Weekly report 134
Hi, everybody.
I hope you've had a great week.
Best Friend and Close Friend patrons who would like to help us decide the name of a new character can go to this poll (
CF) and pick their favorite names among those suggested by patrons. The poll will be open for about two more days, so if you want to participate, now is the time.
Now for our weekly report:
Chestnut worked mostly on Gomira's sprite, doing hands and facial features necessary for posing different scenes from her first quest. One of the new 0.7 objects held will be a shield, so she also designed an object and recorded the process. I exported the video and posted it today; you can watch it
I did a bit of everything, but most of my focus was on editing and posing Gomira's intro. There were sprite additions that needed to be coded and some bugs that I had to fix for the events to work properly. I also worked a bit on writing convos for Mei and other new characters.
Next week's plan:
Next week, we'll be doing more of the same. Chestnut will continue to draw hands and facial features (I have made a longish list of expressions and gestures I need), and I will be posing and polishing the text, with my focus being on finishing the longish intro and starting the posing work for the actual quest.
That's all, and I hope you have a great weekend.