VaM is only 8$ max and is a sandbox so the learning Curve is surely high...the biggest problem is that is made with a 2018 unity version (but vam2 with genesis 8 figures is in the making)..Vam is high-key ass, its just the UGC that saves it and even then the tech is embarrassing to still be selling in 2024. VR hot is marginally better for controls and out of the box player capabilities. Both games are very rough performance wise with mid range hardware but unlike VAM which is bottlenecked by asset loading. This game does scale well with high end hw
at least. The cloth physics need adjustment to take advantage of them better but it does run notably better than equivalent settings in VAM
The biggest issues with this game imo are the lack of feedback/responsiveness using the wrist menu and the appearance of the characters. The stock genesis preset characters you can morph between are hideous. With enough work it is possible to make an attractive character but without a good UGC system most people will never experience that and the creation process is slow. Vam has the same issue but you never really have to see the default characters
Honestly as i said, the only thing that VRHOT has better than VAM is the ease of use for the normal player that needs a quick fap...for the rest...there is just no story (and you can't create anything new for VR hot since is a closed system)...
I just try again VR HOT every time a new version comes out but it always disappoints me, maybe because i see a wasted potential...lets see how goes...