Ren'Py - Abandoned - What a Legend! [v0.6.04] [MagicNuts]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know what to say. The game is astonishing! Story, characters, art...the game has all of them. It's the best nsfw game I've played so far and If you hasn't playit yet, then play it now. I crave for more content!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Just brilliant!! Never thought something so cheesy looking game would be so beautifully written. Made me laugh so darn hard . I don't wanna give away much about the game in a review , all i can say is "*What a legend*- ary" game !! Probably the best adult game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Contender for best 2d adult game, no doubt. Does it surpass SS? In another few content updates, assuming the quality stays the same, definitely.

    Oddly enough, this is a game you play that actually makes you feel wholesome - the MC is a lovable dufus who cares a lot about the women (and bros) he comes across in his travels. He's the classic knight saves the princess if the knight was a not-the-sharpest-pencil 18-year-old.

    Art is amazing, animations are good, story is good. Each of the characters, no matter how small of a part, feel like real people, even all the guards (love the Wedge and Biggs reference). The mini-games are not irritating as hell and are actually pretty rare.

    I rate this a 6 out of 5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've probably played more than 100 games from the site and this one is hands down the best. It features absolutely stunning, original graphics, great humor, many different character stories. Writing is really good, there are some interesting story twists.
    It kind of reminds me of Summertime Saga when it comes to MC personality, humor and art (which is good, as SS is a great game as well), but in a fantasy setting.
    There is pretty much just one thing, which I see as a con: the update frequency. I've supported the devs on patreon for more than 1,5yr, but only 3 updates were published during that period. Relatively big and juicy, sure, but still - with the speed like that you cannot expect the game to be finished in less than 3-5 years.
    But anyway, I'm definitely playing all the future updates as this game just rocks!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and perfect artwork. The game has one of the most well-planned lore in all the other games I played so far. Not only the main story but the side-quest were quite interesting and not based on grinding and boring other stuff. Therefore, it was extremely fun to play and definitely deserves an excellent rating.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is okay.Nothing original though.

    the game does lack sound. a couple of birds chirping here and there but thats about it.

    the sex scenes are limited to 1 position only.not impressed at all.

    overall the game is meh.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I started following this game a year ago and while the updates are slow (which is understandable because the game is made by 2 people), the art is amazing I love the universe, the story, the characters, the writing, it's one of the few games I actually read the dialogue instead of just skipping everything to get to the porn, I definetly recommend.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Santan Dave

    1. Best art of any western adult game.
    2. Solid story that is consistent, you can do the main story or side story at any time and it will still make sense.
    3. Immersive; has good world-building and many characters interact with each other.
    4. Nice variety of girls: from Elves, demon, orc, pixie, princess to simple farm girl or taken wife.
    5. No grinding or mini-games
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great fucking game! Hot girls, amazing art, and good writing. I wish the time between updates wasn't so long but if each one is jammed full of new content, it's hard to feel too bad about it. Hope the dev team keeps it up. I think they will.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    *review for v0.5

    This game is great, crazy good artwork, convenient navigation, engaging story and hot characters. Sound effects are amazing but why not add them to the sex scenes as well? some clapping sounds, some moanings would make this game one of the goats! I was contemplating if I should take away one star for this reason alone but this game is really good.

    please dev if you read this, add sound effects to the sex scenes!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wish there was more scenes. The game is really good. I intend to support the dev when its finished.
    The graphics 10/10
    The writing 8-9/10
    The scenes 9/10
    The coding 10/10
    The speed of updates 3/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt, the best 2d game you'll find here allongside Summertime Saga. Absolutely love the story and its evolution, the characters.. I also really love how the scenes aren't as easy to trigger as in other games, so they really feel way more rewarding.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on 0.6

    Artwork: 5/5
    Animations: 2.5/5
    Story: 4/5
    Lewd content: 5/5

    The artwork carries this game. The animations are simple and short, but still okay. The story has a good amount of humor and is well written, although the MC is quite dumb which tends to get annoying. The MC also has an infinite gold bag which the devs seems to have forgot about during the 0.6 update. Rose had to pay the antagonist (I won't be specific due to spoilers) when the MC could have used his.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    - Zero Choices
    - I hate missing content, because of branching paths. I want to see all the content the game has to offer.
    - Amazing artwork
    - Beautiful women
    - I am a massive fan of Myrtle and the Princess Elf
    - Story
    - ingame guide

    - a bit too much "collecting"
    - Not a fan of having to be in a specific location at a specific time. Almost impossible without the guide.
    - The ingame guide requires a bit too many clicks to access imo.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic artwork from both sex scenes to maps. The use of animations is innovative for a Renpy game. The map indicates a lot of future content is planned with tons of characters, though I imagine it will take several years before the content is considered finished. Worth purchasing on storefronts.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Linear experiences but you choose in what order. The premise is thrown in and sets up the tone, the reason to travel and keep going is zero interesting. The visual carries it, pretty much lovely but the rest – not entirely detailed which is I think just a way to check enough boxes for falling in love with it, a capitalistic approach considering there could be so much emotion in this "game" if only you could bring the player in. Point-and-click is not enough in itself. You can boot it up and progress a little every now and again, experience the dialog, yet it isn't something to remember. Overall, for what it wants to be, it's good.

    The fact this gets 10k a month is shocking, of course.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    As always, I wish you could give half stars, cause this is a solid 4.5, soft 5.

    I think the biggest compliment I can give this game is that you could throw out all the H scenes, and I would still be entertaining. Solid humor with well written characters. Plot is tight, so while you feel like you have a bit of choice about what to attend to, you also aren't stuck listening to the main character try to figure out something you think was obvious 3 chapters ago.

    I really can't say enough about the art style. Unique art assets are always appreciated. WELL DONE unique art assets are practically sent from heaven. A consistent, on model art style makes the characters SHINE in a way that most games can't match. I relish every update seeing whats next for this game. Hope the Dev keep up this level of quality, because its a rare thing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    High Quality Art and Animations. Very Good Story Writing. Updates usually take 5-6 months but it is worth the waiting time. The devs are very transparent with what they are doing. Discord Server offers you help if you are stuck or don't know what to do. Best game i know
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    **** 5 stars (early review at gameversion 0.5)
    + Literally my favorite kind of art, just fantastic!
    + Story is really really really well written, never gets boring, never skipped convos!
    + The art and concepts in the menus, homeocations and maps are also amazing!
    + The idea of adding minigame or variations is also something I always appreciated in case one may become a bit tired from playing the main game (in this case: finding snapshots taken by some goat?)
    + Lots of different girls/stories AND each are very unique in character
    + Like a real novel: character development, relations, twists and turns, thrill, suspense, etc.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The dialogue felt natural, witty, and uncontrived. The story is captivating to the point where I had to finish it. The physics for the sex scenes were substantial but could use improvement. Overall I look forward to future updates.