
Jun 30, 2020
P.S. For players who had issues with the sex scenes on some Android devices, I have made a lighter version of 0.5 where Lana's sex scenes have 12 images per animation loop rather than 20. I'm still testing it since I also changed the way images are shown, and I will post it as soon as it's ready.
hello man, this last step interests me in a particular way because [with my pc a p; old i could not upload sex pictures of sex with Lana while with myrtle i was fine ... this accommodation will have android download only or is also for pc .. it would be very useful for replaying lanastory and also for the future ..


Jun 30, 2020
I have already tried the compressed version but the sex images are the same and my pc does not hold them ..


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
The images are generally smaller size (often different format), in the compressed version. If that didn't help, then I can't think of other options.
I don't know what you mean by "my pc does not hold them", before you said you "could not upload them".
I took that to mean that they were not being displayed in your game, but are you actually looking for digital copies of the images, stored on your PC?
I think he just wanted to say that his PC can't run the new animations ('upload' meaning 'displaying them on screen'). From what I've understood, the problem with new animations is not the filesize of each image but the amount of different images that are shown in different layers, all of them with an associated movement that your PC (or mobile device) need to compute. I mean eyes, hair, legs and arms aren't just drawn all together, but loaded separetely and each element has a different movement coded to be shown in more frames than usual, while the whole screen is also panneling vertically. It's just too much of a computing and graphic effort for the weakest systems, and compressed pics don't help that much as the original filesize of those individual elements are already small.

Honestly, we are in 2021. If your PC can't run this game properly, running this game should be the least of your PC-related concerns.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Are you aware that third world hellholes exist Mr Olivier?
I'm sure than even in third world hellholes know a little about privacy and security and they should try to avoid risks if they can't be as up to date as it should be recommandable. Running a lewd game on an quite outdated system is not probably the wisest idea - not because of this one, but because if you're trying to run this game chances are you're also visiting other not-so-much-friendly sites -starting righ here with this very same forum with so many links and banners. And that's the real concern.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
I would guess that someone from those locales would be more interested in where their next meal was coming from, rather than why their PC can't play animations. ;) :LOL:
I mean some need some distraction to cope with living in there can't fault them for that.
I mean in this case he has probably played many Rempy games so this one not running doesn't mean he should go look for a rig or anything.
The current year is irrelevant in such places.

I'm sure than even in third world hellholes know a little about privacy and security and they should try to avoid risks if they can't be as up to date as it should be recommandable. Running a lewd game on an quite outdated system is not probably the wisest idea - not because of this one, but because if you're trying to run this game chances are you're also visiting other not-so-much-friendly sites -starting righ here with this very same forum with so many links and banners. And that's the real concern.
I doubt that most hackers care enough of people with such limited resources, not like we have much to take from.

Digga D

Jun 5, 2019
Lastly, we will post the poll for the hidden photos of 0.6 for Best Friend tier patrons in the next few days, and except for Rose and Madeline (who had their pictures taken in the previous update), all of the other girls will be included in the poll.
That's all, and I hope you have a great weekend.
Easy W in the bag for Myrtle. (Unless I just jinxed myself)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
I mean some need some distraction to cope with living in there can't fault them for that.
I mean in this case he has probably played many Rempy games so this one not running doesn't mean he should go look for a rig or anything.
The current year is irrelevant in such places.

I doubt that most hackers care enough of people with such limited resources, not like we have much to take from.
Assuming they actually need that computer for something important, it's not only about hackers robbing them either, it's about them risking that very same computer that could just stop working in any moment due to them clicking in a wrong link that infect them with some stupid trojan long time forgotten and harmless for the rest of the world. Heck, there are lots of websites that no longer work on old systems and browsers (which can't be updated either on older OS), so I'm not sure how they can function online even on a very basic way if they can't run this game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
Assuming they actually need that computer for something important, it's not only about hackers robbing them either, it's about them risking that very same computer that could just stop working in any moment due to them clicking in a wrong link that infect them with some stupid trojan long time forgotten and harmless for the rest of the world. Heck, there are lots of websites that no longer work on old systems and browsers (which can't be updated either on older OS), so I'm not sure how they can function online even on a very basic way if they can't run this game.
I must be lucky then since Ive never been affected by viruses, at least to the point that my PC gives over (And its a 12 year old laptop that only this month gave up mainly because we suffer from severe power outages).

Third world hellholes have better things to do than play hentai game m'dude
I mean as most places the levels of poverty vary depending on the parts country you live in, those who work on the field surely have better things to worry about but that doesnt mean that we cant afford certain commodities. So I dont think using the current year as a fix is helpful.
Anyways I dont plan on derailing the thread anymore, sucks for that guy but what can you do (Only avoid it like I do with RPGMaker MV games and its insane requirements to run even decently).


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
I would guess that someone from those locales would be more interested in where their next meal was coming from, rather than why their PC can't play animations. ;) :LOL:
People in the global south do not spend all day picking through piles of garbage for their next bit of sustenance like in one of those "sponsor a child" commercials. Entertainment is a universal human need and games (and pornography) are extremely popular everywhere.

That said, if you can't get a device that can run the game, then that sucks, but there's really nothing anyone here can do about it. The developer has said they're currently testing a lower-spec version of the 0.5 update so that it'll run on android devices better, so maybe that'll help?

I must be lucky then since Ive never been affected by viruses, at least to the point that my PC gives over (And its a 12 year old laptop that only this month gave up mainly because we suffer from severe power outages).
The thing about malware these days is that it's not like the 90's anymore where it makes Bill Clinton dance across your screen while it plays "Who Let The Dogs Out". It's either ransomware that encrypts your hard drive and locks you out until you pay the attacker, or it's a worm designed to never be noticed by the end user while it mines crypto/does DDOS attacks on command. It's far more likely you were infected by the latter and just never noticed any problems.
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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Boring fact for anyone who missed the joke earlier.

Third World was used during the Cold War to define nations that didn't fall into an ally of NATO nations or the countries that made up the Warsaw Pact. In fact, most Third World nations were often former colonies of the other powers, and while in recent years has become a byword for developing nations, the truth is that the concept has become long dated, as it described a global political situation that no longer exists.

Surprisingly, European Third World nations include Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Ireland, all of which have become economically successful and prosperous in the 30+ years since the fall of the Soviet Union.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
The thing about malware these days is that it's not like the 90's anymore where it makes Bill Clinton dance across your screen while it plays "Who Let The Dogs Out". It's either ransomware that encrypts your hard drive and locks you out until you pay the attacker, or it's a worm designed to never be noticed by the end user while it mines crypto/does DDOS attacks on command. It's far more likely you were infected by the latter and just never noticed any problems.
Well I never got any of that so I guess im lucky that my current portable is one of those work portables which I only use to play porn games since all its space is takrn over by updates lmao.
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