
Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Myrtle is a fucking chump. Look, i know this is just a ridiculous porn game, but the story is this update was stupid and lame as hell.

The build up and meat of the story is all about Myrtle becoming bolder, braver and more independent, only to toss all that out the window so she can eagerly beg to be harem girl #14, satisfied with visits every now and then from the guy she's supposed to love and sacrificed her husband for in its conclusion. wtf.
The way we thought about it, in the first quest, the focus was on Myrtle's physical security, the second one financial security (and independence), and the third one emotional security, all while improving her relationship with the MC. Now I'm sure we could have done a better job, but the idea was that by the end of the third quest, Myrtle would love to spend time with the MC but won't 'need' him and is more than happy with her life independently of him or her husband.

Also in this game characters interact with each other and might become aware of the MC's sexual intercourse with other female characters. So she had to be cool with the MC having sex with other women while at the same time have feelings for him. This will not be limited to Myrtle. I can tell you that almost all other female characters will have a somewhat similar attitude toward the MC and his love/sex life.

It's a very, very common problem once you combine few/no choices and the tag "harem" in one game and there's little one can do about it, no matter how good the writing actually is. There'll always be some characters/stories who don't really fit the concept that well. The only real alternatives to solve this specific issue are to either add (more) choices/branches or to remove the harem, so each girl gets her own way to end the game. But that's a lot of additional work.

We'll see how the game progresses in the years to come, but in my opinion they still did manage the whole thing rather well until now. At least I can totally see Myrtle warming up to let's say Rose or so without having regrets herself.
If you go to her screen in the crystal ball, you'll see that she has a few scenes left.
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So there's furry tag on website so i'm assuming there will be monster girl type like characters ike Cat,Dog or Fox girl.I really like that kind of concept are you gonna add characters like that? also i hope you two never lose passion about this game because this game is pure gem.Thanks for hard work.
We do have some furry content planned, but I don't know when we will get to add them to the game. Right now, we're focusing on girls and scenes that we don't consider optional. Besides, we want to add content for the characters that are already in the game before adding many new girls (except when needed by the story).


May 15, 2020
And no, we're pretty clear that the fox will stay as it is without sexual content, and there will be more animals like that (because we like animals and want to add cute things to the world).
Personally, I'm happy about that. But perhaps an animal or two can still be included in non-sexual story progression? E.g. the fox helps you get something you need for a quest, or you have to rescue the cub, etc. Just food for thought. Great update. :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
I'll be honest Myrtle's story makes no sense, but it's a porn game and there is essentially 0 way to add a widow who still loves her husband to the mc's harem without making it unrealistic as fuck, and that is fine. They chose the wacky way, which fits with the game's comedy style.

I'm hyped for Lana, and I hope we get some of the golden hair princess whose name i just cannot recall. goldbrush, goldbush or something?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Absolutely fantastic update!

The art is absolutely out of this world as always, the sex scenes are beautiful (and there's so many of them!) and the quests are super funny and interesting as well as you would expect from WaL at this point. I loved that it was actually pretty long as well... it took me like 3 hours or more to play through the whole update and it was so worth it.

PS: I like that Myrtle is absolutely fine with the MC wanting to have a harem because... let's be real, how could anyone ever just choose one of all these women when they're all irresistable? I sure as hell couldn't so I'm glad that she isn't mad or anything.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
Just played the latest update. I was pretty excited about it, as Myrtle is mah gurl.

In the end... eh. The sex scenes themselves hadn't that spark I was expecting. My take on her, from the previous update, is that she was resigned to her life without a husband and the MC would change that a bit. He did it, but it felt... dunno, not how I thought it would be.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first part - Junior's help and the escalation of Myrtle's bravery. I liked that they both helped each other to fight off the wolf; it's pretty rare to see it in stories. The link with Rose and the toy-making was refreshing for a porn game and it was clear both girls had some sexual tension between themselves (at that moment, I knew there would be a scene between them and the MC in the future). It was nice to see so many customers at her door!
But the blowjob being 'not sex'... c'mon, that's pretty much wrong. Myrtle is not that innocent! That really broke the suspension of disbelief. She still had feelings for her hubby and I sincerely doubt she'd do that (or, even worse, the handjobs later). Still, a game is a game, so let's carry on.

The road trip was nice and, finally, we started seeing Myrtle change her mind about the entire ordeal. It felt organic and within reason; she finally accepted that what she had was better than bringing her hubby back and dealing with the awkward situation. The scene with the tree was awesome, too! Quite unexpected and a nice twist.
(I'm glad it died, as I started fearing for Rose's future!)

The last part was the weakest one, I feel. It's basically a collection of sex scenes with a bit of flavor text. A great visual reward, but after a quite well-thought storyline, the 'ending' felt a bit lacking. There could have been more conversation. As others have said, the 'harem' acceptance doesn't strike me as Myrtle's type at all. X-Men Evolution: Rogue-Like deals with it a bit more... feasibly (can't say 'realistic', of course :ROFLMAO:). Well, it's a harem game, but I guess she could be more... jealous? That would make it more believable - differently of Rose or Lana, which I'm certain wouldn't care if you're with other girls. Holly, on the other hand, seems to be closer to Myrtle and a more jealous girl (in fact, suggestion: Myrtle and Holly could have each some special sex scene after they get wind you've been with other girls earlier in the day ;))
Also, regarding the sex scenes, overall: she's too passive. She never gets on top or does it sideways. It felt like all scenes were barely variations of the same type. Only the lastest 2 (river and window) are different, and the latter wasn't much to speak of, to be sincere.

Finally, kudos to the artist (as always). Can't get enough of Myrtle! And to the entire team, as well. this game is getting great recognition and it's well deserved.

Oh, an extra thing: the scene with them together in bed transitions too fast. IIRC, all other sleep scenes require a mouse-click to change. That one stays up for 1-2s and quickly fades. As it is the BEST sleep scene up to now, I kindly ask for you guys to fix that for the next update.


Some highlights of the update for me:

1. Now that's a nightgown! Wouldn't mind seeing a girl every night in that :devilish:

2. And this is why I like Myrtle so much. Snuggling-type girls are best girls!

3. And it was at this moment he knew... he would fuck her!

4. This was the moment I lost my sides :ROFLMAO: (it's pretty far on the story, so beware)
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5. A pretty sweet piece of art. It's quite placid and warm. Also, hooray for reading-type girls!


That said, there is something really sad and the worst crime of all in this update:
The MC barely plays with Myrtle's breasts! COME ON! :mad:
I wanted to see those melons kissed, sucked, grabbed, and motorboated as much as possible! How can we get just a single scene with them getting interacted with?!?

I know there's a titfuck scene in the works, but that's not the same thing...
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Feb 27, 2018
Kinda hard for me to take a stand on the whole "Myrtle accepting being part of an harem was out of character" debacle. I can see where everyone's frustation with the idea is coming from, its not cool to see a character you like have their personality twisted for the sake of a plot contrivance (or in this case, a tag on a porn website).
But at the same time, porn games by their own nature will always require a bigger level of suspension of disbelief from the viewer compared to other genres because people play these games mainly for the lewd content so the creators will always prioritize the lewdness over plot and characters.

Harem games always require a big diverse of personalities for their female leads since they want to hit as many kinks as possible, but at the same time every single one of these personalities MUST be cool with the exact same concept of sharing a single man between themselves. How do you make that work without bending some of these personalities here and there? I don't think even Shakespeare could make that work. lol

Oh, an extra thing: the scene with them together in bed transitions too fast. IIRC, all other sleep scenes require a mouse-click to change. That one stays up for 1-2s and quickly fades. As it is the BEST sleep scene up to now, I kindly ask for you guys to fix that for the next update.
I second this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
During sex at the window Myrtle's face looks as if she is a bit bored. :p
I agree, lol. It seems she's thinking about all the wood they'll have to chop for the next tax collection.

Myrtle = best grill, change my mind
I can't change the mind of someone who is absolutely right!

Kinda hard for me to take a stand on the whole "Myrtle accepting being part of an harem was out of character" debacle. I can see where everyone's frustation with the idea is coming from, its not cool to see a character you like have their personality twisted for the sake of a plot contrivance (or in this case, a tag on a porn website).
But at the same time, porn games by their own nature will always require a bigger level of suspension of disbelief from the viewer compared to other genres because people play these games mainly for the lewd content so the creators will always prioritize the lewdness over plot and characters.

Harem games always require a big diverse of personalities for their female leads since they want to hit as many kinks as possible, but at the same time every single one of these personalities MUST be cool with the exact same concept of sharing a single man between themselves. How do you make that work without bending some of these personalities here and there? I don't think even Shakespeare could make that work. lol
I know, but still... the storyline of this game is captivating enough for one to put the lewd stuff as 'secondary' (as opposed to most porn games, where the story is just there to delay access to the sex scenes for some time). I say it deserves a bit more work to make it believable (one angle could be making her jealous of his 'adventures'... but, as they aren't married or official anything, she can't really hold him to her permanently). Another one could be making her sad about him not visiting her for some time (and getting due compensation by the MC).
As I've said, I totally expect Rose, Maple, Lana, the orc, Goldenbush, Anne, and the princess to don't give a flying fock about MC's whereabouts, but Holly and Myrtle seem different to me - they're wife-ish material, through and through.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Kinda hard for me to take a stand on the whole "Myrtle accepting being part of an harem was out of character" debacle. I can see where everyone's frustation with the idea is coming from, its not cool to see a character you like have their personality twisted for the sake of a plot contrivance (or in this case, a tag on a porn website).
But at the same time, porn games by their own nature will always require a bigger level of suspension of disbelief from the viewer compared to other genres because people play these games mainly for the lewd content so the creators will always prioritize the lewdness over plot and characters.

Harem games always require a big diverse of personalities for their female leads since they want to hit as many kinks as possible, but at the same time every single one of these personalities MUST be cool with the exact same concept of sharing a single man between themselves. How do you make that work without bending some of these personalities here and there? I don't think even Shakespeare could make that work. lol

I second this.
Everyone's frustration? Were people actually upset about Myrtle being okay with a harem?


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Just played the latest update. I was pretty excited about it, as Myrtle is mah gurl.

In the end... eh. The sex scenes themselves hadn't that spark I was expecting. My take on her, from the previous update, is that she was resigned to her life without a husband and the MC would change that a bit. He did it, but it felt... dunno, not how I thought it would be.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first part - Junior's help and the escalation of Myrtle's bravery. I liked that they both helped each other to fight off the wolf; it's pretty rare to see it in stories. The link with Rose and the toy-making was refreshing for a porn game and it was clear both girls had some sexual tension between themselves (at that moment, I knew there would be a scene between them and the MC in the future). It was nice to see so many customers at her door!
But the blowjob being 'not sex'... c'mon, that's pretty much wrong. Myrtle is not that innocent! That really broke the suspension of disbelief. She still had feelings for her hubby and I sincerely doubt she'd do that (or, even worse, the handjobs later). Still, a game is a game, so let's carry on.

The road trip was nice and, finally, we started seeing Myrtle change her mind about the entire ordeal. It felt organic and within reason; she finally accepted that what she had was better than bringing her hubby back and dealing with the awkward situation. The scene with the tree was awesome, too! Quite unexpected and a nice twist.
(I'm glad it died, as I started fearing for Rose's future!)

The last part was the weakest one, I feel. It's basically a collection of sex scenes with a bit of flavor text. A great visual reward, but after a quite well-thought storyline, the 'ending' felt a bit lacking. There could have been more conversation. As others have said, the 'harem' acceptance doesn't strike me as Myrtle's type at all. X-Men Evolution: Rogue-Like deals with it a bit more... feasibly (can't say 'realistic', of course ). Well, it's a harem game, but I guess she could be more... jealous? That would make it more believable - differently of Rose or Lana, which I'm certain wouldn't care if you're with other girls. Holly, on the other hand, seems to be closer to Myrtle and a more jealous girl (in fact, suggestion: Myrtle and Holly could have each some special sex scene after they get wind you've been with other girls earlier in the day )
Also, regarding the sex scenes, overall: she's too passive. She never gets on top or does it sideways. It felt like all scenes were barely variations of the same type. Only the lastest 2 (river and window) are different, and the latter wasn't much to speak of, to be sincere.

Finally, kudos to the artist (as always). Can't get enough of Myrtle! And to the entire team, as well. this game is getting great recognition and it's well deserved.

Oh, an extra thing: the scene with them together in bed transitions too fast. IIRC, all other sleep scenes require a mouse-click to change. That one stays up for 1-2s and quickly fades. As it is the BEST sleep scene up to now, I kindly ask for you guys to fix that for the next update.


Some highlights of the update for me:

1. Now that's a nightgown! Wouldn't mind seeing a girl every night in that

2. And this is why I like Myrtle so much. Snuggling-type girls are best girls!

3. And it was at this moment he knew... he would fuck her!

4. This was the moment I lost my sides (it's pretty far on the story, so beware)

5. A pretty sweet piece of art. It's quite placid and warm. Also, hooray for reading-type girls!


That said, there is something really sad and the worst crime of all in this update:
The MC barely plays with Myrtle's breasts! COME ON!
I wanted to see those melons kissed, sucked, grabbed, and motorboated as much as possible! How can we get just a single scene with them getting interacted with?!?

I know there's a titfuck scene in the works, but that's not the same thing...
Thank you for the feedback, and the suggestion is taken: I'll make the sleep a bit longer in 0.5
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Mar 3, 2020
Alright, time for my thoughts on the update.

Pre update, Myrtle was a character I didn't really care that much about. She was sexy sure but I didn't really see anything unique about her. After the update came out I turned around on that opinion. She is a very awesome character. Very different to the others but still good. Her coming to terms with her feelings was very well done. It didn't feel out of nowhere and I enjoyed helping her. Her growth through the story was awesome. I love a strong female character so when she when she decided to be stronger I was cheering. Going after the wolf, killing the tree. That was awesome! Her sex scenes were awesome and very intimate. I wasn't expecting that many but was pleasantly surprised. The best scene by far is the one in The caves after the snow storm. The build up to it felt earned and satisfying. Having her decide to just do what she has been wanting and the way it was done was just perfect. Her backstory and the resolution she got was great. That she decided to get over her husband who left her without thinking was believable. When you think about it, her husband was a huge asshole to do what he did without thinking about her feelings. Still, it was great he told her to move on. By that point it was clear that he was fine with what happened to him so nobody really got screwed in the end.

I also gotta talk about that nightgown... She was so hot wearing that outfit. The scenes with her wearing them were just... *wipes face with a towel*

So yeah. I loved everything about it. Great game.

Luis Nope

Active Member
Jun 25, 2018
Now... that is a game that I always like to give my modest opinion, because for fucking sake, the couple of magic Nuts do fucking deserve it.
As always the story is funny and captivating and the artwork is absolutely gorgeous, having both the beauty of beign extremely well made and the extreme fit with situations of the story that look upon a more joyful approach.
Myrtle really is a woman that is impossibble for us to not fall for, light hearted, happy andd caring, in the same time that she is a little bit foolish, but in a good way, being somewhat an innocent woman. The way that her development was created is something understandable and you can see that it is something that could really happen, mainly when talking to a more "medieval" age, I have absolutely no complains and would love if other games creators could create a narrative like on this history, on every point of it.
Talking about the "Harem controversy", even though that was not explained, I do believe that, taking into consideration once again that this story, despite having magic and monsters, is situated on a medieval period and we all know that harems were only not seen on every kingdom because of the catholic church, and well... as far as I see, the religion on What a Legend is not one that seems to truly act on the damnation of that kind of act.
And well, the concept of creating a Harem based on love is something really difficult, so that is far from being a point that I would have against the story.
Another absolute surprise of this update were the amount of sex scenes, I recall the last update that we had three scenes and that felt a little bit bitter, so when I discovered was about to be released I thought with myself "If we have three scenes it would be nice, but again, I would feel like something is missing, if there are four I will really appreciate the effort and if we have five... well, that is why this games is absolutely amazing... and thats it right? I'm pretty sure that having six or more is somewhat impossible", so when I saw that we had EIGHT scenes... well, I freaking got excited as shit, and I was most definetely not disappointed.
This is, in my opinion, certainly part of the top five H-games that we have and I would really love to support their patreon, but charging in euros is something that would really hurt a brazilian like me.
To provide a more simple resume based on numbers, I would say:
Art: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Main Character: 10/10 (Goofy, but still attractive at the same time)
Characters: 10/10 (We have the cliches that we love, like Rose, the Gipsy, and different characters, like Holly, the badass farmer... and needles to say, Kevin... Just Kevin, the fucking bro)
Animations 8.5/10 (They are really good, but there is something that I can not truly describe that makes perfection not yet achieved, perhaps it could be a little bit more smooth... I dont know, but it is still fucking amazing)
Continue with the outstanding hard work and I just can't wait for our next update in a couple of months!
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4.70 star(s) 448 Votes