What a Legend!ary game! Another rare entry to a tiny selection of games I wish I could give a 6 out of 5. It's just that good.
What a Legend brought me back to that relaxed cozy feel of adventure games of yore (King's Quest, Kyrandia, or Broken Sword to name a few). But now with porn! The perfect way to dream away the winter cold. Almost hard to believe only two people primarily made it.
The 2D hand-drawn art is just gorgeous, and the quality and consistency is just nuts (MagicNuts). Lovingly crafted and beautifully detailed environments, map, and let's not forget the cast either. WAL also totally nails the light-hearted adventure vibe, featuring great writing with a nice dose of comedy, fourth-wall breaking, pop-culture referances etc. without going too heavy on the comedy. And yeah, it even throws in an actual interesting plot with interesting and likable/hateable (as appropriate) characters. It's not like it's trying to be Game of Thrones or anything, but I genuinely want to see where this goes in future episodes.
As for the sexy-times, it's plentiful and hot of course. Fairly vanilla mostly, with an Orc bj, as well as a certain side quest involving a pair of beer-enchanted (I'm guessing) goggles - currently ranking highest on the kink-o-meter.
The gameplay itself is fairly simple, but fun. There's a map and you move around on it. You advance the plot mainly by clicking hotspots in the right place at the right time. You can tackle side quests out of order and at your own pace to some degree, but ultimately there is a single linear path to follow. And I think that's perfectly fine, not everything needs to be a VN with branching (and more often than not: nonsensical) paths. I perhaps could have wished for a bit more in the puzzle-department, at least for side quests, and for the inventory to be utilized at least a little bit to make contraptions out of illogical ingredients - adventure style - but I'm picking nits here. Perhaps in future versions?
To summarize, I loved every minute of this game and can't wait for more. Was really sad when, to my great dismay, it turned out the game didn't go on forever...