As someone in the artist's server, insider sources state that the actual game will enter early access this November, and presumably feature the second (and maybe third) chapter.
Take it with a grain of salt still.
Also, the protagonist is originally even more of a psycho, but has been toned down a bit.
In the original chapter two (which canonity is still in the air) it is revealed he used to lure girls to his cabin, fuck them, then kill them, so yeah, you are not playing as a good person.
Still, maybe that will change.
Suggestions for people butthurt about how you are not playing as the usual bland faceless protagonist with the personality of cardboard and have girls just automatically fall in love with you:
Treat this like Spec Ops the Line or the infamous Coffin game, understand that you are playing as a bad person, and don't audience surrogate this shit.
Instead, sit back and see how he fucks shit up, or maybe fuck himself up.