
Dec 30, 2020
I could and would see it that way, if Myrtle looked at it that way or started to look at it like that. At one point I thought she would become angry at Jack for leaving her alone unprepared. And I would have been perfectly fine with that, Myrtle realizes Jack hasn't been such a good husband even besides the sexual things and willingly breaks her promise. But the way it was done, Myrtle still verbally and technically upholding the promise and on her way to a dangerous resuce mission, just irks me. Let's be real, I'm just salty I can't enjoy her content, but if that's only me, I haven't really got a case, have I?

Edit: After thinking about it, my problem isn't Jack, my problem is the undecidedness of Myrtle. At that point she should either finally forget about Jack or uphold her promise until the rescue mission fails or succeeds. What she does feels wrong to both parties, she gives MC the feeling that she's still in love and loyal to her husband but at the same time not really loyal. Apparently my dick finds that very unsexy for whatever reason. Stupid dick!
I think it's just you, I didn't find any issue with it she had been waiting for someone who wasn't going to be coming back had treated her badly in multiple ways and lied to her he broke his vows first besides the MC I think is a much better person for her
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May 6, 2020
Literally the next sentence: "The actual development period will vary depending on the story/quests." As has been discussed to death in this thread, the last couple updates have taken longer than 5 months because that's what we the patrons signed up for voting tiers voted for, and the last couple updates have added a lot more content than the 3—5 month updates did, proportional to the extra time. They update the progress tracker six days a week and post progress reports every fucking Friday, so we can all see for ourselves that they're not slacking off and the updates are taking longer because they're bigger updates. Want them to stick to shorter, smaller updates? Sign up for tiers that include voting and then vote for shorter, smaller updates.

Whinging on a pirate site about how long it's been since the last update and ninnyhammering about "milking" or "why I don't support the dev" when we all know you weren't going to support them anyway is like complaining the worst possible candidate won in an election you were eligible to vote in, but chose not to. You're free to do so, but everybody is just going to roll their eyes at you.
Mar 8, 2018
Literally the next sentence: "The actual development period will vary depending on the story/quests." As has been discussed to death in this thread, the last couple updates have taken longer than 5 months because that's what we the patrons signed up for voting tiers voted for, and the last couple updates have added a lot more content than the 3—5 month updates did, proportional to the extra time. They update the progress tracker six days a week and post progress reports every fucking Friday, so we can all see for ourselves that they're not slacking off and the updates are taking longer because they're bigger updates. Want them to stick to shorter, smaller updates? Sign up for tiers that include voting and then vote for shorter, smaller updates.

Whinging on a pirate site about how long it's been since the last update and ninnyhammering about "milking" or "why I don't support the dev" when we all know you weren't going to support them anyway is like complaining the worst possible candidate won in an election you were eligible to vote in, but chose not to. You're free to do so, but everybody is just going to roll their eyes at you.
voting is for nerds anyway.


Jul 12, 2021
Literally the next sentence: "The actual development period will vary depending on the story/quests." As has been discussed to death in this thread, the last couple updates have taken longer than 5 months because that's what we the patrons signed up for voting tiers voted for, and the last couple updates have added a lot more content than the 3—5 month updates did, proportional to the extra time. They update the progress tracker six days a week and post progress reports every fucking Friday, so we can all see for ourselves that they're not slacking off and the updates are taking longer because they're bigger updates. Want them to stick to shorter, smaller updates? Sign up for tiers that include voting and then vote for shorter, smaller updates.

Whinging on a pirate site about how long it's been since the last update and ninnyhammering about "milking" or "why I don't support the dev" when we all know you weren't going to support them anyway is like complaining the worst possible candidate won in an election you were eligible to vote in, but chose not to. You're free to do so, but everybody is just going to roll their eyes at you.
Apart from we are having this talk on a 'pirate site' youre right,Sorry for not supporting every game i play like you do,i can only support one game in a month and thats my limit,and i prefer long updates too but 8 months for it? I guess we gotta wait and see when the next update released


Nov 15, 2019
Apart from we are having this talk on a 'pirate site' youre right,Sorry for not supporting every game i play like you do,i can only support one game in a month and thats my limit,and i prefer long updates too but 8 months for it? I guess we gotta wait and see when the next update released
Yes but if you're not supporting the dev which is totally fine, then why does it matter how long it takes? The game is fantastic and a lot of people love it and just want more which is understandable but that doesn't mean they are entitled to get updates more often.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Apart from we are having this talk on a 'pirate site' youre right,Sorry for not supporting every game i play like you do,i can only support one game in a month and thats my limit,and i prefer long updates too but 8 months for it? I guess we gotta wait and see when the next update released
Well i hope you put a Facepalm Reaction to your own once you play the release :v


Apr 11, 2018
This forum is pure, distilled copium
It's your typical banter from a "popular" game like this. This game does have some very unique art and a decent world with good characters. People want the updates. And just like every popular game on here you are only going to get a 2-3 a year, if that.

There are plenty of games that have monthly or bi-monthly updates that have more content in those updates then these more "popular" games do in there 2-3 updates a year.
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4.70 star(s) 448 Votes