What are your thoughts on games with female protagonist?


Jul 22, 2017
From what I've seen if you play a female protagonist game as a "good girl" you basically skip all of the content. So there's no reason to play them as anything but a cumslut.
Which defeats the whole point of playing a porn game.
Btw, lesbian stuff is way more enjoyable but at the same time its more like 'get you in the mood' kind of content.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
For me, beyond the realistic portrayals of a female as the protagonist, I'ld also like to see the Female Protagonists taking on a role more in tune with how most male protagonists are treated... The one in charge of their own destinies, not being the target of corruption and/or bad circumstances, but the one in charge making the decisions to go after others or play the actual lead in the story... Not the prey every time, but perhaps the predator, without necessarily becoming a slut in the process... I hope what I'm saying is making sense...

Yeah that's my central issue as well. There are plenty of games out there where the male MC has a "bad guy" path as well and that's fine. I don't mind a path where the female main character can be bad. I like to play the bad guy/girl sometimes. What's missing is any reason to feel guilty about it. Most of the games where the male MC has a wife or GF I feel at least a little guilty for cheating on her because she's usually portrayed in a MUCH more positive light than the male SO of a female protagonist game.

I honestly can't think of a single adult game I've ever played with a female protagonist where the male SO had any redeeming qualities. The reverse is not always the case either but I would say that most of the time if the main character is male, his female SO is good looking at a bare minimum and even if she's currently a bitch there is at least some backstory leading up to the present day where you see flashbacks of her being nice and where the two of them were in love or whatever. Some reason to feel empathy. If the main character is female that's almost never the case. He's either an asshole or a loser and there's no reason that she should ever have wound up with him in the first place. He's also usually not good looking. He's either old, fat, or anorexic.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
I honestly can't think of a single adult game I've ever played with a female protagonist where the male SO had any redeeming qualities. The reverse is not always the case either but I would say that most of the time if the main character is male, his female SO is good looking at a bare minimum and even if she's currently a bitch there is at least some backstory leading up to the present day where you see flashbacks of her being nice and where the two of them were in love or whatever. Some reason to feel empathy. If the main character is female that's almost never the case. He's either an asshole or a loser and there's no reason that she should ever have wound up with him in the first place. He's also usually not good looking. He's either old, fat, or anorexic.
I think that happens primarily as a cop out, or due to lazy development (or at least that is how it feels)... The developer doesn't place any importance on the significant other of a female protagonist, in many cases, because there is no plan to develop the character any way... The only point of the character was to offer an emotional guilt for the female protagonist when she cheated on him/her... It's a cheap ploy I see used a lot when the primary focus of the VN/Game is the corruption of the female protagonist in some way... It's not always used, as I've seen plenty of other poorly designed female protagonist VN/Games begin where the protagonist had no prior relationship/s at all... But yes, the insignificant partner is used a lot, without really placing much emphasis on their character development because they are just a means to an end, or have no relevance to the story other then guilt and/or background noise...

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Game Developer
Jul 29, 2020
the insignificant partner is used a lot, without really placing much emphasis on their character development because they are just a means to an end, or have no relevance to the story other then guilt and/or background noise...
I can't speak to VNs that much, but with RPGs I see this too where the SO is a plot device more than anything else. I can understand while it ends up that way, especially in the case of female protag where the SO isn't allowed to be a 'threat' to the player's own fantasy about the woman in question.

Or perhaps, there are a lot of writers that are just unskilled at developing more than one character and so the SO is a shortcut to creating a meaningful relationship in an attempt to make things more relatable to us. Honestly, there are a lot of games out there that have primo lewds/sex scenes, but the devs have no experience with writing and no interesting in improving. Heck, a lot of the RPG and Action games have the same issue with gameplay. Good lewds, teeeerrrrrible gameplay. But I digress, serious character development and relationship building takes time, both to develop and to play through, so it's something that tends to get shafted and we end up with a lot of these sort of narrative shortcuts.
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Active Member
Nov 7, 2018
Ive played two Fem protag games i Love. Jessies sins.. which is going to die because the dev had a GREAT setup then abandoned the concept to make it a "buildaho" game. And AWAM which im afraid is making the same mistake. But theyre brilliant. Theyre about seduction/corruption etc. If you check EVERY successful game .. and porn.. is about the characters being seduced. Theyre about LUST not body parts. Something most of the porn industry and adult games creators miss somehow.

As far as skill..this genre is slap full of noob everything without ANY experience. And thats what i think makes the people here and the devs AWESOME. I cant explain this the right way but professional programmers are generally kind, supportive people but we/they have ..a way of thinking we expect you to follow. Rational, Efficient, it's hard to explain. And pro graphics artists can be absolute insecure douchebags. I dont see much of either here. The pro programmers here all try to help the noobies without.. saying things that would discourage them. The most professional artists here in general are incredibly kind and helpful. When we see someone growing it's beautiful. When they fuck up because of bad game design or programming choices we try to help them without saying anything negative. That's a beautiful thing. In the pro world .. lets just say some of the programming even on the most popular games would get SAVAGED... here.. we try to help.. rather than tell them "you should have organised your variables and no you dont go back and toss hacks into the code to make new things happen" etc... this is a great community . And as far as game design.. even the top tier games here dont seem to have a clue. Which really bums me out
May 4, 2021
I would play as females in non-porn games, but a game that contains content I masturbate to by empathizing with the MC? I normally don't choose to play as a female in adult games because it's uncomfortable for me. I know they exist, but I don't think I'm part of their demographic.

This is Karnon, a self-righteous fapper, signing off.
What if the female MC acts less clichee female and more neutral, think about Veronica Mars or female protagonists in video games which are often not really female female but more neutral female. And if you could play her as a lesbian and avoid to engage with males. Would that still be a no? I mean I can understand a straight male not wanting to play a female protagonist that acts like a straight woman and gets red at every man that comes a long, but a strong female that behaves more dominant like a male MC and you could decide to behave strict lesbian as her. I mean that would be nice.


Nov 13, 2017
I don't normally insert myself in games. The product have to be really good where I start to insert myself without me knowing. a.k.a Immersive. And adult games don't do this for most.
I play any adult game if like how the characters look male or female PC. And if the Female PC is good looking then I know that I will see more stuff with this character design. So I tend to play more Female PC games only fraction more than Male. More than the what my PC will be I see the game engine. Each engine decide how I will play the game. I am also open to most engines.
I have tried Futa, Lesbian, Gay PC and didn't find them arousing:sleep:, so I don't play them.
I tried Guro and was not aroused and confused:WaitWhat:, So I don't play them.
I tried Scat ..... Nope:eek:, So I don't play them.

And know a little bit of crazy....:ROFLMAO::p

And I will admit that everyone inserts themselves even if they didn't actively thought of it. Any decision in game is a self insert moment Sub consciously ( this for those who say they don't role play, obviously for people who Roleplay they have their reasoning).
So from that and some after thought as I write this I have had an epiphany:WeSmart: that
I don't play Male PC a lot because IRL I am antisocial and have yet to make friends so getting close to female is even impossible, I have no idea what it will be like to get laid and when I do play Male PC my sub conscious tells me that's not happening to you mate! and now I am hard and sad....... and then just sad.
but when I play Female PC thats complete Fantasy:unsure: So my brain says yep many people will want to be with that ! Even me ! and more open to porn plots: need more magic lets fuck.(y) Ok. Don't want it.... Force:mad:.
More proof...
When I am more active in real life (rare) I play more variety of games and when I am being lazy (default state) I play Female PC and boy when I am in real dark space I play NTR :eek::mad:



Jul 22, 2017
What if the female MC acts less clichee female and more neutral, think about Veronica Mars or female protagonists in video games which are often not really female female but more neutral female. And if you could play her as a lesbian and avoid to engage with males. Would that still be a no? I mean I can understand a straight male not wanting to play a female protagonist that acts like a straight woman and gets red at every man that comes a long, but a strong female that behaves more dominant like a male MC and you could decide to behave strict lesbian as her. I mean that would be nice.
Lesbian content to diversify and spice things up is cool but as a main focus becomes pretty boring. Playing as a female in a game with straight content means flirting and dating with men which feels like porn for women. Also having multiple chicks and one dude is more interesting than one chick and multiple men.


Dec 22, 2018
I enjoy Female Protag lesbians. I also don't imagine myself as my characters in games so that's not a problem. The worst version of Female Protag is the bad end versions. Where the only sex scenes involve failing and having to restart. Well I don't see that too often any more but used to be a big trend.
May 4, 2021
Lesbian content to diversify and spice things up is cool but as a main focus becomes pretty boring. Playing as a female in a game with straight content means flirting and dating with men which feels like porn for women. Also having multiple chicks and one dude is more interesting than one chick and multiple men.
Nah, if it's a lesbian MC there will be only females, no men at all. You have to see it that way. No dicks the whole game. That's a win win. Yeah it could get boring if every game would be that way, but that's clearly not the case. I think the only game with a female MC I find intersting is Bad Memories and that allows to select a male MC as well if it should get boring.


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
For me, beyond the realistic portrayals of a female as the protagonist, I'ld also like to see the Female Protagonists taking on a role more in tune with how most male protagonists are treated... The one in charge of their own destinies, not being the target of corruption and/or bad circumstances, but the one in charge making the decisions to go after others or play the actual lead in the story... Not the prey every time, but perhaps the predator, without necessarily becoming a slut in the process... I hope what I'm saying is making sense...
Well said. For this exact reason. Most of my favorite games with female protagonist is actually the fews one where you can choose gender at the beginning of the game. (ex: Bad Memories, Heavy Five). In those game the female mc is treat equal and acting just like male mc. The story flow normally and feel natural instead of being tailor to a female mc.
No blackmail, corruption, harassment and stupid dialogue and mc behavior like you usually see in female mc exclusive games.
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Jun 24, 2020
The few games I have played that has FMC

- Fairy Fighting by Eluku
- Taimanin series by Lilith

Well.. you can already guess what I would love to do with those FMC...
If I am playing as MMC, then the opposite things will happen. My heroines will be the happiest heroines ever...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
The MC doesn't matter to me, as long as he or she is written reasonably well or the game is good.

People really need to learn to separate fiction from reality.
Right on. A lot of people seem to have a problem with that.