Could you rephrase it? I don't understand what you want me to do
If the situation is that Eric is overlusted and you talk to party, he responds with text saying he isnt' sure he'll be able to function in battle because his lust is too high. You can Help Eric or Do Nothing. Help Eric, options are "Use my dick", "Use my ass", "Use your hand".
If you choose "Use my dick"
Eric responds "Oh... Okay, but only to make you ready for the next battle" <-- This isn't to make Krowly ready for the next battle, this is to help Eric by ready for the next battle.
During text isn't worded either direction
After text, Krowly says "Thank you Eric, I needed it" <- This wasn't because Krowly needed it, this was because Eric needed it.
The before text could be anything from "Do you really think that will help me?", or "Okay, but only because I need to bring my lust down" or whatever funny variant you want to go with, make it relationship level dependent, reluctant at lower levels and enthusiastic at higher levels, whatever.
After text. Eric could say "Thanks, that helped" or Krowly could say "That was great, I hope it helped you" or whatever funny variant you want to go with.
Checked the other options, Use my ass has a similar issue, use your hand does not.