I have v1.5 but I won't upload it. I happen to enjoy the game quite a bit but seeing so many people being disrespectful to the creator, I feel like it's not worth it.
I actually looked through the last couple pages, and except for 1 post, who just straight up said the game was shit (which by the length of the comment and without any further explanation given I guess can be dismissed as some frustrated kid), I fail to see how there's "people being disrespectful to the creator" here. Sure, the game may be unintuitive, as the player is atleast to a degree expected to know what to do, but hell, people praised him for the artstyle chosen (cannot agree more, mizuki is straight-up adorable) and the exploration you have to do, which is somewhat easy to discover, but also not too terrible on it's own by stretching out it's welcome. And heck, it's the internet, people will always state their opinion.