Ren'Py - Villain's Legacy [v2.4.9.2] [Mad scientist lab]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a lot better than I thought it would be, especially after the beginning. The first part is a way overly drawn-out NTR scene where your wife decides to leave you during a get-together with the next door neighbors, even screwing the husband in front of you, because they showed her a tape of you peeping on them during sex. The plot would pretty much be the same without it, and I would recommend rushing through it to see some nice visuals, but is rather dumb in extremely dull ways.

    After that, though, there is a good scene showing how you get your powers, and I think the game would have been better for starting right at this point. This is a standard "superheroes are jerks" dystopia that has been shown a lot by now, but the dialogue and characterizations can be a lot better than is typical in a porn game, including the MC. It is never "Avatar: The Last Airbender" levels of quality, and the characters can be annoying at times, including the MC, but some of the relationships end up a lot more interesting than one would expect, especially Cat Noir and your character.

    There is not much to the gameplay aside from some grinding, and it can be hard at times to figure out what to do next. Sometimes you have to search your computer for a new option, sometimes you have to build something new, sometimes you need more fame, and it is not always clear what the options are. But once you get used to that, it can be overcome pretty quickly, and it is a pretty interesting story with some nice visuals and overall is done pretty well.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The first scene of this game is the most disgusting thing i have seen in a long while, yet it must have some revenge !? right? Well not really ...

    Shrinking the Black guy dick really doesnt settle my thrist for blood, probably a big lack of imagination from the dev or guts, dont expect a satisfying experience from this game, you keep wanting more from the mc but he will continue to be weak, even when "super smart".

    Dev if you need help about how to tortured people send me a word.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite interesting, the beginning is a bit "rude" for the MC, so I recommend "going home" when you have the opportunity (the ending the wife is a whore and leaves him anyway so it doesn't matter), visually it's very well, quite a few touches of humor, an ugly MC, true, but after a humiliating start he now seeks revenge as the bad guy in the story.

    Recommended for those who don't like NTR? YES, it's just one scene and it's skippable (it happens but the girl leaves the MC anyway so it doesn't matter).

    Recommended for those who like NTR? YES, as long as you don't specifically look for this, since the game is about revenge on the MC and not cuckolding him.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Made for Version: 1.5.1

    I was originally totally turned off by the start of the game and went into a "fuck it" mode, skipping everything to get to the sex scenes.

    But somewhere along the way, I started to pick up on the story and comedy of the "real" game and began to really enjoy it. In retrospect, I understand that the "intro" serves as the villain creation story that motivates the MC, and my initial dislike for that part actually serves as a launchpad to understand the MC's actions later. Quick note: I later learned that you can skip some parts of the "intro" by going home early from the poker game.

    The game part of this visual novel is irrelevant and easy, but it adds some substance to the story, making it not just a pure VN, and you get a slight feeling of choice. I haven't played around with the game to see if any of it matters, but I don't think it will.

    In short, great visuals, good humor, but you have to endure the start of the game before you get to the good stuff.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Where shuld i start.
    At first I was little sceptikal becos the MC (THE MIND) whasn't looking that good but after a whille it gru on me (I alo looked in the mirror).
    The game story can be sammurise an Batman whit super ginies and whit out a money on a quest to take down the Justice legue.
    The MC is in his own words a Villain but he also has a morality code so he isn't a cartoonich villan.
    It's also one of the games where the villain (you) has a gole that make senc (he whats to make heros leave cos of the coroption and personal gein of the heroes).
    I hope the dewelopers keep the good work so we can see the final product.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by this game. It's basically the cuck revenge story we all ask for with a hero twist. Scenes are interesting and fun. Only complaints are the writing is a bit wordy, and some of the word choices highlight that the author is not a native English speaker. For example, one character keeps calling her nemesis a bastard, but since the nemesis is female, it's an odd choice of insult (Bastard in English is usually used to insult men only). I'm nitpicking, though. This is definitely worth your time. Note: The opening has NTR, but its the primary motive for the entire story, and is optional.
    Likes: loikl
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    v1.5.1 Review:

    Pretty standard "visual novel masquerading as a sandbox". After a lengthy introduction scene you're just dropped in with no tutorial and a hidden ui. Fortunately the game is pretty intuitive. You click on things and stuff will happen or it will tell you what you need to make stuff happen.

    There's no day or time system but the "make money" buttons disappear for a little bit after you use them. Money is grindy and it would be nice if your minions (as you obtain them) began passively generating income. You use money to buy three types of supplies and turn those into equipment which lets you progress the story: very basic stuff.

    So that's the gameplay: craft everything you can (grinding money if needed), then click on missions, which will unlock new stuff to craft, etc. Occasionally you'll get stuck and that means you need to go to the third tab which lets you do internet research or talk to your minions.

    The story is generic but fine, you're full of angst and hate superheroes and your wife leaves you for one, then you get superpowers in an accident and vow revenge. It's a little cringe but not nearly as bad as some of the edgelord manifestos on this site. Once you get past the intro it gets better. There are some confusing sequence breaks (I think you can recruit some of the minions before actually meeting them) that would have been solved if this were a VN.

    Renders are decent, there are some brief animations that are nice.

    Overall, it's an average game so 3 stars it gets.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game remains fun to play, it's a sandbox that doesn't get annoying because the hints work well, and the grind amounts to skipping again and again through short scenes of MC committing crimes for many and fame.

    Don't be misled by the reviews which are being so negative about the MC.
    He actually improves a lot during the game and the only thing that really stands out is that he has a large nose, but it seems quite silly and ridiculous not to play a game just because of that.
    The same goes for the start of the game and how the MC appears in it, the whole point of the game is that the MC builds himself up from that and becomes strong AND win all the women he wants.

    Writing-wise it continues to be uneven, there's a lot of intented campiness here, but also some unintentional cringe.
    I don't mind the Schmalz, but sometimes the writing seems to actually get worse for a moment and then improves again, that's not kitsch or camp, that seems just uneven.
    Overall, it remains a good and interesting game, but I understand that for some there might be too little revenge so far, and I honestly don't know if that will ever come.
    It should at least with the ex-wife, and the MC's "friends," but so far the route seems to be more like you learn that most of the superheroines aren't that bad or if they are that you can show them the error of their ways.
    A big plus for the game is the humour, it's very self-aware and ironic, but also just plain silly a lot of the times, and I enjoy that a lot. Cindy fe. can both be irritating but also hilarious.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This is some trash, not only is MC an ugly cuck bitch, but we don't even get the option for revenge, instead, we either watch the cuck shit again or leave. And the scenes we do get to participate in are boring.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    You have to endure the intro to enjoy the comedy.

    This game starts awfully, its like the worst day of the worst protagonist ever. Honestly, I've quit the game at first, because playing as that type of guy is disgusting.

    But it gets so much better in just 10 minutes, when you already have powers and secreat hideout. Suddenly it becomes a comedy, like an old 80-90s stupid science-fiction comedy. But with well made sex scenes.

    The main concern for me is MC mostly messing with good heroes, that have done nothing wrong to him or anybody. I feel guilty for making them through that shit for no reason.

    The renders are great, the conversations with minions are funny, the gameplay doesnt require much thinking. I wish there was a better UI to navigate through items in the crafting table.

    Its a good game, I'll be waiting for future updates.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent but slightly long-winded writing, a little repetitive but not grindy, promising amount of content already (as of Dec 22). Story appears quite linear but that's not a huge issue. Definitely worth trying out, especially if you are a fan of this genre.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally I do not like sandbox games, but this one is pretty nice. The intro was quite good and gives a good background and motivation to be the evil guy. All in all I really like it and am waiting for more updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v2022-12-13

    Overview: Show those stuck up Superheroes who is boss.

    Story: A word of warning, there are some very sensitive people on this site who can't stand a whiff of NTR, and the intro to this game has quite a lot of it. Beyond that it's a romp where our previously humiliated protagonist gets back at those pesky heroes using every underhanded trick in the book. The game is pretty well written and also doesn't crush you under walls of exposition. There's plenty of humor as well which is a nice touch in these games.

    Gameplay: It's a sandbox, but other than an obnoxious money grind it avoids a lot of the annoyances that often plague sandbox games. You don't have to tell the MC to eat or go to the bathroom for example. There are no time periods to worry about. The help system is integrated with the interface, so you're not flipping out to a walkthrough or opening up some other window in the interface to get the next hint how to proceed. That said the help system is sometimes incomplete, often telling you "use a companion" but without a clue who that could be or how to get them. If you ever get stuck just grind cash and start crafting random stuff, it will almost certainly unlock progress somewhere.

    Graphics: Quite competently done. There are quite a number of sex scenes in the game already. The backgrounds are varied and nicely fleshed out. The game also caters nicely to spanking fetishists. I have no complaints about the graphics.

    Conclusion: With the money grind being just this side of boring and the help system being slightly incomplete this game is a good 4.5, but the good writing and nice variety of sex scenes makes me round it up to a 5. Well done. I will be eagerly awaiting the next release of this game. Also, for a first release this game has a astounding amount of content. I've seen games in development on this site for 4+ years with much less content. Don't be put off by the fact this is a first release, there's more than enough to play and you're not stuck in the "peeping on them in the shower/changing" phase or whatever like so many first release. You go all the way with multiple characters, and not because they jumped on your dick the instant they saw it. It required some work in each case.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game. It is very structured: build equipment, find allies, beat superheroes. However, each of the battles is cleverly done and the art is first rate. The characters are not deep so far. The MC is motivated to destroy superheros by an NTR event which he brought on himself. I suggest that you deal with it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    starts good but choose to be mediocre. similar to prime show "boys" the protagonist tries to get revenge from super heroes but alas, instead of being evil and strong he continue to be a beta. he still apologize from the superheroes, ass licks other women, all kind of things a 6 year old would do instead of an evil man with super powers.

    i guess it is kept mild intentionally to attract steam audience but it is a boring game with next to zero sexual variety
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A game with potential, if it stops getting in its own way.

    This is a sandbox game that allows you to tackle mini-scenes in isolation. Complete enough of these mini-scenes and some major progression takes place involving one or more characters.

    This game is the proper way of handling a sandbox game in the Ren'Py format. Nothing too intricate—no weird logging of days/times that forces you to interact with someone only on Wednesday afternoon, or awkward overcomplicated management systems where you have to grind a bunch of stats first. There's a simple resource system in this game: commit crimes for money and fame, then use that money to buy resources to craft items. Once the relevant items are crafted, the scenes requiring them are unlocked.

    The lack of polish becomes more noticeable when you dive deeper into the game.

    The crafting UI is terrible. You have to scroll through these items one at a time. It doesn't remember your place, so you end up needing to spend dozens of clicks to craft two items. And while the resources are simple, there's no real weight to it. Why do you have to change money into materials first then to exchange materials into crafts? Why can't you just craft from money or buy the relevant material from the crafting page? The simple system is nice, but even this simplicity exposes the game's technical shortcomings.

    The renders are nice. The MC is abominable to look at, and while this is acknowledged in game, it really is played more for the Ugly Bastard kink than anything else. There's really no other reason why he needs to be so distinctly ugly (that sickly scrawny build and giant nose are recognizable anywhere, and yet in a game with a sea of bad jokes that never land, we never have a single jab at how "The Mind" is a horrible costume that fails to hide all the distinctive attributes of the MC? Poor form...).

    Speaking of the slew of bad jokes, the dialogue really gets bogged down with them, to the point where the writing really suffers because of it. Every scene has tons of lines dedicated to setting up punchlines that don't really land. The developer really should stop thinking himself a comedian, as most of it is more cringe than funny. Worse, all the attempts to write dialogue as the setup for jokes really takes the focus from storytelling in general. There's no subtext to the writing, everything has to be spelled super explicitly. Sometimes the scenes are ruined because of the developer's overwillingness to really drive home their point, and overexplaining something that was already conveyed.

    I appreciate games with a lighter, more whimsical tone, but the ten panel long back and forth banters to set up jokes that don't really land really need to stop. We really don't need 30 slides of dialogue playing up "Cindy is a dumb blonde" in a single short conversation. It wasn't even funny the first time. Nor do we need the repetitive back and forth every time the Dumb and Dumber minions are on screen. These scenes were barely funny the first time, and by the twelfth scene, they're just painful.

    You have to really enjoy the character and, by extension, the developer's brand of humor and taste to like this game. There's a lot of immature humor, and a kind of simmering anger towards power structures and women in general that very vaguely (and let's be honest, borders on incel territory) fuels the MC's motivations. The MC is deliberately an angry loser who turns around and tries to take it out on heroes, many of whom happen to be assholes themselves. It's like pervy The Boys, but without any of the charisma, compelling characters, or social commentary.

    The writing could also use a bunch of proofreading. There are a number of grammatical errors, and repeated instances where the developer makes the simple mistakes of using "he" or "his" instead of "she" or "her." A lot of these scenes can be edited down, or have genuinely human moments played up, instead of wasting so much panel space on shoddy humor.

    However, to the game's credit, the world is generally well designed. The inspiration is obvious but the worldbuilding is done well enough that you can understand the frustration of being a nobody in a superhero dystopia. The renders are good overall, though the developer's complete inability to compose scenes and their flagrant disregard for the 180 degree rule means a lot of shots are dizzying to follow. Combine that with all the panels on poor attempts at humor, and many panels are borderline skip-worthy.

    The animations are a nice touch. Instead of using them exclusively for sex scenes (of which there arent that many), there's many animations used for character introductions and action sequences. It's done well for the most part, though most of these video sequences are probably too low frame rate for the desired effect. To me, they gave me a bit of a headache because of the low frames, but with a little bit more polish I think they could be a really defining feature.

    Overall, the game is a great start, and I think with some improvements can be a really strong contender.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Bondage Queen

    Pretty good. The writing is above average and the scenes are decently written. Some small animations are mixed in at random intervals, which is a nice touch.

    The H content is somewhat varied, but on the whole leans rather vanilla. There are themes of domination, but only fairly light (lighter than I would have liked, personally, but never mind that). The whole game has a lackadaisical tone, which might appeal to some.

    The gameplay is basically just clicking around until you're allowed to view whatever the next scene is. Click some stuff to get money, then click some stuff to unlock whatever it is you need to unlock for the next scene. It's a nothing burger. The UI also makes no sense and requires you to click around way more than necessary.

    I might be a bit biased against the game, as I only played it because of the bdsm tag. Turns out scenes featuring bondage were only a small portion of the overall game (this trick I have unfortunately fallen prey to multiple times now...). But on the whole, I would say it's a decent game. When the game finishes, I can't see it being different enough to warrant a new rating, so three stars it is.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This has got a massive amount of really good quality content for an initial release of a game and some solid art work, I will definitely keep an eye on this one. Getting money can get a bit grindy and repetitive but that seems like it's mainly down to it being an initial slice
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating for version 2022-12-13 = 10/10
    Just like @SteelyDan14 I skip sandbox games, but this one caught my eye. It really is unique and there is a rare addition of humour/comedy which cannot be found in other games/vn of this forum or of this genre. Only bad thing of downside of this game is the model of the MC and the (non avoidable) ntr at the very start of it (but there are no more ntr scenes except that). I feel it was unnecessary, the dev could have just mentioned it in words like many do instead of being so 'graphic' about it. Anyway, overall I liked the game and look forward to its updates.
    Note : those who avoid ntr games can try this. This cannot be called ntr (according to my pov) because betty mc's wife or (soon to be) ex-wife is not an Li in this game. Rather as the story unfolds I think (and hope) the Mc will avenge her for cheating him openly in future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, I normally just skip sandbox games, but this one looked interesting so I thought I would give it a try. What a very nice surprise.

    This is so different from all the other games on here. The MC is an anti-hero and kind of reminds me of Dr. Doofensmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. Very intelligent but just a little bit stupid. The humor can be a bit much, but it is very good and I found myself with a smile through most of the story.

    The sex is pretty good and the renders are well done. Adding all the "super" effects is not easy but it all looks really good.

    I also love the whole "superheroes" suck attitude. I know we have seen this before in things like The Incredibles and the MCU, but it is well done here as it wraps in attitudes and beliefs currently happening in our society.

    Probably my only negative is the grind to make money and there could be just a little bit or orientation on how things work. It took me a while to discover the Villain section of the PC to advance some of the storylines... which is one of the reasons I dislike sandbox, but it was not enough of a hassle to deduct any stars.

    Games and developers like this should be encouraged, so I am giving a rare 5 star review. Very nice little game!