What are some great plots you want brought to a game?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
I love reading how teenage boys imagine a girl's life. She kills aliens. She overthrows tyrants. She defeats warlocks. She tortures goblins. That's not a girl's life. This is the life of some male criminal, psychopath and sadist, with a brazen unshaven face, a cut on his cheek and an implant eye. :HideThePain: :KEK: :FacePalm: :poop:
That's as much a man's life as a girl's, none of those actually exist save for a depressingly low number of people who could be argued to have overthrown tyrants "mostly" as the sole lead. And those don't really fit your other arbitrary disparaging descriptions.

If we're talking fiction all bets are off. Lara Croft, Samus Aran and the like are compelling characters who don't line up with realistic male or female lives, and JoJo definitely presents a compelling case for combining hypermasculine traits with campy gay expression.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
That's as much a man's life as a girl's, none of those actually exist save for a depressingly low number of people who could be argued to have overthrown tyrants "mostly" as the sole lead. And those don't really fit your other arbitrary disparaging descriptions.

If we're talking fiction all bets are off. Lara Croft, Samus Aran and the like are compelling characters who don't line up with realistic male or female lives, and JoJo definitely presents a compelling case for combining hypermasculine traits with campy gay expression.
Lara Croft ? Are you kidding? None of my female friends even know who she is. It's only interesting to teenage boys who have started masturbating.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Lara Croft ? Are you kidding? None of my female friends even know who she is. It's only interesting to teenage boys who have started masturbating.
Well this is primarily a porn video game pirate site so obviously I picked video game characters. Most girls who start masturbating are hetero (or at least believe they are at the time) so obviously they're pining for Draco Malfoy, Edward Cullen etc. not the women. Who or what would be the fictional ideals for the female leads as opposed to the blatant blank slate self-inserts like Bella Swan?


Oct 8, 2022
I love reading how teenage boys imagine a girl's life. She kills aliens. She overthrows tyrants. She defeats warlocks. She tortures goblins. That's not a girl's life. This is the life of some male criminal, psychopath and sadist, with a brazen unshaven face, a cut on his cheek and an implant eye. :HideThePain: :KEK: :FacePalm: :poop:
Aww thank you I've not been mistaken for a teenager in decades but I'd seriously hope no one believes any of this stuff models reality this is ridiculous fantasy stuff, is there room for more realistic games absolutely but there's not many of them out there that I've seen.

I mean no one has a period, guys have sex 20 times a day never get tired and can drown a hedgehog in thier cum on the last tryst of the day, people only go to work if it's got sexual connotations and no one gets fired or sued for misconduct (okay mum gets fired in big brother but the whole job setup there is weird)

I mean it's up there with every family is made up of sexually repressed mom, bitchy, mercenary older sister, drop dead gorgous little sister that no boys except the MC hit on and hot aunt (or similar) who encourages everyones f'ing and everyone's okay with being left alone for weeks while the hero seduces someone else and then joins in in 3 ways/orgies soon as it's discovered.

If I ever design a game (and i'm giving it some thought) there should be a ticker that runs down as well as up if you leave people alone too long after all the MC may only be after one thing but he'll be expected to want it more than once I mean who'd want to be thier perverted brothers one night stand.

So in those circumstances why can't the girls be sex goddess, tyrant overthrowing space princesses we know that's as unrealistic a portrayal of women as the typical game male is of men

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
I love reading how teenage boys imagine a girl's life. She kills aliens. She overthrows tyrants. She defeats warlocks. She tortures goblins. That's not a girl's life. This is the life of some male criminal, psychopath and sadist, with a brazen unshaven face, a cut on his cheek and an implant eye. :HideThePain: :KEK: :FacePalm: :poop:
Have you ever talked to a woman in your life? If you haven't (which is almost certain), have you ever opened a history book? Or even just read the news?


Oct 8, 2022
I was reading another thread about a Japanese game involving rape and someone mentioned the various heroines starting a "me too" style movement which reminded me that a few years back there where a group of girls in Japan would seduce business men in chat rooms (usually for paedophiles) then lure them off somewhere secluded and beat them up and rob them as a group, there's a similar tenet in Last Exit to Brooklyn but only one girl who is the bait for a bunch of guys to beat and robs the drunks that go off with her.

So lets take that one step further instead of just beating and robbing them of what they've got on them lets have this more like a whaling attack where they investigate an unlovable example of humanity and invade their life beat them up, rob them, kidnap them, take over their home, max out their credit, destroy their work/business, sell everything of value in the house, humiliate them in their home and online then having destroyed their victim move on.

There's three options in this one playing as the girls listening to peoples stories picking the victims, investigating them executing the trap and finding the right ways to destroy them.

The victim who may or may not be innocent in this after all a false accusation can be as devastating as a real one trying to escape and save the shattered remains of their life and of course

Police or PIs investigating the gang even while risking falling prey to them

I'm thinking the girls (or at least their leader should see themselves as modern day furies trying to drive thier victims to suicide by none violent but nonetheless savage means)

Just a thought, there's a fair amount of real world inspiration (though not as far as I know combined in that way) so might alow some more realistic characters and interactions at least up till it goes all Hard Candy home invasion


Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
alright, hear me out. The girls are dead and you fuck them. With me so far? Good, I knew you would be. Now, we could stop there and make an A+ 10/10 AAA would-play-again-shut-up-and-take-my-download title off the bat. However.

You're a male MC living in a fictional alt-tech world where most men have been wiped out by succubus android snu-snus who are currently enganged in a 3-sided global war between said androids, the cyber-powered army of the all-female tech supremacists, and a very small number of remaining males and the other females of the forgotten nations who were not able to acquire or develop advanced tech. But wait, as rock hard and sopping wet you may be right now, there's more.

You're a necromancer with an emphasis on the "romancer" part and you love cracking open a cold one. The girls, traps, and robo-shemales come back to life as the undead after you pump them full of nut. That's right, you fuck them so hard they revive, which includes partially destroyed androids. and you do it again any time they go down in combat. Think RPGmaker but the phonix feather is your dick.

There could be all sorts of characters. Like a chick with big tits and a huge ass who used to be a tech freak but she was kicked out for sucking holo-dick all day. Or maybe a trap with a huge ass who was part of the comfort squad in the Forgotten army but hates pussy and really wants to grind on your giant dong instead. Or a succudroid with big tits and a huge ass and huge balls who you found in pieces in a warzone and now she wants to defeat you by jamming your cock inside of hers. Oh yeah, maybe a chick with medium-large tits but still a huge ass too and she was an orphan or something idk how parenting works. Whatever.

Anyway they really should pay me for all these free fucking bangers I'm handing out like that Michael Jackson impersonator with a pocket full of melted skittles at the haunted house tour in 6-flags when I was 9. The title could be, "MJ's no-no behind the frankenstein pupp I mean, "Necroviver: The Unsung Anti-Hero of the Second Thot Wars"


Mar 3, 2018
MC female gets red pilled hard as people throughout her life she fucked over, insulted, cancelled, doxed, twitter prigated, etc get revenge as the economy is in the worst recession ever and has gotten laid off and is finally realizing the messed up world she has had a hand in creating.


Jun 21, 2022
Too bad that i have no Talent in creating a Game at all but it wouldnt go through Patreons Policy anyway.

In a Dystopian World not too far in the Future it seems that Humanity finally reached the breaking point.An overpopulated Planet lacking of Food,Water and other Essentalies couldnt bear the People...I know what you think but this isnt going to be full Mad Max Style on a deserted , nuclear wasted Planet.In my Reality the End starts way slower and more capitalistic as you think.Poor Countrys couldnt feed their people and began to Erase themselves like rats in a too small Cage expect for the Rich and Powerful for sure.Some cliches are needed for this.Wars,Hunger and "China like" 1 Kid Politics became Law in Europe and the US Years ago but for sure they overdid it as the World always does.Now the Population began to decrease so much that the "Bastions" Europe and North America had to accept the Immigrants from the Poor Countrys who didnt surive.

This is where the Fun begins and the realization that iam drunkley posting this at 7AM...

To be accepted in the liveable Parts of the World who can afford basic needs for his People theres a scoring System.The BWM written out Breeding,Working,Money allows you to enter a World where u dont have to fight for your life every day at the brink of losing this battle but you have to Provide 2/3 Main Points and a few other aspects to this so called Paradise and for sure only 1% brings the M.

The Daily life of a Female Immigrant would look like a normal Day.Wake up,Washing Routine,Breakfast Pill and out of the Door to your Work but on your way you see a lot of People with beautiful Necklaces down to simple Leather Collars around their necks and nearly all of them has the highlighted Letters B and W.

To stop the downward Spiral of decreasing Population , losing Workforce , less Soldiers to protect their Borders the Nations implemented Laws the allow everyone to have Sex wherever you want with a Male or Female.For sure there are Booths where u can have some Pseudoprivacy but after many years of having these laws no one rally cared about being seen or not.This means that everyone who has the highlighted Letter "B" shining on his Necklace/Collar/Choker/Whatever can be used for Sex and Reproduction and cant say no regardless being Male or Female with the Matching Counterpart...

...but of course there are obvious exceptions.A normal Immigrant is a Free Person in every other aspect in his Life for everything else other than Working and Breeding but there are some People who are more equal than others.I would call them "the M's" There are rumors on the streets that People disappearing and entering a life less worth than an animal and all of them are true.The Rich and Powerful in these Bastions getting bored and became more and more degenerate luring Immigrants into nothing more than Slavedungeons for their enjoyment and every perversion imaginable." Farm 218 intensifies"

After this it gets a bit blurry but there could be a Resistance,Aliens,China or some Kind of twist.

Thats broadly the Story Imagined in a few minutes.

English isnt my native Language so pls ignore spelling grammar etc


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Okay, how about a different approach slightly. MC loses custody of the kid due to dodgy legal shenanigans by Husbands lawyer kids either a ward of the state or husband comes back from Military service and she fills in the gap in the ranks.

She knows about the threats but the legal process dismissed (he said /she said and she's trying to get out of service) so she's on a clock to get back

She starts off useless and depressed but due to that military boot camp breaks her down quicker and she builds back stronger, there'd be a barrack room lawyer that can offer advice and the strength she gets from knowing she's fighting to get her kid back is the iron in her personality that lets her force her way through everything else the result of which is the respect of the team etc, as said.

There's also options post leaving where the fix stays in so she realises crappy husband won't legally return kid so she has to fight, covert, threated of screw her way through the legal channels with the help of her team as just killing the guy won't work
Can't speak about the legal and military particulars, but it looks like a better approach for a more consistent and plausible character.

As for idiots wanking on the top of ladders my idiot brother in law fell off one when attaching a sateite dish as he was trying to ogle my sister (his wife) who he could have just got off the ladder and seen naked. He busted up his ankle and the fool thought it was something to brag about so yeah that level of little head stupidity id out there
Thanks for that, I believe I wrote "because I know the answer's just going to make me smash my head against a wall". I'll be having a very good look at my bedroom wall now...


Mar 3, 2018
Too bad that i have no Talent in creating a Game at all but it wouldnt go through Patreons Policy anyway.

In a Dystopian World not too far in the Future it seems that Humanity finally reached the breaking point.An overpopulated Planet lacking of Food,Water and other Essentalies couldnt bear the People...I know what you think but this isnt going to be full Mad Max Style on a deserted , nuclear wasted Planet.In my Reality the End starts way slower and more capitalistic as you think.Poor Countrys couldnt feed their people and began to Erase themselves like rats in a too small Cage expect for the Rich and Powerful for sure.Some cliches are needed for this.Wars,Hunger and "China like" 1 Kid Politics became Law in Europe and the US Years ago but for sure they overdid it as the World always does.Now the Population began to decrease so much that the "Bastions" Europe and North America had to accept the Immigrants from the Poor Countrys who didnt surive.

This is where the Fun begins and the realization that iam drunkley posting this at 7AM...

To be accepted in the liveable Parts of the World who can afford basic needs for his People theres a scoring System.The BWM written out Breeding,Working,Money allows you to enter a World where u dont have to fight for your life every day at the brink of losing this battle but you have to Provide 2/3 Main Points and a few other aspects to this so called Paradise and for sure only 1% brings the M.

The Daily life of a Female Immigrant would look like a normal Day.Wake up,Washing Routine,Breakfast Pill and out of the Door to your Work but on your way you see a lot of People with beautiful Necklaces down to simple Leather Collars around their necks and nearly all of them has the highlighted Letters B and W.

To stop the downward Spiral of decreasing Population , losing Workforce , less Soldiers to protect their Borders the Nations implemented Laws the allow everyone to have Sex wherever you want with a Male or Female.For sure there are Booths where u can have some Pseudoprivacy but after many years of having these laws no one rally cared about being seen or not.This means that everyone who has the highlighted Letter "B" shining on his Necklace/Collar/Choker/Whatever can be used for Sex and Reproduction and cant say no regardless being Male or Female with the Matching Counterpart...

...but of course there are obvious exceptions.A normal Immigrant is a Free Person in every other aspect in his Life for everything else other than Working and Breeding but there are some People who are more equal than others.I would call them "the M's" There are rumors on the streets that People disappearing and entering a life less worth than an animal and all of them are true.The Rich and Powerful in these Bastions getting bored and became more and more degenerate luring Immigrants into nothing more than Slavedungeons for their enjoyment and every perversion imaginable." Farm 218 intensifies"

After this it gets a bit blurry but there could be a Resistance,Aliens,China or some Kind of twist.

Thats broadly the Story Imagined in a few minutes.

English isnt my native Language so pls ignore spelling grammar etc
Sounds like the my idea's sequal if it were the bad ending. Also Patreon is not friendly with funding these type of games, people are better off using SubscribeStar.
Oct 14, 2022
Female main character.

That is hard.

Harem member:
You are a sex slave.

How will you deal with it?
Will you try to escape?
Make the best of the situation?

The idea is that you are a lesbian.
You dont really like fucking your master but it is not like you have a choice.
Still there are plenty of woman you could fuck inside the harem and being among your master favorite's give's you a lot of power over your fellow slave's.
So meaby taking that dick is worth it for the power?
Or meaby you are a chuckqueen who tricks her master into fucking other woman as you watch or carefully be part of a orgy's while trying to avoid the dick.

The game idea is too see the sex slave life from the point of a sex slave.
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Oct 8, 2022
Female main character.

That is hard.

Harem member:
You are a sex slave.

How will you deal with it?
Will you try to escape?
Make the best of the situation?

The idea is that you are a lesbian.
You dont really like fucking your master but it is not like you have a choice.
Still there are plenty of woman you could fuck inside the harem and being among your master favorite's give's you a lot of power over your fellow slave's.
So meaby taking that dick is worth it for the power?
Or meaby you are a chuckqueen who tricks her master into fucking other woman as you watch or carefully be part of a orgy's while trying to avoid the dick.

The game idea is too see the sex slave life from the point of a sex slave.
There's a handful of memoirs from Harem members or former Harem members and girls joined for a variety of reasons mostly money and lifestyle but there was a competitive environment with girls competing for the number 1 slot or official wife status and even women who where only ever planning to do a year take the money and run getting sucked in as allies and adversaries. I think it'd be worth your while catching up with at least one of them as it as it would help flesh out your concept

Some Girls is the place to start
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
Great plot: fmc's daddy is a loser and nerd. Bully beat and kick his ass and i fall in love to this brave bully bastard !


Oct 8, 2022
MC female gets red pilled hard as people throughout her life she fucked over, insulted, cancelled, doxed, twitter prigated, etc get revenge as the economy is in the worst recession ever and has gotten laid off and is finally realizing the messed up world she has had a hand in creating.
I'm not seeing why you'd play it? I can see playing the build up with the seduction the sex, the building your rep as an influencer only to see it fall apart in Act 2 if you made bitchy choices in Act 1 but there should be something after that I feel and definitely not just start with you at the top of your game and then getting dragged down (okay actually it might work as a VN rather than a full on game but not sure it'd be for me)


Aug 29, 2020
Here is plot twist for you - MC die in first few seconds of the game..


Oct 8, 2022
Here is plot twist for you - MC die in first few seconds of the game..
there was a fun adventure on the PS2 where you kept being sent through time to prevent your own death you died right at the start and multiple times in it so its certainly doable
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I've always thought it would be interesting to see a female protagonist game where the main character is tired of being used and abused by the bad boys and decides that instead of trying to tame the bad boy type she usually goes for, she'll go for the nice guy and see if she can create a few rough edges on him to make him a bit more interesting for her. Maybe introduce him to some friends that would be a bad influence, etc. Basically a "corrupting the nice guy" type of scenario.