What makes/breaks a game for you?


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
You know, it's amazing what you can learn when you actually read the posts in a forum.
It's also amazing how little you can learn from reading.
The ntr part is just hate/meh/like question tied to the way people immerse themselves in games. I am more an observer so it's never going to matter while I speculate it would matter to someone who self-inserts in games with naming and all.

The female mc part you claim theres women who are like you, ok, majority are still guys who enjoy playing as girls. It seems flimsy that the world building aspect with proper names is replaced with "I kinda like this particular name" but you are you.

I didn't think you'd find personality traits part disagreeable. They exist, some people are hard workers, some are creative, some are object focused some are people focused etc. Why do you think you're a game dev who happens to also like naming his characters while I'm not? Our brains are different so our interests are different. I didn't tell you how to be a good writer or what you'd enjoy or accuse you of anything. The option of naming characters is simply an indication of poor game in my experience.

The "I'll tear the characters apart" part is not relevant.

On the tldr you seem to mix what you like as the way it should be rather than a personal preference. My preference is preset characters with names that make sense in that context and when I open up a game with very railroad story thats what I expect, a story.
There is also aspects like artistic vision where wanting to name a character is like saying you know how to make a better product than the dev. If the dev thinks you can make a better game than them then it's not very promising is it? I don't want to play a game where the dev has some inferiority complex and thinks I know better than them when I'm a pleb.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
The option of naming characters is simply an indication of poor game in my experience.
Again you can't say that unless you've played it. If the game is amazing with the caveat that you got to name the character then your opinion is objectively false.

The "I'll tear the characters apart" part is not relevant.
It was relevant to the discussion of character traits. It shows my dedication to my mantra of Character Depth Matters, meaning that when I see a character who on the face is just an archetype, I am immediately sceptical. As the the game progressed however, and that blank slate of an archetype was fleshed out to create a deep and interesting character, my initial deconstruction of the archetype is replaced with respect for the characterisation.

On the tldr you seem to mix what you like as the way it should be rather than a personal preference. My preference is preset characters with names that make sense in that context and when I open up a game with very railroad story thats what I expect, a story.
Yes, and what I've been trying to show you is that it's an opinion based on a poorly built preconception about how important a name has to be to a story. Harry Potter has a very generic name when compared to many of the myriad characters in the series, why could that be? Well, simply put, Harry is our everyman in the story. An everyman is supposed to be the character we plug ourselves into. As a result, you generally name your everyman something simple, like John Carter, or Harry Potter, or Luke Skywalker. These character's have simple relatable names because they are meant to be relatable. The MC in a game is also meant to be relatable, and what easier way to make him relate to you than to allow you to name him after you?

There is also aspects like artistic vision where wanting to name a character is like saying you know how to make a better product than the dev.
Yes, I gave 3 personal examples of characters who's names mattered to artistic vision, Alexander, Alexis, and Evelyn from games I'm developing cannot be renamed as you see fit, because their names fit my artistic vision. However, if I ever were to write a story where the MC wasn't an allegory for Eve or a twin with twin naming conventions, I might consider giving the players the choice on how to name them.

If the dev thinks you can make a better game than them then it's not very promising is it? I don't want to play a game where the dev has some inferiority complex and thinks I know better than them when I'm a pleb.
And here, you're simply wrong, and what's sad is that you've acknowledged the reason given for naming above in your post, being about creating a self insert, about empathising with the character. Yet still you cling to this flawed outlook that shows your lack of understanding and vision to be your problem. A game, like Depraved Awakening, which allows you to name your character isn't worse off for it. It may or may not be better for it, depending on how much you empathise, but in the end, if you're incapable of empathising and don't have any imagination, name him John. I guarantee it won't make the game worse for it. And that's the crux here. The convention of naming the character isn't an indication of the game's overall quality. And if the game is overall a quality regardless of whether or not you allow yourself to immerse fully into the game, having named the character isn't going to suddenly make the game worse, unless you're being intentionally silly and naming them assface.


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
if you're incapable of empathising and don't have any imagination, name him John. .
Another point is that it's always possible for the dev to put a default name in there and the option to change it. That's sound game design, if they don't give a default name and mandate you name it kinda tells they don't care or don't want to put in the effort.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Another point is that it's always possible for the dev to put a default name in there and the option to change it. That's sound game design, if they don't give a default name and mandate you name it kinda tells they don't care or don't want to put in the effort.
Assumption based on your preconceptions yet again. Many developers are new to this, they might not be the best coder, and so they simply know how to code in a text box for you to name them, but didn't think to add an else statement to name them a default mane. It's not laziness, it's inexperience, and inexperience doesn't mean a game's story will be bad. However, almost all of the games I have played do have default names that you receive if you simply leave the box blank. So again, this is a problem with you not giving things a chance and then talking about them as if you know better.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017

Episode ONe of Retrieving The Past game i am creating is just that for now, a VN as my coding sux. I am not going to get a coder as this is something i need to do myself. Episode Two i will be mixing it up and bring in some element of information gathering and maybe even have the player name a character themselves. As it stand it's so much work one must do, so learning a programming language now is last on my mind.
As Lord DarthSeduction Vader said... it's not laziness, it's inexperience.

Assumption based on your preconceptions yet again. Many developers are new to this, they might not be the best coder, and so they simply know how to code in a text box for you to name them, but didn't think to add an else statement to name them a default mane. It's not laziness, it's inexperience, and inexperience doesn't mean a game's story will be bad. However, almost all of the games I have played do have default names that you receive if you simply leave the box blank. So again, this is a problem with you not giving things a chance and then talking about them as if you know better.


If you asked this question a half year ago i would say "Only NTR ruins a game for me" .

But in the past 6 months there has been an huge increase in new developers who think that they can create a game based on 1 idea... But have no skill in designing, coding, writing and are only interested in a paycheck.
But after 2 updates realize that they have 0% talent for this line of work and stop working on it.
So many 0.01 games these days that will not progress after 0.02 or 0.03.

To many games who have the same story/characters because most of the devs out here don't have any creativity of their own... Or just don't want to make the investment($$) in some better things. (Or better said, the lazy ones)

Don't get me wrong... There are a lot of good Devs on this forum, but at this point they are getting buried in the rubble of the crappy ones.

And then of course you have the succesful devs who have turned moneygrabber/Milker.

Patreon has been a huge positive thing for the last couple years(until a half year ago when they started their shit).
But at this point it has become to easy to make money with a simple demo or something.
There are to little consequences for Devs who Milk their Patreons or even just use them.

But back on track.
The reason that all is ruining games for me is because at this point it's like playing Uncharted...and then 4 different versions of Unearthed after that....So many games that are the same.

But more important for me is the re-using of characters..
I am a 100% Roleplayer, so when i play (let's say Big Brother) and have a story with the family for 20+ hours those characters are those characters for me.
But when i play a couple games after that that have the same characters, well.... There is 0% chance that i can get into that game because it just doesn't feel right..

So in short.
-Lazy/Milking devs.

That ruins a game for me :p


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Lesbians (MFF threesomes DON'T count)

Things I like:
character customisation
women with curves
BDSM, domination
powerful female protagonists
lingerie and high heels
fantasy, science-fiction or cyberpunk settings
first time lesbian encounters of MILFs who considered themselves straight up to now
roleplaying elements
video game and comic parodies, but only if done really well

Things I don't like:
male characters in the sex scenes
stupid, shallow characters with trivial interests only
women looking like annorexic models
complete lack of story
too many bugs (I'm fine with the occassional error message, but they come a problem, when error messages outweigh game scenes)

Complete NO-GOs:
Shota/loli or otherwise child-like looking characters in sex scenes

To me the question wether a porn game has the fetishes I like is by far more important, than wether it's objectively a good game. So, e.g. if a game is about a milf's first encounter with a lesbian dominatrix, I'll forgive a LOT of technical problems. On the other hand no artistic and technical perfection can make a dad-daughter game attractive to me.


Feb 20, 2018
What makes a game for me is mostly a good story. I don't mind grinding a bit but not a lot when there's no progress (esp in communication between player and npc). Good graphics/models is also a big plus for me. Slowly corrupting a sister/mother/aunt/niece or whatever is usually a good game. Variety of characters is also a huge plus. Would love to see a bit more ethnicities in games instead of mostly the white caucasians we have now

What breaks a game for me is the over using of models, I mean I come across the same models in multiple games which makes it not really original for me. Also the oversized asses, boobs and dicks doesn't do it for me. I like a bit more realism (and yeah I know it's not meant to be real but still, a game full of characters with huge asses just doesn't do it for me)


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
Complete NO-GOs:
Shota/loli or otherwise child-like looking characters in sex scenes
Why? Usually shota scenes have adult women you can fap to or the lolis are more like small adults rather than have child like proportions and with anime artstyle they don't look human at all.


May 5, 2017
I mean, honestly I don't even mind if I personally don't like the game in particular. Just as long as they stick with it will get them massive props for me.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Trust me there are some really lazy developed games on here, where the story may be interesting but the art work, graphics/ images are low quality. Laziness is no excuse.

I mean, honestly I don't even mind if I personally don't like the game in particular. Just as long as they stick with it will get them massive props for me.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
I personally love yuri, so a good lesbian game is going to get me interested. I also prefer games with female protagonists and RPGs or side scrollers,

I find VNs kind of boring a lot of the time, even if it caters to me, so I prefer it when the game I'm playing has some fun gameplay to go along with it.
Unlike some people, I don't play these games to masturbate. I play them to have fun and the sex scenes are just a bonus on the side, so if a game has weak gameplay, then I'm probably not going to pick it up very often.

I also have a dislike of some of the fetishes displayed in some game; Guro, scat, NTR, Futa. I don't like any of them and seeing a game with those as listed content makes me a lot less likely to pick up the game.

3DCG's I also dislike, I find too often they appear to stiff or un-natural looking and they're just not very pleasant to look at, so I'd take 2DCG wherever possible.


Jul 1, 2017
Absolute No Goes for me are NTR, RAPE, Bestiality and Futa. If these tags are on comics or games, I do not believe it at all.

NTR: I do not play games to see other men fucking my wife. If that happened in real life, I would shoot the idiot in the face! The Tyrant is ok for me but only with NTR off button. But in general is a matter of taste.

Rape: Everything to Blackmail is a red cloth to me. I mean who is on something has not experienced a really really willing woman who cheers at every touch with lust. What can be nice about being humiliated and hurting both corporeal and emotional. If it is the right rapist, it is not a matter of taste for me but rather sick and it should be forbidden.

Bestiality: For this I miss the words that absolutely sick for me ......

Futa: Generally a taste I'm not on it. What is it man or woman?

There are many other tags such as gay, incest, Furry, F / M MC, I do not go into because I think they are simply tags that are based on the individual sexual preferences and in my eyes are not too extreme and they are with it in general taste.

Edit: Oh yes, I have completely forgotten Shota / Loli: in child pornography with me any fun just stops and there is not to discuss!
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Absolute No Goes for me are NTR, RAPE, Bestiality and Futa. If these tags are on comics or games, I do not believe it at all.

NTR: I do not play games to see other men fucking my wife. If that happened in real life, I would shoot the idiot in the face! The Tyrant is ok for me but only with NTR off button. But in general is a matter of taste.

Rape: Everything to Blackmail is a red cloth to me. I mean who is on something has not experienced a really really willing woman who cheers at every touch with lust. What can be nice about being humiliated and hurting both corporeal and emotional. If it is the right rapist, it is not a matter of taste for me but rather sick and it should be forbidden.

Bestiality: For this I miss the words that absolutely sick for me ......

Futa: Generally a taste I'm not on it. What is it man or woman?
It's a woman. Tits, feminine personality, vagina (futa != trans).

That said, it's ok to not be into it. Not all of us have a wide sexuality. That said, since this means you haven't played Coceter Chronicles, I really suggest you give it a try. The Futa content can be disabled in the menu and the bestiality has been removed, thanks to patreon.


Jul 1, 2017
It's a woman. Tits, feminine personality, vagina (futa != trans).

That said, it's ok to not be into it. Not all of us have a wide sexuality. That said, since this means you haven't played Coceter Chronicles, I really suggest you give it a try. The Futa content can be disabled in the menu and the bestiality has been removed, thanks to patreon.
Yes, but you already know that in real Futa in the penis is a vagina. I do not mean transgender that is in my eyes an individual sexual taste. I do not know maybe I'm missing the fantasy here but somehow that's too weird for me.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Yes, but you already know that in real Futa in the penis is a vagina. I do not mean transgender that is in my eyes an individual sexual taste. I do not know maybe I'm missing the fantasy here but somehow that's too weird for me.
I acknowledge it is weird, being Pan it doesn't bother me. In my experience though, guys who like traps usually like Futa too, except for @GDS but he's a special case of strange.

Dr PinkCake

Trust me there are some really lazy developed games on here, where the story may be interesting but the art work, graphics/ images are low quality. Laziness is no excuse.
So much this. Honestly, for me devs can take all the time needed to develop the game as long as it is done with love and passion. Sure it sucks to wait for new updates but knowing it will be worth it makes it worthwhile.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
So much this. Honestly, for me devs can take all the time needed to develop the game as long as it is done with love and passion. Sure it sucks to wait for new updates but knowing it will be worth it makes it worthwhile.
Sadly with most of us being indie and working with low quality hardware, there are limits to what we can reasonably do and still run a successful patreon