yeah, there are hyenas like that in every community that will prioritize their own interests over the actual good of the product. What can you do, it's only human to put your finger everywhere you can, comment on everything in the universe(because your self-important comments are what the world really needs to operate), and moderate all and everybody if they say something you find disagreeable because the JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED!We stick to what we are told to do, which is bughunting and also express our critical opinion of the game. Which is just a personal view, after all, but a view we were encouraged to share with devs. My personal issue with last update had nothing to do with other testers' issues and in the end it seems we all were wrong in our feelings, as people has loved it the way it was originally planned. But rest assured that if they ask us again our opinion we are not going to stick to bughunting
Fuck me and XXI century!