Weekly report 113
Hi everybody.
I hope you're all doing well and are enjoying your summer. We've been busily working on the editing and debugging, and here's a summary of our work:
In addition to testing, she finished the background for the Twins' location, which you had voted for in one of the previous polls. There will be no characters or interactable buttons in this background yet, but we'll add that eventually, and it's a new place we can interact with (and possibly use in other quests; new backgrounds = new options for quests). I think this location turned out great (based on the great design by SantaKlaus), and I can't wait to finish what I'm doing and add a few butterflies to those flowers.
My plan was to finish the major editing and rewriting job by last Monday, but I ended up needing until Wednesday. I spent all of yesterday fixing some of the bugs (new and older ones), and today I've been editing the Myrtle-Rose event, also preparing a new build for Chestnut to test during the weekend.
What's next?
Chestnut has written down a few more art edits (I'll have to add them to the progress tracker tonight), and on top of more testing and checking the edits, she'll also be working on those. I will be trying to finish the edits, get it to a state we're happy with, and fix all of the bugs. One last step I will need to do (which I skipped in the last release and was the cause of many typos) is listening to all of the dialogues using text-to-speech software to iron out all the sentences that need to be rephrased.
We will have a July release, and I sincerely hope you find that the wait has been worth it.
Have a wonderful weekend.