VN Others Completed Wallis and the Time Machine [Fleet]

Jul 25, 2019
That's only one hypothesis of time travel.
My personal hypothesis is that time travel can't exist because of disease. If a time traveler appeared from the future, or if we traveled back in time, we would bring great plague upon the world from our advanced immune systems and the germs we've built in ourselves. Like if we time traveled with the coronavirus in us, we would straight wipe civilization away going far back enough (if coronavirus is truly as deadly as they say)


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
My personal hypothesis is that time travel can't exist because of disease. If a time traveler appeared from the future, or if we traveled back in time, we would bring great plague upon the world from our advanced immune systems and the germs we've built in ourselves. Like if we time traveled with the coronavirus in us, we would straight wipe civilization away going far back enough (if coronavirus is truly as deadly as they say)
Um, the universe doesn't protect life. It really doesn't care about us and isn't going to block something possible just because it will have a negative impact on some insignificant specks somewhere in it's vastness.

And time travel is already possible cause wormholes already can link any two points in the spacetime continuum. The problem is we can't create targetted wormholes(so any time travel would be jumping into a random wormhole and ending up at time and place unknown) and the other hypothesized methods of time travel may very well not be possible(and likely aren't).


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2018
Interesting comments about time travel. Wallis' experience is like a random wormhole as described by Jimayo (above post) except that Wallis ends up at a known time, but the place is unknown.

Very respectfully,