Of course I would like to add reactions of characters on different events, or player achievements, if that's what you mean. It's a question of finding good idea of what character could say, that is funny or clever, and in character. It's not something easy for me, but when I have an idea, or a player suggest it, I usually add it. I don't want to add random lines just because. Other factor is that the game world isn't focused around Krowly. For example Jenna might have discussed Eric's transformation with him, but it doesn't mean she should talk about it to Krowly. Solution to that is a scene that Krowly sees, like if he comes inside their house and sees them talking. Scenes like this are harder then just extra lines, because they affects characters schedule, already complicated. I still may want to add them, if the idea is good and adds to the game. Small note - I have no interest in adding to every character a reaction to the fact that Krowly wears lingerie, or to the fact that he is naked. It's not interesting to me and I don't think it would add to the game.
Short answer - yes, except reactions to outfits