Ren'Py - Villain's Legacy [v2.4.9.2] [Mad scientist lab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good, funny and well written game. Those who are in doubt because of mc look and ntr tag I can assure you won't even feel those things, mc character design blends really well with the story and the initial ntr scene shows why mc wants to become a villian and there is only one ntr scene and dont worry guys after that there's no ntr scene and will also get to a have sex with many other beautiful girls. In short it's a adult version of Mega Mind.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic adult superhero game. I debated between four and five stars, but went with the higher rating due to the game's immense potential.

    The good:
    - The models are attractive (though tend to have oversized breasts and hips)
    - The story is funny
    - Each character (good and bad) has a good amount of backstory
    - Instead of grindy repetition of basic tasks, you jump between interesting story events
    - For a first release, the game has a surprisingly large amount of content
    - The English is good, even if there are occasional errors.

    The bad
    - The MC is rather ugly, but that fits with the story (so it doesn't affect my rating).
    - The animations aren't bad, but they are a little grainy and don't allow the player to choose the viewing angle.
    - Some H scenes consist of the player clicking through frames when they could have been animated.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Sir Gary Bummer

    Solid story with great character models and humor that hits.
    The author also likes giving us some time with the characters before any sex scenes are thrown in, which is, at least for me, one of the most important reasons I play these games instead of watching normal porn.

    There's a rule against mentioning other games, but the MC really reminds me of a certain principal... A nogging-champion if you will. I say that because while the MC does enjoy sex, most of the time it is merely a means to an end.

    I do wish there were more animations for the sex scenes, but the narrative to them make them well worth it anyway.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Villain's Legacy [v2022-12-13]
    The Good:
    • The game is a comedy. But the story is fairly interesting for a comedy.
    • There is a plot and surprisingly somewhat of a character development
    • It’s funny and interesting
    • No bugs
    • A lot of content
    • Animations are good for the most part
    • The renders are decent
    • The girls are sexy
    Between good and bad:
    • The dialogue and writing
    • There are some typos and grammatical mistakes
    The bad:
    • The look of the MC. Although his look serves his purpose and is funny, I can’t enjoy his looks during a sex scene. It is a turnoff for me.
    • A bit linear
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    a really nice start, i rank this one pretty high in the "superhero" genre and also pretty high in the initial versions category.

    graphics are nice
    mc isnt just evil
    already a nice amount of content
    pretty much covers a lot of my fetishes