
Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2020
The total content progressed about 50% last year and hit 90% in December. This year it's moved up only 9% and in the last few months it hasn't moved.

It's almost like they pushed the numbers up without doing shit and now they're trying to catch up.
There was some Patreon issues few months ago. But still this is so long time.
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Oct 4, 2017
Based on their progress to get to .6, I began supporting them on Patreon as they began prepping for .7. I wasn't thrilled about orc love (tiefling love perhaps, but not orc love), but I wagered that they would move through .7 at a comparable pace to .5 > .6, and I would soon be rewarded with .8 content. Today, I finally said enough was enough and withdrew my Patreon support. Say what you will about my hanging on too long, but hindsight is 20-20, plus it wasn't doing irreparable harm to my bank account to try to support them. Unfortunately for the developers, the world has changed a lot in the last two years. Creating a model that would allow AI to approximate if not replicate the WaL artwork is getting easier each day. Likewise, the number of people willing to pay for hand-drawn, bespoke art in their games is diminishing. Their sweet spot for completing the entire game is likely behind them, but ending the game with .7 is going to feel to their supporters as abrupt a head-on collision at 120 mph. I do not envy their plight, but I cannot support them strictly out of pity. There are too many competing opportunities in my life for charitable giving.


Oct 25, 2020
What the fuck is happening in there? 2 years of waiting for penetrating a orc?
I think that worse part is that if you are not interested in certain update than waiting will be much longer, for example I am not very interested in the update that is going to happen after orc one which means that after orc update comes out I will have to wait probably around 5 years for update that would actually interest me: 2+ years for update that doesnt interest me and than 2+ years for update that will interest me.


Mar 25, 2020
Based on their progress to get to .6, I began supporting them on Patreon as they began prepping for .7. I wasn't thrilled about orc love (tiefling love perhaps, but not orc love), but I wagered that they would move through .7 at a comparable pace to .5 > .6, and I would soon be rewarded with .8 content. Today, I finally said enough was enough and withdrew my Patreon support. Say what you will about my hanging on too long, but hindsight is 20-20, plus it wasn't doing irreparable harm to my bank account to try to support them. Unfortunately for the developers, the world has changed a lot in the last two years. Creating a model that would allow AI to approximate if not replicate the WaL artwork is getting easier each day. Likewise, the number of people willing to pay for hand-drawn, bespoke art in their games is diminishing. Their sweet spot for completing the entire game is likely behind them, but ending the game with .7 is going to feel to their supporters as abrupt a head-on collision at 120 mph. I do not envy their plight, but I cannot support them strictly out of pity. There are too many competing opportunities in my life for charitable giving.
Hey, some would say 'better late than never' in regards to you pulling your pledge, but honestly you've shown a lot of guts by admitting this, and admitting that maybe the Devs aren't doing this project in good faith.

I was once a backer, too, but after month 9ish of no update, it became clear they weren't focusing enough on the game to warrant my pledge. Just excuse after excuse after excuse for 2+ years now.

Good on you, friend.

shazba jnr

Feb 3, 2024
Based on their progress to get to .6, I began supporting them on Patreon as they began prepping for .7. I wasn't thrilled about orc love (tiefling love perhaps, but not orc love), but I wagered that they would move through .7 at a comparable pace to .5 > .6, and I would soon be rewarded with .8 content. Today, I finally said enough was enough and withdrew my Patreon support. Say what you will about my hanging on too long, but hindsight is 20-20, plus it wasn't doing irreparable harm to my bank account to try to support them. Unfortunately for the developers, the world has changed a lot in the last two years. Creating a model that would allow AI to approximate if not replicate the WaL artwork is getting easier each day. Likewise, the number of people willing to pay for hand-drawn, bespoke art in their games is diminishing. Their sweet spot for completing the entire game is likely behind them, but ending the game with .7 is going to feel to their supporters as abrupt a head-on collision at 120 mph. I do not envy their plight, but I cannot support them strictly out of pity. There are too many competing opportunities in my life for charitable giving.
Hey, some would say 'better late than never' in regards to you pulling your pledge, but honestly you've shown a lot of guts by admitting this, and admitting that maybe the Devs aren't doing this project in good faith.

I was once a backer, too, but after month 9ish of no update, it became clear they weren't focusing enough on the game to warrant my pledge. Just excuse after excuse after excuse for 2+ years now.

Good on you, friend.
I can understand the mentality of "It'll surely be soon..." and each to their own when they decide that enough is enough.

I think some patrons are ok with it because they actually asked for larger updates, which means longer update periods, but from what I've read, this episode is going to be about as long as the last one (which was a few hours of story, so that's fine), but they've more than doubled the delivery time of the last episode, so yeah...

From what I understand, this game is their full time employment. Hard to believe you'd stake your family-of-four's finances on a quaint little porn game, and it's not like it's making a fortune (like a few other games around here). So you'd think this would have to be a priority, unless they've started earning elsewhere, which would actually make a lot of sense (and be a sensible move on their part).

But they clearly aren't phased, there's been pressure on them for a while and they just keep saying it'll be ready when it's ready.


May 25, 2021
Just reading these last few pages has me shook. I was honestly thinking they were pushing through and COMPLETING the ENTIRE GAME, and that's why its taking so long. Your telling me its been a year for an update only a few hours long at that and not the rest of the game??!!

I shall probably forgive them once post nut clarity hits me after the orc lady drops but I am still miffed and baffled by this whole situation. Would love to see a day in the life of this Developer.
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