
New Member
Jun 12, 2024
I was able to modify windows version, not the android one unfortunately.
1) Download UABEAvalonia from github, I used "seventh release"
2) Extract everything from
4) Open UABEAvalonia.exe
5) File -> Open -> ./PCVR(OpenXR)/Harem_Life_VR_Data/data.unity3d
6) Decompress pop-up will show, click "Memory" button
7) In dropdown find "level1", click "Info" button
8) Sort table by name, we need assets with name "GameObject Censor Capsule" and "GameObject Censor For Fanza", so far 36 assets
9) Click an asset, then click "Edit data" button, you need to find path id in [0] section:
0 ComponentPair data
0 PPtr<Component> component
0 int m_FileID = 0
0 SInt64 m_PathID = 7862
7862 we need, copy to clipboard, click "Cancel"
10) Click View in top -> Go to asset (or Ctrl+G), paste 7862 to Path Id input -> Ok
11) We found the transformation object, click "Edit data"
12) You need to find scale section:
1 Vector3f m_LocalScale
0 float x = 0,045
0 float y = 0,05
0 float z = 0,04
and set everything to 0 (basicly we set 0 size for censor), should be like this:
1 Vector3f m_LocalScale
0 float x = 0
0 float y = 0
0 float z = 0
Click OK
13) Repeat steps from 8) to 12) for all 36 assets (girls), you will spend some time here
14) File -> Save -> OK. Close asset window
15) In main window File -> Save
??? Profit!