
Jun 25, 2018
yo dev how would you feel if i made you fuck a old ugly hag to dry hump the one you wanted? Not cool if i could i'd give you a dislike for this.
Are you that out of touch with reality that you're confusing game with real life? WTF dude? There is no scene where you're having sex with an ugly old hag, there is however a scene where you're feeling pussy of a young hot woman. And either way it's all virtual so whatever.

Still, I think it took too long for how little content we got and I get it that it's a high quality game and thus hard to develop, but it's going to make patrons lose interest.
Considering the amount of content we got I would say we got a lot (especially considering that 2 people are working on this on their FREE TIME). There are tons of games out there with many more patrons that have way less content produced per month (I'm using relative terms, there is a difference between 1000 renders per 6 months and 500 per 2 months).
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Lucid Lancer

May 29, 2018
Really a unique game. Characters animations, physical and facial expressions, those blinking eyes, pair all that with this captivating art and bam! Instant recipe for heart shaped eyes .
I truly lack patience for goofy-pervert personality type mc but the overall cheesiness here makes it viable. I genuinely enjoyed certain events, simply cracking up.

Then there's an actual story and characters. Speaking of, Serena is due for some serious hard spanking. Double that for Madeline. Don't mind being actually married to Gomira and raise some imps. Holly is getting real sweet, sort of unsettling but she's growing on me. As for others, i guess we will find out more about each individual in time.

All of this is done with real care and attention, it shows. Will support this as soon as i'm able to. Hopefully.
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Aug 15, 2020
OK I played it now
Very good job as always thank u guys✌❤
And we had very good 30-40 min story just for 1 dry hump + vaginal sex...
I mean it's very good we have this kind of story for every sex scenes. I prefer this style that before any sex scene having a nice story behind it(sorry for bad English)
Thank u again magicnuts :)
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New Member
Sep 23, 2020
Just wondering, are you portuguese?! I am btw
He is spaniard. I can tell from certain expressions he/they used in the game.

And for all the old lady stuff that we have seen in the update. It's inspired by an old book called "La Celestina".

Moving from that, I just wanted to say that the two people that made this game are just great. They excell in all fields when it comes to making a game. I hope they do well and get big money from it.


Jul 27, 2017
Is the cutscene with Holly part of the main story? I have finished Holly's story for now but have not unlocked her cutscene yet.


Jul 8, 2017
Great additional content in 0.3, but it got very clear to me that id rather wait for a couple of updates before i play again. It was over very quickly.

One thing though. I just could NOT enjoy the content with Celestina. We all know shes a disgusting old lady so it doesnt matter what she looks like through the glasses, it was still disgusting. :/

I do look forward to the content with Gretta on the other hand. Love those smile dimples!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
When version 0.3 dropped I immediately played through the whole thing but I don't need to download version 3.1 now, do I? I mean I didn't encounter any bugs with 0.3 and 3.1 seems to be a bugfix update. Just asking because I wanna make sure that I'll be fine whith transferring my saves to 0.4 when it comes eventually.


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Rather than dwelling on the fact that people moan about a lack of content take it as praise that they wanted to see more. obviously more would be great, Gretta was a nice addition but Myrtle is still the best.
We definitely take it as a compliment. I think it means that players are interested in the story. Which is great. Now we just need to improve what we're doing and keep it up.

On a more subjective note, I really like the MC but I think he could be a bit more assertive in some situations. Just a bit. If he's going to go for a harem ending he's going to have to be a bit more, well, alpha? And I'm guessing that's going to be an ending judging by all the future pregnancy options.
Yeah, we definitely want to make him more assertive, as the various stories advance.

Somewhere in this thread you said you wanted to add a hintsystem for Lambert's pictures to the crystal ball.

I don't think that's a good idea to put it there, instead you should put it into the photoalbum itself.

Right now when you click on the blurry thumbnail that indicates the not-yet-found-pictures all you get is the note "Find Me", you could put the hint there.

It could be as simple as the name of the girl, so when sometime in the future there is a picture of Rose it simply says "Rose" when you click the blurry thumbnail or if there ever will be pictures like that it could say "Lana + Rose".
Here are my two reasons for using the crystal ball: 1) the player already associates it with 'hints'; 2) the shard in your bag will also carry these hints with you.

I do wonder (since I haven't restarted the game) how it was implemented. Ideally I'd imagine the scene would only happen AFTER you have used at least one of the functions inside the chest, just so you'd realise how usefull the orb is and fel the oncomming frustration for lacking the hint-function every day. Cue our hero's clumsiness and penchant for sheer luck.
Thank you for the suggestions. About the shard, if you start the game from the beginning, you can't get the crystal ball in the bag until after you've talked with Rose (palmreading) and have completed the prologue + intro.

Just wondering, are you portuguese?! I am btw
No, as someone else said, we're from Spain.
We're two: I write, code, pose (change the sprites between every spoken line to reflect what's said), and animate the sex scenes (bone animation). My wife draws everything and does frame animations. We come up with the stories together.

Considering the amount of content we got I would say we got a lot (especially considering that 2 people are working on this on their FREE TIME). There are tons of games out there with many more patrons that have way less content produced per month (I'm using relative terms, there is a difference between 1000 renders per 6 months and 500 per 2 months).
Hey. Just one small clarification: we've worked full-time on this game since May. So this content is the result of our full-time effort, and is not done in our free time. I wish we were faster but anyhow. Cheers for the kind words.

Is the cutscene with Holly part of the main story? I have finished Holly's story for now but have not unlocked her cutscene yet.
To unlock Holly's cutscenes, you'll need to do Celestina's content. I'll change that in 0.4 and make her scene completely optional.

When version 0.3 dropped I immediately played through the whole thing but I don't need to download version 3.1 now, do I? I mean I didn't encounter any bugs with 0.3 and 3.1 seems to be a bugfix update. Just asking because I wanna make sure that I'll be fine whith transferring my saves to 0.4 when it comes eventually.
No, it shouldn't affect, and you'll be able to use your saves 0.3 for 0.4.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
This is honestly the first game where I find all of the girls super attractive. Each one has their own charm about them which is just amazing. At this point I'm convinced Chestnut can't draw an ugly female character unless it's on purpose...

Of course we all still have our favourites but I find all of the current women super hot. Next up should be Myrtle with her character quest, right? I bet that's gonna be blast again. I'm also super excited for Rose getting her quest at some point as she's probably the one I like the most design-wise.


New Member
Oct 30, 2018
Yeah, we definitely want to make him more assertive, as the various stories advance.
I hope not too much, it was kind of a breath of fresh air playing a guy who didn't feel like a D bag or a rapist. Just a nice guy who wants to help people out and not even really to be a hero... just a horny guy, a beta that gets in over his head haha
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2018
I guess I savor games with compelling stories, because I've spent considerably more than 40 minutes on the 0.3 additions over the last couple of nights.

The game continues to be wonderful. The arc of Holly's feelings for the MC is sweet and sensitive, and I seriously appreciate the growth in the MC. He's becoming more assertive, but in a darling way. He walks the line between goofy and big hearted, as well as between horny and respectful, wonderfully. There's humor, a lot of it, and it's great, but what really stands out to me is that the story has heart.

I have nothing whatsoever to complain about with regards to the story. As a writer, it takes a lot for me to feel that way.

Chestnut's art continues to be top notch. I will admit that I sometimes get so wrapped up in the words that I forget to look at the great facial expressions, but then I kick myself for probably missing something. The images of the various women biting their lower lips are so seriously erotic that it doesn't matter that they're (still) wearing clothes.

I'm continually impressed with Pistachio's programming. Yeah, it's Python, one of the easier languages, but he's only been doing this for a little while. His code is clean, well thought through, and basically bug free.

Speaking of languages, for non-native speakers, it's cool how good the English is in this.

My complaints are small and inconsequential.
1) In this episode, there was a lot of, "It's late at night, come back tomorrow at night." Even when there were two things to be doing at the same time, (ie backrub and mud wrestling) they both happened at night. So you spent a number of days waking up and passing the time to the evening to continue. Again, inconsequential, but it felt like some of those nighttime activities could have been done in the afternoon, etc.

2) I would like some sort of tweaks to the mechanism for the Lambert photos. I look in the book, and the picture is very clever at giving me a hint where to look. I'm proud of myself, and I go to what is probably the right place, and I stare and stare at the screen. Then I drag my mouse around it hoping to stumble across it. And I fail. So I go do other things. Then I try again. And I fail to find it again. And, eventually, I give up and look at a spoiler. (Haven't done that yet on this on this one, but I'm close.) I would like a mechanism that isn't "look up the answer" but is closer to in game hints. Maybe you click on the picture in the book and MC says, "What is that?" and there are a few options for the player to choose, "Hair?", "Snakes?", "Corn silk?", "No, I'll find it myself." If you choose the right one, it makes the click target a BIT easier to see if you go to the right location. Say, add an occasional sparkle to it, etc. Something like that. If you don't want the visual aide, choose the 4th option. If you do need help, you still have to reason it correctly. Something like that.

magicnuts, you deserve every ounce of praise people have been giving you. Keep up the great work. But take care of yourselves. 16 hours a day, 7 days a week is unsustainable regardless of how much fun you're having. We'd rather get updates every 4 or even 6 months but keep getting them than have you keep your current schedule and burn out.



Jan 22, 2019
just gave this one a try due to it's art and overwelming pozitiv rev and got to say this is was great, as far as i can see the first version was in may so this beeing the 3rd relase i would also say that the uptate rate is allright, however since this is my first time playing i can't rly say how much of what i played was initial relase and how much was update 2/3 but hopefully content will keep coming at a steady rate, the art is defenetly a huge plus but at the same time i can also ironicly see it as a great minus due to it having to take so much time from the dev time, the humor is good, the mc is a bit of a wimp, but hopfully he will grow some balls as the story goes on and he developes, i enjoyed the story, i don't mind the "flavor" optional dialogs (NOT ALL STORYS NEED MULTYPLE OPTIONS/ENDINGS, ITS OK IF THEY HAVE IT, IT'S ALSO OK IF THEY DON'T HAVE IT, AS LONG AS THE END RESULT IS GOOD) also did not encounter any bug so keep up the good work, defenetly got yourself a new subs at the next payment cicle :coffee:
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4.70 star(s) 448 Votes