
Jul 23, 2017
Why is this marked as Abandoned? According to the developers website and patreon it looks like they're still working on it.
F95 has a rule if there's no update for 18 months it gets flagged abandoned. This has been reiterated several times now, once MNuts pushes the next update, the first in almost 2 years mind you, it will update.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2017
Valid points all around.
However there is one thing to support a valid project and a totally different thing to pay a scammer. And like it or not, there are far more scammers than actual projects developers.
No I totally get you and 100% agree but the onus is on the supporter to know they're being dicked. The issue being there will be people who have bought into it so much they can't imagine it coming to nothing. Pretty much why Summertime Saga is ridden with simps who seem to think any delay or ordained by the almighty.
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Oct 8, 2017
Congrats that you (obviously) still survive, while money means nothing to you ;)
I don't think he meant that money means nothing. They matters greatly, to anyone, but I do believe that one should look at the completion of his/her project before trying to make a living out of it.
Mar 26, 2020
Curious: How does everyone find his favourite games, how do you select them.

I mostly look into the F95 update page ("latest updates"). There I find games which are updated right now. I dl may be 2 to 20 every day (graphics, review points, screenshots), but - after playing for a minute or 5 - I get really into with only 1 of 200.

No chance to find abandoned ones like that (little chance for games which are not updating often). Finished games also not.

Sometimes I look for keywords /tags.
If I find an abandoned game which suits me I play. Having no ending doesnt bother me if I like the project.

Other times I look into the TOP 100 list. You get it with "Filtered - Sorting - Weighted Rating". There is a star.
With this I get finished ones (as well as good but abandoned), and games which are rarely updated.

Btw. "What a Legend" is no. 20 right now (remembering no. 1 a few years ago).
Personally I look at the update page and decide to download depending on the tags, summary and screenshots. I download maybe 1 or 2 a day? There's a lot of things that simply don't interest me, like rpgm or basically any japanese game :).

I don't really use search/keywords unless it's for a specific game I already know. Tags combined with sorting by rating/views/likes is great to find games that interest me. Last but not least if you have a specific fetish/interest, you can simply use the search bar on the top right, there are usually threads of people asking questions like "Games with X fetish" or "Games like this other game". Usually people recommend some less known but decent games there.


Feb 21, 2019
I personally still stand with them, regardless of how long they take between updates. Their content (say it artwork, character expressions, map, ui, music, dialogues or story) everything has been perfect so far. And I pray for it to remain so. Good things take time & I'm always ready to wait for longer. The quality found in this game can never be compared to any 2 sec fap games out there so please try to be patient.
"Rushing a game is one way ticket. And almost always, leaves up nothing but regrets"...


May 30, 2018
On the subject of scammy devs, I think a note should be made of Patreon.
Like gym membership for a couch potato, Patreon suscription prosper on the hope that you will suscribe to a very small contribution per month and mostly forget about it. At any point, the act of canceling your subscription is more a hassle than loosing a few buck every month. You forget, you go on, you falsy rationalize than you COULD have usage of the suscription again. Most ONG don't take punctual donation anymore, they rather ask you for a small montly automated donation.

Some people are meticulous and accountable enough to look at their ledger often and terminate any no longer wanted suscription. Most people aren't.

Call it scammy, call it behavioral scheme, that's how Patreon is doing business. Are the devs accomplice of such business ? Are we willingly allowing that ? Well, it's the easiest way around. And we like easy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
On the subject of scammy devs, I think a note should be made of Patreon.
Like gym membership for a couch potato, Patreon suscription prosper on the hope that you will suscribe to a very small contribution per month and mostly forget about it. ...
Oh yes, this thingy with "gym membership" (24 months in advance to save money!), I know quite well.
I signed a contract that I cannot get my money back, even when I die. Gym was 50 km away, was driving for 6 months.

When ppl are free to leave (like Patreon) and are too lazy for that, thats there own personal thing, their responsibility and their punishment.


May 30, 2018
That's the beauty about modern chains. The one we wear, we pretend to choose. The one others adorn, we judge them weak.

Anyway, its wasn't a philosophical but economical point. This is the business model of Patreon, it's a fact, it's documented, it's well studied, it's behavioral economics theory by Kahneman. It's everywhere in every field of our daily life. We can't avoid it but we can be wary of it. Don't dismiss it because it's simple or obvious. It's brilliant BECAUSE it's simple and obvious.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
Anyway, its wasn't a philosophical but economical point. This is the business model of Patreon, it's a fact, it's documented, it's well studied, it's behavioral economics theory by Kahneman. It's everywhere in every field of our daily life. We can't avoid it but we can be wary of it. Don't dismiss it because it's simple or obvious. It's brilliant BECAUSE it's simple and obvious.
Honestly, it's not that bad. Patrons get a monthly detailed reciept via mail and everybody who isn't living behind the moon should get a notification on his/her phone/tablet, once the credit card/paypal is billed. That's like 2 to 3 notifactions each months (3 in my case, not counting the notifications you get, once the people you are subscribing to post something) and it literally takes 5 seconds to cancel a pledge.

So it's not like in other cases, where you could actually forget your subscription and where it's a real hassle to cancel. You really have to be hyper ignorant AND very, very lazy to forget your pledge for several months.

The Dark Moonshine

Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2020
I personally still stand with them, regardless of how long they take between updates. Their content (say it artwork, character expressions, map, ui, music, dialogues or story) everything has been perfect so far. And I pray for it to remain so. Good things take time & I'm always ready to wait for longer. The quality found in this game can never be compared to any 2 sec fap games out there so please try to be patient.
"Rushing a game is one way ticket. And almost always, leaves up nothing but regrets"...
I agree, the game is fantastic and you can unsubscribe from their Patreon and rejoin when the update arrives.
It's up to us to decide what's the best.

(I speak as both a gamer and a developer of hot games.)


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2022
Still kicking myself that I never learned to draw, I know a bunch of programming languages but can't draw to save my life. I could be making a lot more than I do now and only work a few days a month if I was a patreon porn dev...
It's never too late. Pewdiepie managet to do it, so you can do it too. :)
I'd even say: follow his steps and just draw anything, regularly. Every day or every other day, etc.
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Jun 10, 2018
It's never too late. Pewdiepie managet to do it, so you can do it too. :)
I'd even say: follow his steps and just draw anything, regularly. Every day or every other day, etc.
I have to say, PewDiePie is a beast. He perservered for an abnormally long time despite his art not coming out good. It's hard to pick up the pencil when you get no joy from drawing, but he did. From my experience, it seems one can only get good at their hobby at the point it stops being fun
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New Member
Oct 4, 2020
I personally still stand with them, regardless of how long they take between updates. Their content (say it artwork, character expressions, map, ui, music, dialogues or story) everything has been perfect so far. And I pray for it to remain so. Good things take time & I'm always ready to wait for longer. The quality found in this game can never be compared to any 2 sec fap games out there so please try to be patient.
"Rushing a game is one way ticket. And almost always, leaves up nothing but regrets"...
I agree with you about the quality of the content 100%. But haven't you wondered, how is it possible, that first 4 updates were all realeased within a single year and now it's almost 2 years for single update? Is there so much new mechanics, content, etc., which could explain that? And mind you, the first releases were probably done without (much)Patreon money, while the devs probaby had been working regular jobs. It also does not help, that the last update, which took 10months was worth 2 hours of gameplay.
When the update finally comes out, I will definitely play it as I know it will be great. But will I defend the devs for not working even at 50%? Nope..


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
Quality does not necessarily depend on profit/hour.
Its the quality what matters for me.
If the product comes late, I have something else to do (everyone has, doesnt he ? No one sitting idle and waiting).
What I get is free, like a gift. Whenever it comes, I am happy.
4.70 star(s) 448 Votes