What do women actually look for in pornographic content?


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Game Developer
Dec 14, 2019
If you want more answers from women, you can check the "femporn" thread on 4chan, among other places. Lots of interesting insights in there. Additionally, some Japanese websites have figured out how big female-oriented porn is and made their own "for women" porn section on DLsite.

Lots of women are into gay/yaoi stuff, because these tend to show men and male anatomy in detail. In particular their faces and the romance or dynamic between the sexual participants.

I have mixed feelings about the idea of women preferring their porn with more "romance". While yes, women do like romance in their porn, I think what they seek even more is female pleasure.

Look at male-oriented porn: it usually focuses on male pleasure through (usually) dominating the woman with the woman pleasuring the man (or more precisely someone's cock you can self-insert in) by sucking him off and taking his dick in other holes. The woman may make pleasured faces and scream in pleasure, but ultimately little effort is spent on the male part to actually pleasure her. Whatever pleasure she gets is just a happy accident and no thanks to the man's actual effort to get HER off.

There comes the romance: for the man to actually want to pleasure his sexual partner, the first explanation that comes to mind is that he really, genuinely likes her. A man just seeking to get off would spend maybe 2 seconds fingering or licking her cunt before inserting his cock. A man in love would go above and beyond to pleasure his girl and hope it will convince her to stay with him, even in femporn rape stories.

Now to answer your question on what women want to see on the screen:
- the dude's face
- the dude making noises, being noticeable, basically more focus on him
- the dude taking the time to pleasure his partner (again, love is almost always the only explanation on why he would bother doing that)
- the dude's pleasure, by showing HIM enjoying it
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Jan 25, 2022
Women only watch porn to fantasize about what they'll do with their hubby.... Nothing more, nothing less.