Ren'Py - Welcome to Erosland [v0.0.13] [PiXel Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Inanimate Incarnate

    very very nice game with beautiful characters, a lot of bright colors and a lot of good content with plenty of variety, but the development is unfortunately super slow.

    simple and straight forward corruption like their previous games, I would love to see the same level of customization they offered with the clothing option in Raven's Quest but it's still nice.

    Iono's most recent progression introduced more interaction options with the attractions you send the girls to work at, It's super cool and I hope they do more of that in the future.

    I would also love to see Hana going to work at Iono's barn and vice versa.

    overall another great game from pixelgames, a very enjoyable game with a great potential for the future !
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is exactly what I want to see on this site: interactive porn in form of a game.

    - corruption is amazing
    - writing is great (even if limited by the topic)
    - characters are top notch
    - art is great

    - story, kinda

    - it's really linear
    - gameplay (management) is close to nonexistent

    While the game is pretty linear and gameplay is lacking, it doesn't matter at all compared to sheer amount and quality of porn, writing and characters.

    Just like all the others game from this dev, this is a masterpiece.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    wow. i played the first release and loved it. after telling myself id wait for a few more updates i finally caved and caught up. this has easily become one of my favorite games

    the new girls (Iono, Angela and the band girls) are all incredibly hot with even hotter scenes to go along with them. especially Ionos scenes.

    if youre into consensual sharing games then this is a must play
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.0.11

    Welcome to Erosland has excellent art and kinky scenes but fails to execute on its premise leaving the player with a somewhat boring and unsatisfying experience.

    The MC inherits an abandoned amusement park which includes technology that beams gorgeous women from alternate dimensions into his park. He trains them to be both personal sluts and free use whores for the guests of the park.

    The art in this game is GORGEOUS. Plentiful amount of scenes. Each is usually a single base image, but a good amount of facial expression change makes the scenes feel alive. Additionally, many are built to add a second character which helps the variety.

    As a big fan of free use, the girls' jobs in the park are some of my favorite scenes in the genre. Multiple partners, multiple holes, a perfect balance of lighthearded willingness and degradation.

    The corruption is fun, but lacks any real mechanics to make it meaningful. While there are multiple girls, all the corruption arcs are pretty similar as they become submissive sluts just of different colors, in rapid, willing, and at times silly fashion. The paths are completely linear, segmented (must do most of girl 1 to get to girl 2) and lack any real stakes. You can't piss off the characters, or impact the arcs in anyway.

    The most disappointing part of the game is the lack of any real management systems. The premise of an amusement park staffed by free use sluts is awesome, but completely undelivered. Currency is easily acquired but the options to update the park are linear and few and far between. You naturally stack $$$ without any decision or strategy. I had hoped this would be addressed in updates, but after two years of development no real progress has been made to the meaningless management systems.

    Amazing art, solid faps, but a completely linear text scroller going from one event to the next without any real choice, gameplay, or thought.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, Welcome to Erosland.

    Actually, the project is very good, and I want to emphasize that practically all projects from this developer are good because you can feel the effort put into them. The art is genuinely enjoyable.

    Gameplay-wise, it's quite simple, and there's nothing too complicated. It's like a fairy tale or a calm and unusual narrative with the player participating a bit. For absolute beginners or people who may lack sufficient intelligence, the game tells you what to do, when to do it, which, in my opinion, is not great. Playing this project won't require you to think much, but the project is genuinely good and deserves attention.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version [v0.0.11] at review time.

    Another great game from PiXel Games.
    As its predecessors it caters primarily to the corruption/sluttery kink, although this time you don't follow a single lady, but rather play as a guy, who helps others slowly discover their sexuality.

    I especially appreciate that there is no rape or forcing the girls into their roles - even though you do give them a push from time to time, it is always followed by the reminder, that they don't have to do anything they are not comfortable with.

    And, well, I happen to absolutely adore happy and willing sluts, so I've been having a fantastic time with this game so far.

    That being said, if you happen to identify with male leads in games and are not into sharing your partner, then you should probably skip this one.

    From the technical side - the artwork is great, the writing is decent (the story itself might be lacking and kinda silly, but the main focus is character interactions anyways, and those I found rather compelling) and the grind is minimal.

    A solid recommendation.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is hot and the trainer system is good enough but there is zero reason for this game to be a sandbox game. Most of Erosland is "under construction" and the story is pretty linear. That may change but it's gonna take a long this at this rate.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another absolute banger by Pixel.
    For now - more than playable. Yes, it is a corruption game but for now there is already tons of tasty depravity. Exhibitionism, cute titties (no giant milk bags), feet, tons of tasteful dirty talk, several girls (and interactions between them), whoring (public one too), lesbians, and upcoming (in the next updates) beasts. Good stuff. Can't wait for what this game can become in a year. 5 stars for real.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice curves, clothes and character progression

    The balance between mc focus and girls' affairs is very appealing: they always have time for the mc, even when they are doing smth naughty

    Girl's evening autonomy is nice too: they can try to interact with the mc or do smth alone or interact with each other! (all these things happen by themselves but can be triggered by mc too)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with EXCELLENT Art

    Story: 10/10 - I really enjoyed the story, one of the ones where you read what is going on. The scenes, and fun vibes from the characters - are awesome.
    Fun: 10/10 - it is fun. Good vibes after the game - you want to return there.
    HScenes: 9/10 - no animations BUT HOW AWESOME THIS ART!!!
    Kink: 9/10 - solo, lesbian, just sex with MC, corruption, and JOBS scenes What else do I need in the game??? Of waiting for more characters and situations of corruption :devilish:
    Gameplay: 8/10 - management, but not much mechanics ATM, but you will LOVE IT

    One of the best games in the genre.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game, great art!!!
    The characters are very hot and the scenes are for the most part unique between each other, and the pacing is good.

    I would personally add windows that pop up, when you WOULD have progressed, but cannot because it isn't developed/ready yet, to make it more obvious!

    The outfits that are here are hot, I know it's a lot of work, but I would like to see more various events through these different outfits+the upgraded versions. Which seems to be happening already through these updates.

    SHARING GIRLS: (incase you don't know or aren't into this).
    If it was not already obvious, you share the girls in a sort of brothel like management game. Meaning other NPCs will engage in sexual activity with the female characters that you also have sexual activity with.
    You sort of train them in a sense, then send them out to act with that training. (Personally I'm not into it, but for a game like this it never bothers me).

    This game overall is one of those masterpieces and just needs more time and development, it's already accomplished a lot and looks like it will have more. I hope the dev is enjoying making this game, because everyone is enjoying playing it!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR as of .009: It's REALLY good, but don't play it. I can't give it any less than 5 stars since that would be an utter lie, but I 100% cannot recommend anyone to play this game yet.

    Everything about this game is amazing. Art, Dialogue, the Sandbox, the Corruption, the progressively skimpier clothing, etc. However, I can't recommend this game simply because the rate of it's growth and the scale of what the game wants to do. As of right now, there are 5 "doors" in your inn/hotel, which implies 5 girls to live with, and from the pattern that we've seen, all from different universes. As of right now, there are 3 girls, and 2 "complete" stories for the girls, and it seems as if each girl will be able to "recruit" other girls from their universes (so a total of 10 girls). There also seems to be a plan set for multiple clothing items with different variations, multiple attractions, etc. However, this game gets updated around once every few months, and the updates only provide average-sized to small-sized content. I remember seeing this come out as version .001, and decided to let it cook in the oven. Now it's at version .009, and I got around 4 fun hours, but considering how long this game has been cooking, it seems as though what I got was very small.

    So, if you're interested in this game, come back in 5 years. It'll be good then. If you decide to play this game anyhow, then you'll feel dissatisfied for every single update that comes up for years to come.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art, been a fan since "The Wind's Disciple". Enjoyed the various outfits in "Raven's Quest" and was overjoyed that the outfit system was even better in this one with it becoming skimpier as the girls' levels progress. Only thing I can see as a downside is the long wait between updates but I can understand that it takes time to create such a great game. 10/10 game in my books.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, pacing, and premise. Reminds me of Akabur as well, can't wait to see how it goes, and will be following closely! Perfect trainer, outfits, and content. Park expansion is going to be great, and this game has a good base to build off of.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm quite surprised by the overall rating of this game. It lacks any coherent story, the progression is just based on following the specific prompts and it seems like the developer forgot about the fact that the MC decided to open a ?theme park? Because the one character is completely corrupted and yet there's only two "attractions", neither of which fit a park whatsoever.

    The art is great, I love the outfit progression mechanics, and the scenes are awesome. But for the concept of "recruit girls from the multiverse to work in your perverted park", it is lacking the girls, the recruitment, and the park.

    I would come back and change my rating once the developer fleshes out the character roster and the park roster or else shifts the idea to "make a girl work in cafe and get harassed" because that's currently most of what it is. And it does that well, but there's really no game here besides that.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Welcome to Erosland [v0.0.8] review

    Linear sandbox click-grinder VN.


    - Very basic convoluted story. (Pretty much a copy+paste of Akabur's Star Channel 34, but without Akaburs witty/funny writing style.)
    - Linear sandbox.
    - Excessively grindy (And not the fun grind where you need to sometimes use your brain. In this game you just click, click, click to repeat actions and move back and forth between areas and change the time of day. No brain is required. 9 times out of 10 what you need to do is just repeat what you did yesterday.)
    - Formulaic & uninspired progression. (Grope her 4 times and then she suddenly likes it, then escalate by kissing her until she reaches 10 points, then oral etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Of course only one of these actions per day allowed.) What a snoozefest.
    - Terrible writing. The author is utterly incapable of recreating how actual human women talk and act. Repeatedly groping a woman and forcing her to work for you will suddenly make her like you. U wot m8? I'm getting strong sexbot vibes from the female cast. They are programmed to like you if you pester them enough. The MC has the personality of wet cardboard, in addition to being pretty darn creepy.

    All in all, this just feels like a sex scene simulator with extra steps. The art is good, but that's not nearly enough to carry a full game. Especially when there's a provocative amount of grind of the worst possible kind and the writing is so cringy it'll make your skin crawl. This game needs a writer who can portray women, and maybe tell a joke or two, to stand a chance in today's lewd gaming market.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.

    - Good Art
    - Pacing feels good with events placed well
    - Scenes are attractive
    - The characters have some development
    - Generally well written

    - The management system could be fleshed out a bit more

    - Minor, but some of the UX feels clunky. Some QoL updates when switching from day/night/end day would be nice.
    - Some of the events in the rooms become repetitive as you have to trigger them before speaking to the girls
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This could end up being one of my very favorites. The art, pacing, story, and tone are all right up my alley. Love the training and corruption aspects. Reminds me of Akabur in some ways but with less grinding and more of what made his stuff good.

    I'll be supporting this one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I noticed Pixel Games are underrated. While their games are simple and dialogues far from shakespearian (sex talk maybe is very simple but it gets me and to be honest it is essence of dirty talk) art style is both incredibly sexy and cute at the same time and i love their view of sexual cursing aswell (why the fck slut should be negative perk anyway). Loved their previous game but it has one big flaw - it is to short. Have big hopes Erosland will be game with bigger scope thou personally would preffer that they would focus on Raven (yes - female protagonist). :p
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Short review: One of the best corruption games out there with a very simple management system, a cool clothing system, plenty of hot scenes, and good writing.

    Long (er) review:

    The good:

    Art/image quality is 10/10
    . Not much to say here, Pixel Games has wonderful art as always. Only the small kissing animations are a bit strange but that's a very minor thing

    Story/Characters: 9.5/10. The story itself is very basic, you're building a theme park that's a haven for perverts, and in order to succeed you have to slutify your workers, that's it. But it doesn't need anything more, the simple story allows for the game's other strengths to shine more, which are good writing, hot characters, amazing outfit customization, and a great corruption system.

    A complex story with convoluted management systems would severely hinder how fun it is to play this game.

    The bad:
    Not much to say really, I guess the only bad thing is that there isn't more content (though already there are tons of scenes).

    Personal note: I'd say this game is a little less kinky than their previous and existing titles but it's still not even close to vanilla (which is good). Maybe some scenes with monsters, beasts, or beastmen would be a cool addition, but I won't fault a game for not having them.

    Also, support Pixel Games, they make good shit.