So a few things, winning or losing a battle is kinda annoying cause it doesn't freeze the screen. So like the futa elves, in order to get them to cum you have to face or buttfuck them after you beat them up. Trouble is while the scene is playing out EVERY other mob is still moving in the background, so when you exit the scene BAM another fight. This is made worse when you lose a fight and then 2-3 other mobs are standing around waiting for their turn too. It'd be nice if while scenes are playing out, mobs aren't surrounding Krowly in the background.
There are many times the game feels like Xcom. Take the spell Freezing for instance. There are some fights where it will just miss 4x in a row. To top that, Freezing just doesn't work at all. It says it has a 20% chance to paralyze, I've used it enough to get it to Freezing + and not once did it freeze or paralyze a single target. I have the blue flame crystal equipped and it wasn't until I got Freezing + that it finally froze a target. I remember playing like a year back and Freezing was a pretty powerful spell, it was how I beat the ghost outside the witch tower pretty early on. It's hard to justify ever using that spell, when icicle hits 3x and does way way more damage usually. Add to that it doesn't ever freeze or 'paralyze' a target and doesn't seem to have any synergy with the blue fire crystal (it's supposed to add 10% chance to freeze). Oh and another thing, Freezing is a slower casting spell, so even if you have high agility it will always cast slower than icicle too, it's a fun way to make Krowly into a punchingbag.