I get it and understand your position.
But the thing is, the problem isn't just the relationship grind.
The problem is half-a-dozen or more various grinds that coincide with the relationship grind:
- The grind for combat level
- The grind for profession levels
- The grind for getting ingredients for the alchemy and cooking recipes
- The grind for making potions and dinners
- The grind for acquiring gold and wealth
- And so on and so on
And note that the relationship grind and some other grinds mentioned in the list are not just "one" grind.
There are multiple relationship grinds and multiple profession grinds and multiple alchemy and cooking ingredients that all have to be grinded for.
I'm happy this all works for you. But for the average player, it reaches a point where the game isn't fun anymore without the use of some third party cheating software.
And my personal rule of thumb is this: If I have to use a cheat engine or save editor or third-party cheating tool of any kind in order to make playing your game fun for me, then there is probably something wrong with your game.
I mean for example, no matter how much you love this game, you have to admit that it's a bit ridiculous that fighting and defeating random mobs gives you absolutely
NO experience.
You have to admit that this game design choice does nothing to really improve the gameplay experience for the player.
All it does is just add to the already pretty overwhelming grind.