Just wanted to give some give some words of encouragment and some words of "wisdom".
Don't burn yourself out while trying to put out content, if you need to take a little break or whatever go ahead

it's much easier to take a break and get back to work than actually getting back to work when you're already burned out in my experience.
It's also worth mentioning that imo Quality > Quanitity, and this also goes for the game in general. It doesn't matter how much content a game has if it runs horribly and is prone to crashing and bugging. Obviously the game runs good so far and there are no issues, but I see people (including myself) are asking for more content and i think it's worth mentioning that you should also put effort into keeping the game running smoothly
Too often devs in this community run into issues and their games turn awful and i dont want to see this happening to ur game!
Other than that, keep up the good work