Agreed on wanting loli shit to be kept far, faaaar away from my shit. But fortunately it's a very easy fix. No matter how short and spunky the character is, the artist can just draw her with adult boobs. Instant anti-pedo spray. Pretty much by definition if you like boobs, you don't like loli, and vice versa.Shortstacks can be hot so long as the artist doesn't go for "loli character design but she's over 18, we promise, so it's cool" bs, so I'll reserve my judgement until we actually meet her for real.
Nor am I bugged by the issues others raised above re: NTR content and how one defines it. I don't personally think that there's a dichotomy between MC supporting Anne's "be the best whore" goal vs. the game's stated "no NTR content" claim. NTR implies a *love interest* sleeping around on the MC, right? So who says Anne will ever be a LI? She's a sex worker, MC got one freebie but there's no reason to believe he'll get another, that one was just a "free sample" marketing ploy. Having sex with a prostitute isn't a love affair. So I don't see why the story including a prostitute who you can sleep with violates the "no NTR" restriction, unless you're operating from a truly extreme definition of NTR. Obviously the world includes sex workers, the MC's moms are sex workers and he doesn't see them with any stigma. So why on earth would he refrain from visiting a sex worker he thought was hot? The only sensible definititon of "no NTR" is "no women *love interests* who will sleep with another man after they have slept with MC", and that can be easily satisfied: Anne never comes to love the MC and he never comes to love her. They'll just stay friends with bennies.
No, the bigger problem with the Anne storyline is, the MC first has to lose the infinite bag of gold. Otherwise he's going to destroy the economy for every other john in the city bc he can pay Anne infinite gold per trick.