It's a windows issue:
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Basically the final path is too long, making some files unable to extract. It's not the first time I receive this report, so I'll note it down so I won't forget and try to see if I can shorten up the names.
I use 7zip:
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So I never knew about this issue, and just named the files in a comprehensible albeit lengthy way, now I know why people name their things "hs123" or other very short names
But yes, it would create issues. You need all the files with a successful extraction. I'll try to fix it on R14.
Unfortunately I have proof of the opposite, I used Legacy of Hestia's final update to gain one extra month for Vox Gremory, and in just that month I lost many patrons (which I regained back by updating now).
In general people are forgetful/new to the project, and they base their experience only on the current game and not its future or past projects of the same dev by comparison. Which is also why on all projects of mine in these years, I always get "This game has no hentai!" at the beginning, you'd think that by having completed projects with a big number of hentai scenes would be enough to figure out that [current game] will also have many hentai scenes eventually, but it never happens.
There's also the factor that I am still learning, and I am not sure how big in scope is having a fully animated game. My goal when starting a project is to complete it as soon as possible, so I need to keep it within my current abilities, still... Assuming that I successfully learn, the game will have tons of animated sex scenes since at some point a big cast of heroines will be living with the protagonist.