are great ways to make avoidable NTR work.

Some make it a bit more boring like "do you want to share her with this and that dude." Boring but fine.

But oh oh. Here come the "sneaky fucks" again. "Its avoidable NTR as long as you dont see it." Here you just decide you dont want to see the fucking while its clearly happening behind the MCs back. THATS NOT "AVOIDABLE" YOU FUCKING CUNTS. What am I? A toddler that lacks object permanence?
"If you walk in this room youll see this person fuck this person are you sure you want to see this?" STFU.

Last problem i have with the tags.
I say it once and i'll die on that hill "Lesbians are also a form of NTR." How would you feel if your girl comes back from her lesbian friends home and says "We talked about this and that then we fucked and painted our nails."? Cheated on.

And usually these scenes come after an already established relationship with the female lead. And usually they are unavoidable. Those that are avoidable are the false kind of avoidable (see my problem with the object permanence). And there are so many games that do this. I get that even some hardcore NTR haters dont mind lesbian NTR because lesbianism is so romanticized. But NTR is NTR.

What pisses me of more is that when the mc sees or hears about it hes fine with it and acts as if its the most normal thing in the world. In some cases they even encourage it without you having a choice. Example: Fionas route in Photo Hunt. Mc blatantly says "Dont fuck any dudes but its fine if you fuck women". What the fuck is wrong with you?

In conclusion i dont care if you like NTR or not. But we really need to come to a decisions about what counts as NTR and what not. We need to lean to tag games the right way. AND dont call it "avoidable" when its CLEARLY not.
You couldnt find a way to make your story more impactfull so you chose to fall back on shockvalue. Fucking own that shit. Dont try to trick people into playing your game when they dont want to see that.
And most importantly if you plan to implement NTR then say that from the very beginning.

Have a good one. And take some breaks from fapping once in a while lads.
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2020
The other funny thing about NTR.

Some people count *any* time a female character has the sex with a man as not them as NTR.

A wife has sex with her husband. You got NTR'd.

A sexual relationship is implied off screen? You a cuck.

Girl you just talked to makes eye contact with another man? Why are you such a cuck?

Actually it's not that funny. I am deeply concerned about these people and their ability to live in the real work where the overwhelming majority of women cuck them every day...

No, it's funny.
I know this is an old comment but I will say I only feel that way for these games and not in real life. Like I only want the women for myself only in the scope of the game not real life.

But I'll also say I wouldn't count sex with a boyfriend or husband as NTR, although I would like the option to cockblock them. Flashback sex I also wouldn't count although I would like the option to just not see it. My thoughts while playing a game is if I can "romance" them then I want the option of whether or not they fuck anyone else or just me.

Honestly I don't think netorare being optional encompasses what some people want when they ask if "netorare is avoidable". What they really want is "I wanna be the one true cock." There's just no tag for it, the closest one is the harem tag and that doesn't really cover it either.