FYI.... your not missing out on much in the newer V0.9.16.2. I bought it on steam recently, because it was on sale. I really wanted to see the new beach map and wanted to support the development. (btw I only can play in desktop mode). The new version is very buggy, the models necks will constantly stretch to bizarre lengths when near or in the water. Plus the new version crashes to desktop after playing for maybe 30-60 minutes. Seems a real problems exist with the NEW beach map, or due to Steam's DRM protection causing issues. In comparison I've never experienced crashes or trouble playing v0.9.15 from here. Eventually the newer version will make it on here, but for now your not missing nothing but bugs and issues. If I could share it here I would, but my version requires steam to launch. This v0.9.15.2 here does not, for that I went back to this using older version.