I fixed Ch 6 missing picture and updated the family patch.
What does the family patch do? When I played the last update without the family path, the sisters where still the MCs sister and the aunt was still the aunt.
Honestly, it never occurred to me to combine them like this. I'm deliberately vague because I don't really know yet. Warlord is the second thing I'm working on and I'm more growing the story rather than developing it. I know how it ends and what needs to happen to get there, but the details are filled in as we go. If you've played any of my other games, you know I'm not opposed to including darker elements related to consent, but only where I feel the story or characters need it. In my opinion, it would have been waaaay too early in chapter 6 to have the MC do anything that dark. There is a future scene I have in mind where that might work. We'll see. Sorry if that's still vague, but at least you know why.
Aaaah, you play as you go, I get it, and I wondered why you were so vague before and couldn't understand it. I guess that the answer right beneath your nose is the hardest to find...
Anyway, haven't played your previous titles, but might look into them. You do you with your game, but I think it would be befitting for a MC that's trodden down on the darker path to be able to make such choices also. Kind of what real life warlords did. But it's of course up to you what you want in your game. Regardless of if you let the MC combine lust and chaos at some point, I think it would work nicely from a lore perspective if it at least is something that can be and is done by others. And it doesn't just have to be relegated to chaos and lust. Other energies could be synergized too. So, for instance, if you combine chaos and heavenly/divine energy (don't remember if that was what it was called, but I think you know what I mean) it could take the form ritual sacrifice whereas if you combine lust and divine/heavenly energy it could be a ritualistic orgy. And so on.
And I see what you mean about it being to early for the MC to do something that dark, though killing the patron godess of his aunt (and his own familiy?) seems kind of dark also, to be fair. But I guess that can be chalked up to some sort of instinctive and adrenaline fueled reaction as a result of the stressful situation/fight he just came out of. And while I was a little disappointed we didn't get to do anything with/to her (fucking a godess has a nice ring to it...

), I appreciate that you didn't flinch from killing off a female character that could have been a potential LI (it's so boringly predictable when all females become LI:s/allies while only men remain enemies to the MC) and also that females in your game can have serious conflicts and be (lethal) enemies and are not automatically made into friends forever when they discover their mutual love for the MCs mighty cock (a sidenote, also enjoy the developing jealousy between the sisters).
Same thing with the moral grayscale of the different factions, that there isn't a "good" faction and an "evil" faction, but simply factions (or maybe even, several slightly evil factions, by our modern standards, as they all seem perfectly fine with killing and slaughter to achieve their goals, which is also realistic).