What fetishes do you have that you have never seen in porn games?


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
- Evil Love Interest. For those among us who believe love can blossom in the darkness too. No, this isn't about reforming said evil person, not about leading her back to the light. Its about actually having a mutual love relationship with an otherwise evil person. A variant of this if the mc is a good one.
An evil love interest would be good. Maybe Bredita in Ataegina will be this, or Quinn in BaDIK (although I doubt it).

The closest thing to an evil love interest in any game I have seen is when Bastila turns to the darkside and if MC is also dark she becomes his lover/apprentice in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. That would be a fantastic plot for a star wars themed game. There is another girl in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords that is like that too, you even got to wrestle her in her underwear :love:
Father-daughter Incest (Romance & Taboo): Dating my Daughter is just about the only game to ever attempt this afaik. And F is still a douche. I thought Lewd Island was going this route but then it suddenly turned into a bog-standard mind-control and rape game.
Try Our Fate, the dad in the romance path is a good guy and Claire is great.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
The closest thing to an evil love interest in any game I have seen is when Bastila turns to the darkside and if MC is also dark she becomes his lover/apprentice in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. That would be a fantastic plot for a star wars themed game.
Nonsense. That would be a fantastic plot for every theme! This isn't something that theme dependant really. I wouldn't mind for sure. I have a particular thing for the woman being evil to begin with but turning one into evil (and not some psycho lunatic whackjob) works just as well. But the chance for this is even more slim, you know why? Because in most if not all games characters are totally one dimensional. Moral changes don't occur. If you meet someone who was labelled good or evil at first sight will turn out to be exactly that and remain that throughout the game. Very rarely you see a change in this unless the change is a plot-device itself and from there its either redemption or death.


Jan 20, 2019
Opps sorry i just copied the link without opening the page fucking wikipedia sorry now gonna edit and remove!

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
Corruption of many innocent/inexperienced girls.
It's kind of been done tons, but I've yet to see it done well.
I've decided that I want to try it myself, but I need help with the female aspect - the plan is to have a brother-sister team.
She is gay, he isn't; they set out to corrupt a whole group of abstinence nutjobs. She is purely a vaginatarian, never had cock, not the slightest interest in cock either. I don't think I've seen that done properly either; the female character always seems to 'try it, just once' .


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
honestly, i do not think that there is anything not covered yet. ^.^
Quite the opposite: I don't think there is much diversity among porn games these days. Sure, the content is more extreme in past days, but as far as different fetishes go, the variety is not so great. Most porn games indeed have more or less the same story line and the same scenes:

"Obnoxious wimpy teenager spies on this doting mother in the shower, gropes her in her sleep. She wakes up shocked, but fascinated about his horse-sized magic penis and gives him blowjob. He does the same to his nasty older and stupid younger sister. Then they try group sex maybe inviting his slutty aunt. If penis hypnosis doesn't work, he puts drugs in their food."

Usually they also use the same graphics and in most cases you wonder how genetics works in this world, because how in the nine hells can such a hot milf give birth to such a degenerate goblin of a son.

While there are some quite extreme taboos in porn games, there is no wide variety of fetishes. You might have noticed that many of the fetishes mentioned in this thread are quite harmless compared to what is the norm in porn games. Raping one's mother is certainly sicker and more twisted than a warrior queen trying light bdsm as a distraction from rulership and battle, consensual swinging and polyamory or many other fetishes noted here.


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
- Hijabi: I find it unfortunate that there is no game with hijabis. I think it would fit very well in a corruption game, much better than all these "landlady/roommate" mother/sister(s) clones.

- Werewolf: a game with a werewolf MC could be great; MC would have difficulties controlling himself after his transformations, etc.

- Futa/girls harem in a convent: I'd like to see a futa nun corrupting her "sisters".
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I never saw an incest game where the mother clearly prefers one son among the others, kinda like

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017

I enjoy the idea of turning a mother into my personal sex slave then using her to enslave her daughter's and keeping her husband in the dark.

Games lack(probley due to seer amount of possiblities) any real action and consiquence.
Nobody hears you raping the woman in the next room screaming for help.
Nobody talks about there dirty little brother pushing his hands down her shirt nor do the mothers punish them and get him to visit a psychatrist.
Nobody informs the cops there is a rapist on the lose.
And dont get me started about being blackmailed by nude picture's.

I enjoy manipulation and often get dispointed with how easy it is to get away with stuff.

Proper mind control.
90% of the mind control games are lacking in the control deparment.
You either turn them into sex starved sluts or turn there brains off and fuck them.
Where is the control?
Why cant i make them get a job to make me money.
Why cant i get them to clean the house.
Why cant i get them to act entirely normal execpt that now breakfest invole blowjobs?
Is it too much to ask for control in our mind control games?

Breeding/birth and raise.
Pregancy doesnt have the downside of alamony(aka paying to raise the kids)
No childeren are ever born.
Breeding woman and accauly having to raise the child would be a nice addition to preganacy(and cure you of wanting to breed every single woman you see very quickly).

The man behind the woman.
Using others to get what i want.
For example: Enslave a headmistress of an all female high school and use her to turn said school into a brothel/harem.
As men are not allowed on school grounds.
Or having a slave lure her best friend into an ambush to be enslaved.
Or having a sleeper agent that slowly corrupts the target for you.

Using slave's as more then sex toys.
Clean my room instead of my dick for a change.
Go and get a job.
Fuck your husband to sleep so i can fuck your daughter.
Do something more valueable then standing there waiting to be fucked.
Your a slave, not a doll.
Get to work!!!!

Breaking the mc.
Question: What do all mc lack?
Answer: Morals.
I want to play a game where the mc has morals that prevent him from doing evil stuff.
Then you as the player need to push him futher and futher into deprative.
For example: Your wife indulge's your hypno fetish: morals 95%.
You still wont fuck anyone other then your wife until you reach morals 70% but in order to get to 70% you need to push the mc into doing stuff it normaly woudnt like suggest to his wife while she is under that see really likes giving blowjobs(something she hate's).
Small subtle change's that make the mc more and more corrupt.

Power corrupts:
Likewise i really want to see/play a story where the mc start as an upright and lawfull person slowly getting more and more evil and selfish as he enjoys his new powers.
Not that the powers are corruptive but that the mc becomes more and more corrupt simply because he has power.
Most games wont even explore the idea of the mc slowly becoming more corrupt as he corrupts people into doing his bidding.

Rapist preperations:
A good story i once read on xnxx is about how a rapist spend time observing the family habbit to know the best time to break in and rape them.
It was on a wensday when they got back from soccer pratice.
I would like a sandbox game where the player needs to learn its hunting ground.
Learn when is the least risky time to get caught.
And what to do after raping?
You need to lay low until the cops turn you into a cold case sure but do you really want to let your victem live so she can discripe you?
Are you really that cruel that you would kill her or damager her so bad she cant discripe you to the police?
Will you be able to destroy evidence and remain unoticed as your rep as serrial rapist grows.
Meaby you prefeer to focus on breaking a single family to the point they wont report you to the police anymore.

In short:
I want to play games where you can play as manipulative pervert who uses people rather then just ow look more sex.

I recently played sold girl.
Nice little game but i got bored.
Kidnapping is as simple as pressing a buttion.
The girls are never rescued by the police despite whoring themselves out on the street.
No family ever comes looking for them and you never get the option to get the entire family.
It was a nice game but so limeted.

Manipulation is an undervalued art.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2018
I just wanna game where hot babes play electric guitar in the shower.

...oh, and a game where you play as a werewolf pretending to be a family pet, hiding from witch hunters, vampires and horny were-she-wolfs wanting to start a pack.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
Don't have such fetishes. All I have I've seen in the games. I'm too simple for this thread :)

But if I recall correctly I didn't see situation where lactating sister feeds her brother.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Casual pissing (Perversion... not humiliation): woman pisses and doesn't even act like she notices it. Incontinence without the shame aspect. Bonus: She wants to be seen pissing and takes pleasure in how perverse such an act is, made more perverse by how casual she is about it.
Not quite "unnoticed" but games by Crotch have a lot of public urination (and defecation) with basically no consequences. Exhibitionism is reasonably common in Japanese production but usually the pee only features in one or two scenes.

Pussy Tentacles (Perversion): woman has one or more long, prehensile tentacles safely hidden away inside her womb, with no outward evidence. Can use them to secretly fuck herself or to fuck other women. Bonus: tentacles aren't under her conscious control and randomly molest her and any pussies or cocks that get too close to her slit.

Lewd Parasites (Preversion... not BDSM): Again, it's been done... but it's very rare. And most of the games that do it are really mind control games (BDSM). I want one where the infested woman is in control and loves it.
Parasite Infection is basically This: The Game. As of v3.1 or so staying in control was reasonably possible and the mind control was limited to generic horniness and an annoying audio loop.

Pointless Clothing (Perversion): Clothing that does not cover the naughty bits. String-only microkinis. Mesh/net body stockings. Thigh-high sweater socks and a sweater cut so it only covers the shoulders and arms. Crotchless and breastless/nipless armor. Yeah, it exists (girl life, for example), but it's still pretty rare and is usually glossed over.

Living armor/clothing (Perversion... not BDSM): It's been done, but it's super rare. Armor that molests it's wearer is mega hot. Marvel's symbiotes on a female makes for some interesting ideas. And the symbiote has the perfect hiding place too. Bonus: paired with mental corruption and pervese physical transformations... I would be in danger of fapping to death.
Cursed Armor and quite a few other RPGM-based games with tentacle content. Pointless Clothing inevitably comes up if the game has more than 2 "tiers" of outfits or over half a dozen non-cosplay sets. As you say usually glossed over except for maybe a lewdness stat gate or counting as "naked" for NPC conversations.


Jan 28, 2018
no homo. but ive seen so far only one game where we as mc can ( well, we cant tbh. at least not rn because game is still in development) fuck our sissy brother
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I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
Lewd Parasites (Preversion... not BDSM): Again, it's been done... but it's very rare. And most of the games that do it are really mind control games (BDSM). I want one where the infested woman is in control and loves it.
I remember seeing an anime with that, wasn't it Etsuraku no Tane?